The Thirteenth Chakra, Divine Heart Space/ Star Tetrahedron Heart Centre, is the chakra of Co-Creative Divine Consciousness, the acceptance of the Divine within, Unconditional Love & compassion for self & others. When we awaken this centre, wellness is potentially an integral part of our path. Life takes on meaning & fulfillment & we experience the joy of Love, which pours forth from this chakra. When fully activated this centre becomes one Unified Chakra. This is important because a unified chakra allows you then to align your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies, & to harmonize their energy. Working with the unified chakra you unify the higher and lower chakras into one so that they all function in accordance with the frequency of unconditional love-based energy flowing through this Divine-Heart centre. With this class we attune with the Divine Heart Space Meditation.
This is an effective mediation that will certainly have truly positive results in your life. A meditation of this type helps us to enter the Divine Heart Space, the place where the energies of the higher and lower chakras are harmonized, where polarities are balanced. You will be guided to the Divine Heart Space, but what happens there is very individual for it is more of a shamanic journey. It will bring something different to you each time you practice it.
Through the Energetic Field of Genesis Gateway the Archangel associated with this chakra is Archangel Cassiel. He brings with him the gift of "Unconditional Love", which resides within the 13th Chakra.