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Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010


Mantras are power-packed formulas, usually of Sanskrit origin, which are imbedded with deep meaning of magical potency. They may be written, visualized, sung, or spoken. Mantras are energy based sounds that vibrate through the body. The work mantra literally means, “Mind Deliverance”. It is a pure sound vibration which delivers the mind form its frustration. Chanting is the process of repeating a mantra over and over to touch the deepest level of the self.

A good example of this is the simple mantra of OM. Pull in a deep breath of air; as you release it say the oooooooooooooooo until the air is about ¾ expelled, then say the mmmmmm.

The purpose of mantra is to refresh the self through a type of rebirth of self. Mantras are a very powerful way to reduce negative energies and effects. They will help focus your mind when it is scattered. By chanting mantras, you are able to produce a spiritual effect, through the physical sensation of vibration the chant produces. When the mantra is chanted the effect is felt vibrating through the body. Chanting mantras is also used to bring the intent of the mantra into physical reality.

Mantras start a powerful vibration which corresponds to both a specific spiritual energy frequency and a state of consciousness. Over time the mantra process begins to overpower lesser vibrations, which eventually become absorbed by the mantra. After a length of time, which varies with each individual, the wave of the mantra stills all other vibrations. In other words, the mantra absorbs and transmutes energies that are not for your higher good, vibrations of lower resonates, and transforms these energies into higher frequencies of positive intent.

How to Chant

There are no hard-and-fast rules for chanting. Chanting is a mantra meditation and can be done anywhere at any time. There are two basic types of chanting. Personal meditation, where one chants alone on beads, is called japa. The beads help keep track of the repetitions of the chant if you are inclined to count as some Kirtans require. String beads of your liking to the number that you need, when you get to the end you are done.  When one chants in responsive fashion with others, this is called kirtana. Kirtana is usually accompanied by musical instruments and clapping. Both forms of chanting are beneficial.

To meditate and chant with japa beads, hold them in your right hand. Hold the first bead with your thumb and middle finger and chant the complete mantra. Then go to the next bead, holding it with the same two fingers, again chanting the entire mantra. Then go on to the next bead and then the next, continuing in this way until you have chanted on all beads (usually 108). Chanting on beads is especially helpful, for it engages the sense of touch in the meditative process and helps you concentrate even more on the sound of the mantra.

The most popular mantras is
Om Mani Padme Hum
Pronounced: Ohm - Ma Nee - Pod May - Hum

This chant brings you joy & peaceful vibrations.


Hail the jewel in the lotus


It is important to know the meaning of the  mantra Om mani padme hum, for the meaning of the six syllables is great and vast. The first, Om (AUM) is composed of three letters, A, U, and M. These symbolize the practitioner's impure body, speech, and mind; they also symbolize the pure exalted body, speech, and mind of a Buddha or the practitioner.

Can impure body, speech, and mind be transformed into pure body, speech, and mind, or are they entirely separate? The development of pure body, speech, and mind comes from gradually leaving the impure states of an ego driven mind and transforming one’s self through compassion and love.  

How is this done? The path is indicated by the next four syllables. Mani, meaning jewel, symbolizes the factors of method-the altruistic intention to become enlightened, compassion, and love. Just as a jewel is capable of removing poverty, so the altruistic mind of enlightenment is capable of removing the poverty, or difficulties, of cyclic existence and of solitary peace. Similarly, just as a jewel fulfills the wishes of sentient beings, so the altruistic intention to become enlightened fulfills the wishes of sentient beings.

The two syllables, padme, meaning lotus, symbolize wisdom. Just as a lotus grows forth from mud but is not sullied by the faults of mud, so wisdom is capable of putting you in a situation of non-contradiction whereas there would be contradiction if you did not have wisdom. There is wisdom realizing impermanence, wisdom realizing that persons are empty, of being self-sufficient or substantially existent, wisdom that realizes the emptiness of duality-that is to say, of difference of entity between subject an object-and wisdom that realizes the emptiness of inherent existence. Though there are many different types of wisdom, the main of all these is the wisdom realizing emptiness. If by now you have not mastered Polarity Duality and have seated your mirrored self within, then you will go no further. The same applies to the Ego. If you have not let go of self importance, thinking you are better or more deserving then others, you will stayed anchored where you are in your journey of ascension.

Purity must be achieved by an indivisible unity of method and wisdom, symbolized by the final syllable hum, which indicates indivisibility. According to the sutra system, this indivisibility of method and wisdom refers to wisdom affected by method and method affected by wisdom. In the mantra, or tantric, vehicle, it refers to one consciousness in which there is the full form of both wisdom and method as one undifferentiable entity. In terms of the seed syllables of the five Conqueror Buddhas, hum is the seed syllable of Akshobhya - the immovable, the unfluctuating, that which cannot be disturbed by anything.

The six syllables, om mani padme hum, mean you can transform your impure body, speech, and mind into the pure exalted body, speech, and mind of a Buddha

Om Mani Pedme Hum is the most common mantra in Tibet, recited by Buddhists, painted or carved on rocks, prayer wheels, or yak skulls. Tibetan people believe this mantra may relieve negative karma, accumulate merit, help rescue them from the sea of suffering and achieve Buddhahood. Speaking the mantra loud or silently, spinning prayer wheels with the mantra, and carving mantra into stones are the usual practices.


Om Mani Padme Hum
Pronounced: Ohm - Ma Nee - Pod May - Hum
This chant brings you joy & peaceful vibrations.

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