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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Genesis Gateway Integration
Crystal Light Table

Genesis Gateway Integration Crystal Light Table is designed to connect one with the Etheric realm through the opening of the pineal gland and balancing of the body's energy meridians, or chakras. This takes one out of left-brained materialism, allowing one to let go of fear and emptiness, opening a portal or connection to healing, spiritual growth, and redefining who we are. 

Genesis gateway Integration is where time as we know it collapses and where new time or existence begins. This is the point in time and space that one re-script the reality that is experienced. This point sits in the center of our universe, it is the Universal Zero-Point or Genesis. This partical field contains the right mix of matter and free energy (zero-point particles) to support the condensation of the higher levels of order associated with the origin and evolution of life. All matter, energy and time continuously cycles back to the center of the galaxy for rebirth. This is the energy that is tapped into for Genesis Gateway Integration Session or Attunement. This is where you recreate your existence, who you are, how you live and so on...

Our handmade Crystal Light Array is made to the highest standard for use in energy healing and represents the latest technology Chakra Healing. The Crystal Light Array consists of seven hand-carved precision Volgel cut crystals. Each of the Quartz Crystals has been cut to specific frequency, a technique developed by the late Marcel Vogel. The crystals are suspended on individual arms from a stand above the therapy bed. These crystals are then aligned over the major chakras and pulsating colored light is shone through them. 

As the color relating to each chakra is transmitted through the crystal, the chakra is cleansed, energized, and brought into balance with all the other chakras. This allows the other aspects of our self, whether mental, emotional or physical to be brought into balance as well. The effect is a feeling of deep-peach and calm which allows the energy body to align and balance itself. Through a session you can experience the beauty and light of who you truly are. The experience is truly extraordinary and transforming. 

Clients have reported: 

  • Feeling more energized
  • Feeling a deep relaxation
  • Feeling more at peace with themselves
  • Feeling less stressed and an increased sense of overall well being
  • A deeper spiritual understanding of themselves, and their life situations etc.
  • Gaining insights into their future life path
  • Gaining insights of the cause of disease states
  • Receiving guidance as to how to best deal with their disease or problems.

Genesis Gateway Crystal Light Table/Bed is perfect for balancing your mind, body, soul & spirit. By uniquely incorporating Light, Sound, Color, Crystals, Mandala Energy, Pyramid Energy and Aroma Therapies, your experience will be out of this world. This is one of the most, complete therapeutic experiences offered on our planet today due to the benevolent energies and entities that work in and through the combined various healing modalities.

A beautiful Mandala made from a variety of semi-precious gem stones has been embedded into the bed, allowing the client to become part of the Mandala which brings one in direct contact with Source Energy. Simply stated, a Mandala is a sacred geometric figure that represents the universe. When completed, a Mandala becomes a sacred area that serves as a receptacle for deities and a collection point of universal forces. By mentally entering a Mandala and proceeding to its center, a person is symbolically guided through the cosmos to the essence of reality. With the Genesis Gateway Crystal Light Array Healing Table one is laying within the Mandala becoming one with it. 

Several layers of memory foam wrap the bed. The therapy bed is draped in white linen. This is in order to keep the Session or Attunement as pure as possible. White carries the vibration of all that is just as it contains the full color spectrum (seen only under electron microscope). This keeps the vibration within the vibrational color band of “All” for ultimate benefit to the client. We then mist the therapy bed with the natural essential oil blend, “Light of God”.

Genesis Gateway Crystal Light Table also encompasses the energy spectrum of the Sacred Pyramid. A copper pyramid, built with very specific specification is positioned under the Attunement Table. Various types of crystals have been placed within the copper rods of the pyramid within the constructs of sacred geometry. This pyramid focuses the natural electromagnetic field of the Earth towards your pineal gland which in turn increases the connection with the Etheric or Spiritual world. The pyramid acts as an acceleration field. The energy source of the Genesis Gateway Attunement Pyramid is similar if not the same one the Ancient Egyptians used and built the great pyramids of Giza for.

Genesis Gateway Crystal Light Table is perfect for balancing your mind, body, soul & spirit. By uniquely incorporating Light, Sound, Color, Crystals, Mandala Energy, and Pyramid Energy your experience will be out of this world. This is one of the most, complete therapeutic experiences offered on our planet today due to the benevolent energies and entities that work in and through the combined various healing modalities.

Crystal Light Table Session

Genesis Gateway Integration Crystal Light Table Array focuses energies from the Spiritual Realm to the client. Seven Crystal Lights are focused at the seven Chakras. The client lies comfortably on their back upon the Therapy Table/Bed with their eyes covered while meditation music is played. Each of the 7 crystal lights are then adjusted specific to the client. A trained Meditation Guide assists connecting the client with Genesis Gateway Integration opening up the opportunity for you to create a new reality. The Guide connects with the energy of Genesis Gateway as well, directing it around and through the client. 


Crystal Bed Healing is non-invasive and has no contra-indications. However, please note that this is not a medical treatment and in no way should replace any medications or treatment being prescribed from a medical doctor.

As with many of the Subtle Energy Healing Therapies, the FDA states no claims can be made that any disease states can be cured. However, there are many, many reports of personal healings occurring daily throughout the world with medical validation.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions