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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

The Thirteenth Chakra: Divine Heart Space/ Star Tetrahedron Heart Centre: is situated half way between the Throat & Heart Chakras, over the Thymus, this is the chakra of Co-Creative Divine Consciousness, the acceptance of the Divine within, Unconditional Love & compassion for self & others. When we awaken this centre, wellness is potentially an integral part of our path. Life takes on meaning & fulfillment & we experience the joy of Love, which pours forth from this chakra.

When fully activated this centre becomes one Unified Chakra. This is important because a unified chakra allows you then to align your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies, & to harmonize their energy. Working with the unified chakra you unify the higher and lower chakras into one so that they all function in accordance with the frequency of unconditional love-based energy flowing through this Divine-Heart centre.

The Thymus gland controls the immune system & our rate of ageing. It is fully functional when the physical body (glands & organs) utilizes the thymus-governing imprint. The thymus naturally gets smaller as we age. By tapping the thymus daily you keep it activated. It is said that certain initiations also keep the thymus activated & that you will stop ageing after the initiation. Reiki is one such initiation, particularly after Level II.

When Divine flow is more direct & powerful, we may move consistently through life in tune with the Intention of Spirit. Then as male (thoughts) & female (emotions) are no longer antagonistic, proper hormone balance will begin to be established. Color: depends on the soul's purpose; Note: F#

Holding Space and Divine Flow

When you hold space for you to be, then you can relax in who and what you truly are. You now begin to sense, feel and know your true divine wisdom, essence, and love. Your true self can let go of what it “Should Be”. It can let go of what is “Supposed to Happen”. Self can let go and be in the space that you have created.

Holding space is about opening to what is.

·         You do not need to go deep

·         You do not need to struggle or analyze

·         You do not need to control

·         You do not need to stop, fix, or cure.

When you are holding space, you simply let go and flow. Holding space is about honoring what is.

·         When you hold space, you begin to see the wisdom of each project, each path, and each way of being; even those creations that are uncomfortable

·         When you hold space, you accept that each being is its own being

·         When you hold space, you learn to open to it all

·         When you hold space, you learn to let it all go

·         When you hold space, you experience what it means to truly be

You are able to hold space for others when you are comfortable holding space for yourself. When holding space, take the time to access and be your true divine wisdom, essence, and love. From within the space of your wisdom and love, you are the space for others to be in their wisdom and love. Your heart is where you find your courage, your grace, and your compassion. For divine support, open to your divine heart.

When you open to your heart and expand into your divine heart, you open to your divine love. You then open to unconditional love. From the space of pure unconditional love, you can be open to all energies effortlessly and you can let all energies flow effortlessly. In your state of divine unconditional being, you can now fully experience the love that is everywhere and you know that all is well.


Take a moment and be with yourself. Create a quiet, calm, and peaceful place inside and tune into it. Sense, feel, and know your true self. If you are having trouble with this, go back to the homework from the 3rd Dimensional Chakra System.  Now hold the space for your true self to be. If emotions bubble up, let them flow, if there are questions let them come up, if there is nothing sit in the nothingness. If your mind needs to focus, then ponder these questions:

·         Can you hold space for your true self to be?

·         Is there any situation where you feel you do not have the space to truly be you?

·         Are you willing to learn to hold space for your true self to be in those situations?

·         Are you able to hold space for others to truly be?

·         Is there a situation where you feel you are not able to hold space for another to truly be?

·         Are you willing to learn to hold space for others to be in those situations?

·         Can you hold space for another to hold space for their true self to be?

Keep a journal of any information you get from these sessions with your true self.


Holding Space For Love To Flow

Holding space is about opening to your divine essence and creating a space where all aspects of being are honored and respected for being who and what they are, just exactly as they are. When you hold space for love to flow then you begin to notice how the love is flowing through your being. Your love is always flowing through your being. As you open to your flow of love , you can sense the direction of your love’s flow. You can sense the intent with which you are sending or radiating love. You can sense aspects or blocks that are held within your energy fields that are not in alignment with your flow such as patterns of interference, outdated concepts, old constructs, primal control systems, fear-based resistances, and other dynamics. Becoming aware of your love as it is flowing takes you to the n ext level of divine being. Remember, holding space is about being you.


Freedom to Choose

How many times have you tried to access your heart, open to divine clarity, express your creativity, and something has gotten in the way?

·         Maybe there is effort or struggle

·         Maybe there is fear or anxiety

·         Maybe there is fatigue or exhaustion

·         Maybe there is resistance or fight

Whatever is getting in the way, you have the freedom to choose. The key to this lesson is for you to understand and become comfortable with choosing your true heart path, even when powerful energies inside and outside try to block you, cloud your clarity, fight, or create resistance. Magic happens when you make the choice to express your wisdom and love. It is powerful to say out loud “I choose to express my wisdom and love right now”. Miracles happen when you follow your expression of choice with the actual expression of your wisdom and love. In other words put it in action. Take a moment and open, sink into your divine wisdom and heart love and express what is truly in your heart. Choice is very important; the choices we make shape our human experience.



Dealing with Reaction

As multidimensional beings, we hold different energies within us. We have mental, emotional, and physical patterns that are used to operating in very specific ways. Many of these patterns have never been exposed to true love or pure divine wisdom. These energy dynamics are used to fighting and struggling just to keep alive. They are not used to light and often get triggered when we open and awaken. This reaction can be quite intense.

·         It is important to respect the energies that get triggered

·         In the face of opposition energies, we can still choose to be our truth

·         It is important to own our love, express our wisdom, and shine our light

·         This is especially valuable when in the presence of energies that react


Holding Space and Differentiating

The magic of holding space is that you hold space for your heart wisdom and love to flow, and you hold space for any reaction to be. As you hold space, you differentiate yourself from the reaction. When differentiated, you are clear. You now clearly access your truth, love, and compassion. You can express clearly now the love and wisdom that you are.


Listening From Your Heart

Many times your reaction patterns or the reaction energies around you need to be heard. In these cases you can hold space for these energies to really express. All you have to do is listen from your heart. If you need to, you can always ask the reacting energy questions. You can go right to the source and ask what the emotion behind the reaction is. You can ask what belief is creating the emotion. Ask your angels and guides to support you with this. Be open to the answers.

Most reaction energies heal and transform when they get a chance to express and be heard. Powerful changes happen instantly when underlying emotion and belief are expressed and you share your wisdom and love with compassion. When you take the time to listen to internal and external energies from the heart, and you hold space for the reaction energies to heal, you are rewarded with divine flow and experience magic, miracles, and manifestation without resistance, struggle or effort.




From the ego perspective of life we want a sense of control. We like feeling in charge of our lives. It is very scary to think what we do not have any good choices to make, or that we do not have any choice at all. These situations lead to many emotional and mental discomforts.

When we realize that we are more than the game and we are more than our experiences, we begin to see that we are okay. When we see that:

·         We are divine beings having a human experience

·         No matter what choices we make, we are still divine beings

·         The choices we make and the events unfolding in our life do shape our reality, but we are more than these events

·         We are more than our experiences

·         We are more than our created reality

·         We are divine beings

·         We are okay

·         Ultimately all outcomes are okay

·         All our paths lead to love

Most of us want love. Most of our fears exist around not getting love or losing the love and loved ones that we have. True unconditional love shows us that love is everywhere. No matter what choices we make, no matter what happens to our loved ones or us, love is everywhere.

Love is within us, around us. We are beings of love, wisdom, and light and with that said, beings of love, wisdom, and light are all around us. We always have the choice to express our love, wisdom and light. We always have the choice to open to and receive the love, wisdom, and light that is all around us. No matter what happens, we always have the choice to open to, experience, be and express our love, wisdom, and light.

Our Egos out of a sense of control will keep us stuck in Loops that keeps us from this. The need to be right whether we are or not out ways any other outcome or experience. If we give up the Ego based patterns in our lives and see we have created a false truth that has created a false reality, then who are we? This fear keeps us adhered to the Ego based behavior and the loop spins on.


Divine Timing

As we learn to let go of our old ways and we begin the healing transition into the new expanded ways of being and doing, we often wonder when things are going to get better. We often wonder when we will see new results. We often ask when, the miracles, magic, and manifesting are going to begin.

As we open, awaken, and expand into the new way, we begin to see, sense, and know that these realities follow divine timing. We also become aware of the larger picture of how things come together to manifest the divine plan that is unfolding within us and around us. The key to this lesion is to learn how to open to divine timing and learn how to work within the divine plan that is unfolding.

Beyond Expectation

We are used to seeing and sensing reality from specific filters, constructs, rules, and roles. When we let go of our old ways of seeing and sensing we move into a reality that is beyond all expectation.


A Time of Fear

It is often scary to open to this new way. We still have aspects of our being that want to be in control. It often takes courage and grace to let go of the old way and truly open to the new way. After we open to the new way, we often wonder what we should do. Fear comes up when we are unsure how to chart our path in the new way without the old familiar rules and roles. The beauty of the new way is that there are no “should”. We must stop Shoulding all over ourselves. Set yourself free from this concept. If you are acting or reacting according to what you feel you “Should” then you are not working from your divine heart space and from the core of your true self belief system. You are not being genuine.


Divine Affinity

We are expanding into a new way that is based on divine reality. WE do not have to be in control in this expanded reality. We are guided by something beyond the created rules and roles, beyond what is familiar to us. We are guided by wisdom and love. The key to embracing the new way is to enter into a reality where we connect and interact through our divine wisdom and love. We now interact through pure divine affinity. Wisdom and love take into account everything that we have learned and experienced up to this point. Nothing is wasted and there are no mistakes. As we open to our divine affinity connections, we are guided by wisdom and love to be in the highest and best place, every second of our lives.

The Learning Curve

In the beginning stages of awakening, we may feel lost. We are not sure what to expect. When we let go of old ways and we go into a new way of being that is totally unknown and unfamiliar there is a learning curve. It takes a while to learn how to sense, feel and trust our wisdom and love. It takes a while to truly embrace our divine affinity connections. We do learn, and get familiar with a new way of creating from our wisdom and love. The new way soon becomes the known. We become confident in working within our divine affinity connections.


Divine Timing and Affinity

Divine timing is based on pure affinity connections. As we open, awaken, and expand, beyond the power and control matrix, we experience the power of affinity connections, the synchronicity of affinity connections, and the magic of affinity connections that are beyond our conscious ability to manage and control.  For example, falling in love is heart centered and passed on pure divine affinity. When it happens, it is pure divine magic. Imagine living life where all your connections are a magical as falling in love. Imagine living life where all your connections and interactions are from pure divine affinity.

The wisdom of the universe guides us exactly this way. Our natural state within the divine flow is to dance, play and love, all the time, all over the place, with every living being. This is divine love. This is unconditional love. This is the joy of being alive.

All we have to do is open our awareness to our pure divine affinity connections and say yes as divine timing guides us along our way.  Relax and embrace this new realm of existence. Remember we do not have to manage everything that exists. We do not have to figure it out, map it, or control divine timing. Divine timing operates in a magical and mysterious way. All we have to do is relax into our being and truly awaken to the mystery of what is.


The Divine Plan

The divine plan is the multidimensional relationship between all levels of our being.

·         The highest divine plan is God’s intention unfolding

·         Our divine plan is our spiritual intention unfolding

·         Our human plan is our personality/ ego’s intent unfolding

We are all aspects of divine unfolding. We are divine beings, coming down here into human form and having amazing human experiences. We are also very special human creations opening up to our divine essence and having magical, miraculous, and amazing spiritual experiences.

Divine timing is the dance of all levels unfolding. As we let go of limiting beliefs and we open and expand to the higher realms, we begin to know the different multidimensional levels of our divine intent. We begin to know our divine plan. WE can then joyfully let go of control and sink into our hearts and magically relax into pure divine alignment within the unfolding cosmos.

We can harness the power of flowing within the expression of our human, spiritual, and divine highest potential in the space of being fully aligned. All we have to do is open and allow. We are the multidimensional divine plan unfolding.

Living life with a full and open heart means opening to all and accepting the passion, mystery and flow of life. Living with a full and open heart also means accepting each powerful impact when the flow of life hits hard. What happens when the passion of life brings sadness, sorrow and disappointment beyond the human ability to tolerate? Patterns of reaction, defensive protection, and other survival instincts take over and there is a separation from the heavy and broken heart. Unfortunately there is also separation from the deep love, joy, and caring for life.

But times are changing. New energies have been entering the physical plan in amazing ways. These energies continue to bring a higher vibration divine flow into all energy systems. Each human heart now has the opportunity to open to this divine flow. Each human hart now has the opportunity to experience this higher vibrational pulse. Each human heart now has the opportunity to experience a unique connection to this amazing source of love and wisdom.

The divine heart’s higher frequency is beyond the mental field of dualistic thought. The divine heart’s frequency is beyond the vibration of good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair, just or unjust. The divine heart is simply pure divine energy. The divine heart is simply pure divine love, pure divine wisdom, pure divine joy, pure divine grace, pure divine peace, and pure divine essence.

Has life hit your hard? Have you shut off and gone into a way of life that protects and deflects the love, wisdom, and joy of your heart, so you can survive? Are you ready to be free? You can open your heart and re-experience the amazing levels of human love, wisdom, and joy that exist within you.  Open the human heart and hear it, sense it feel it. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you. Ask divine grace to support you. Embrace pure divine wisdom as it guides you, become one with the divine love that is YOU.


The Divine Transition

The divine transition is a movement from the old way of power and control to the new way of love, wisdom, and light.

·         It is about awakening to a new level of awareness

·         It is about ascending into a new higher vibrational state of consciousness

·         It is about expanding into a new higher frequency state of being

The divine transition is both personal and grand. It is personal because it is the shift that each of us can make personally. It is grand because as large numbers of people make this shift, the entire human species is impacted, creating a unique evolutionary step of divine transformation for the entire global community and multidimensional cosmic reality. (The hundredth monkey response)

Up to now our way of being has been to work within the matrix based on our power and control dynamics. Most of us have been run by a system of power and control that regulates our human behavior and our human experience. This current system has and still uses our primal consciousness instincts of fight/ flight and related fear-based instinctive survival reactions to impulse our movement, flow, and creativity within the matrix. Today there are larger a larger numbers of people awakening to their true divine essence, divine ability and divine choice and they are beginning to reshape the energies, dynamics, rules, and roles of the matrix.

Your Personal Transition

It is obvious to see how the world today is structured around the struggle to fight, to win, to get control, and to be powerful. Our social institutions, educational system, political and religious systems all revolve around control. Our powerful media systems strive to inspire us to feel and be in control. We are guided to take control of our finances, our health, our relationships, our careers, and every aspect of our being.

Our work and play all focus on competing and winning. Our entertainment focuses on power and strength, as we experience the drama of life and the duality of good guys fighting the bad guys to win. With every breath, our nature and our nurture remind us how we must be strong, we must fight, and we must try harder to get control, to win, and to claim our power. This is the power and control game dominating the matrix based on our survival instinct, fear, and will power, not to mention our ego.

What happens when you no longer want to fight, struggle, or direct your effort to get control? What happens when you no longer want to be powerful, want to compete, or want to win? What happens when you no longer want to focus all your energy on being strong, being the best or being right? What happens when you are ready to simply love and be loved, just exactly as you are? This is the divine transition taking place now.

As you open to your divine essence and expand your awareness of your spirit, you begin to access more of your divine energies in your everyday life. You begin to access more of your unique divine flow. As you adapt to your new divine flow, your internal energy centers respond. You evolve and come into alignment with your newer higher frequency way of being.

You are getting new downloads of divine information all the time. This information is coming into your mind and transforming all aspects of you, your thoughts, your visual processes, your audio processes, and your verbal processes. You begin to notice changes in the way you think about life, see life, sense life, hear information and express life. As your divine essence and spirit continues to download into your human system and into your Divine Heart Space, it reshapes the way you experience love.

During the beginning stages of your divine transition you may experience incongruities within your self. Many times as the divine information flows through you, only some of your ways begin to change. You awaken to new information that changes the way you think, see, and speak. It changes the way you connect to yourself and to others from the heart. But, in these initial awakening stages, you think see, and speak from the new awareness but you often still react from the old ways.

Your react from the old ways because the new divine information has not yet come down into your lower energy centers of your solar plexus, emotional gut centers, root survival centers, or grounding centers. (Third dimensional Chakra system) Many times we hear about people who say one thing and do another. There is much insight, caring, and consideration coming from the hearts, voices, and minds in our world today and yet there is so much still created from the fear-based fight, struggle, and survival control dynamics of the collective and individual gut primal instincts.

As we go through the divine healing transition we can use the parts of us that are awakened to help smooth out and complete our transition. We begin to remember our divine plan and remember why we came down here into human form. Our divine tools become aware to use and we begin to use them to complete our divine transition.  We begin to access and consciously create from our compassion, kindness, and joy.  From within our newly individuated and awakened divine space we can support and hold space for our primal gut survival centers to awaken, expand, and come into the divine space of love, wisdom, and light.

Divine unification is the final stage of the divine transition. This is complete when all aspects within us have adapted to our divine energy downloads. When this happens all aspects within us are in harmony and alignment with our true divine flow. We no longer need power or control. We no longer operate from fear or survival. We now live as pure beings of love and light, guided by our true divine wisdom and love on all levels.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions