5th Dimension
Until this point, the first four dimensions agree with traditional geometric conceptions of the cosmos. The fifth is a major departure for some minds because it identifies organic life as having properties separate and progressed from the inorganic universe. While a rock can be here or there, large or small, heavy, light, older or newer, only a living creature can be healthy, sick, hungry, content, in pain or in comfort.
The 5th Dimension is a real of light that centers in the human heart and is resonant with Earth’s biological creatures and plants. For humans, the light’s vibrational frequency is called Samadhi, the realizable human experience of communion with the Divine.
The 5th Dimension is light. That is to say it is the field of the whole EM radiation spectrum, and we are mysteriously embodied in this field. As we move into the subtle realms 5-D through 9-D each higher dimension has a home in the stars, and they maintain aspects of Earth’s field. For thousands of years, humanity understood reality by mythology, the stories of the stars, or star lore. The modern world has lost this imaginal connection, which is the source of rich ancient traditions. Star lore is the primordial bridge to the higher dimensions.