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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Independent Study
Chakras 1-16

DNA Activation, 3rd Dimensional Chakras, 4th Dimensional Chakras, 5th Dimensional Chakras, Masters Activation

Our DNA Activation and Chakra Course is now available for Independent Study. The course is a series of classes that you may take at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. They incorporate yoga postures, Mantras, Mudras, Meditations and very insightful information that has been collected and channeled with guidance from the Etheric Realms. These classes look at the 3rd Dimensional Chakra System in a new innovated way and unifies it with the 4th and 5th Dimensional Chakra System. It is a journey of self realization, growth, and transformation.

Come Join the fun and journey of enlightenment. If you are interested in taking the classes, but are unable to attend you may invest in the information through our Independent Study Courses.  Available for purchase are Essential oil blends that formulas have been channelled for each Chakra. Each blend has been uniqely blended to assist in attuning and balancing within the Chakra it has been created for.

Chakra Indepentent Study

Working with Chakras Through the Energetic Field of Genesis Gateway

The chakra system has been known for thousands of years, by many cultures. It means wheel or circle and represents energy meridians within our bodies as well as outside. Chakras found within the body are our 3rd Dimension System. This is the system most people are familiar with. Our 3rd Dimension Chakra System is evolving, changing and helps to anchor the 4th Dimension and 5th Dimension Systems.
The chakra systems are very much like computers, acting as energetic data storage systems. Our nervous system acts as the conduit for interface with Spiritual energies and data. The nervous system is our physical interface, communicating with all aspects of the physical, giving information to and receiving rom the chakras. The chakras function as transmitters of energy from one level to another, distributing qi or prana to the physical body. For those not familiar with the terms qi or prana, they refer to Energy, Breath, and Life Force.
3rd Dimension Chakra System
The current 3rd Dimension Physical Chakra System relates to your first 7 chakras and is based on developing a connection with earth and your physical body.

4th Dimension Chakra System
The 4th Dimensional Chakra System relates to the higher spiritual chakras and are based on developing a deeper connection to your Higher Self, the Universe, the Divine Will of God, Ascended Masters and other Galactic Beings of Light. 
This Higher Chakra System is in many ways different from the seven chakras of the third dimension. Changing from seven tones to eleven is a lot like changing music modalities. The vibrations are different. The colors are different. The sound, the harmony, is different. And of course, the whole being is different.
5th Dimension Chakra System
The 5th Dimensional Chakra System connects us directly to Energy Source or God.

3rd Dimensional Chakras
Chakras 1-7

Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra

Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra


4th Dimensional Chakras
Chakras 8-11

Soul Star
Intergalactic Gateway
Interdiemsional Gateway
Universal Gateway


5th Dimensional Chakras
Chakras 12-16

Monadic Soul Level
Divine Heart Space

Quantum Holographic Gateway
Physical Gateway
Earth Star


Independent Study Module Description

DNA Activation Class introduction is the first in a series of classes focused on assisting you to Recode Your DNA and by doing so activate your Light Body. By letting go of old patterns, ideas and thoughts that are not for our higher good we bring ourselves closer to Ascension and integrate 3rd Dimensional human reality with 4th and eventually 5th Dimensional Spiritual life. The series of classes will take you on a journey of self realization, opening one Chakra at a time, then connecting and anchoring it to the next. Class material covers:

  • How DNA Activation Works                  
  • Why is DNA Activation Important
  • What is DNA Recoding
  • Walk-ins
  • Starseeds                                                              
  • Lightworkers
  • How Do We Ascend
  • Merging Dimensions

  • Benefits of DNA Activation
  • What Occurs in a Session or Class
  • Core Belief System
  • How to Use DNA Activation Oils
  • Mantra for Light Healing
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • DNA Repair Frequency
  • Meditation for DNA Repair

The Root chakra is the foundation of energy. Located at the bottom of the spine, it is the rock upon which the whole of the chakra system, the subtle energies and physical body, rely and without which disorder soon arises. This is where we take a look at our baser instincts and begin to understand why we are who are. This is also where we begin to awaken our Kundalini energy, connecting with the Divine Feminine. Class material covers:

  • What is a Chakra
  • Chakra Vibrational Sounds
  • 3rd Dimension
  • Root Chakra
  • Theta Waves for Root Chakra
  • Color & Chakras
  • Crystals & Stones
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Meditation & Chakras
  • Tibetan Vibrations of Meditation
  • Zen Incantation & Philosophy
  • Mudras
  • Mantras
  • Recorded Mantra
  • Vibrational Therapy
  • Singing Bowls
  • How to Energize Root Chakra
  • Kundalini Energy
  • Healing Frequency of Kundalini
  • Affirmations
  • Mediatation

Through the Sacral chakra we see dark and light, the passions of duality and choice, emotion and desire. We expand our instincts from our own survival to the desire for pleasure, nurturance and the need to reach out and expand. When these two levels are put together, we find that they create a third and unique state of existence: energy - the field made by the dance of matter and movement. Class material covers:

  • Sacral Chakra
  • Sacral Chakra Vibronic Sound
  • Chakras & Endocrine System
  • Color & Chakras
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Mudra
  • Mantra
  • Recorded Mantra
  • Crystals & Stones
  • Meditation & Chakras
  • Spiral Dreams
  • Vibrational Therapy
  • Singing Bowls
  • 21 Ways to care for Sacral Chakra
  • Zen Incantation
  • Kundalini & Chakras
  • 432 Hz Spiral
  • Affirmations
  • Meditation

With the Solar Plexus we have moved from earth to water to fire. Its element is Fire and its purpose is transformation. The third chakra transforms the inertia of earth and water into action, energy and power. The first two chakras flow downward, subject to gravity and to forms already in existence. Fire flows upward, destroying form and taking the raw energy to a new dimension. This is also where we store emotions and is where we begin our ongoing homework for finding our core belief system. Class material covers:

  • Solar Plexus
  • Vibrations of Solar Plexus
  • Chakras & Endocrine System
  • Color & Chakras
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Crystals & Stones
  • Finding True Self
  • Alpha Waves Emotional Release
  • Frequencies for Releasing Guilt & Fear
  • Chakra Exercise
  • Mudra
  • Mantra
  • Recorded Mantra
  • Zen Incantation
  • Vibrational Therapy
  • Singing Bowls
  • Meditation & Chakras
  • Kundalini & Chakras
  • Affirmations
  • Meditation

From the active, fiery solar plexus, we are thrust into a new and different realm, the Heart Chakra. From the world of the body and manifestation, we break deeper into the softer touch of spirit. From the focus on the self and its desires and actions, we embrace a larger pattern, and dance our tiny part within the web. We transcend our ego, and grow toward something greater, deeper, stronger. As we embrace the Heavens, we have more than ourselves. We expand. We have reached the central part of the chakra system. It is our core, the inner spirit that unites all the other forces above and below, within and without. Class material covers:

  • Heart Chakra
  • Frequency for Connecting & Relationships
  • Chakras & Endocrine System
  • Color & Chakras
  • Crystals & Stones
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Mudra
  • Mantra
  • Recorded Mantra
  • Zen Incantation
  • Vibrational Therapy
  • Singing Bowls
  • Kundalini & Chakras
  • Meditation & Chakras
  • Affirmations
  • Meditation

The Throat Chakra is associated with the color blue. It is the color of communication and peacefulness. When the Throat Chakra becomes blocked or stressed, peace may be difficult if not possible to achieve. Whenever there is an inappropriate concentration of energy, pressure begins to build up. An outward flow of energy is the only means of restoring balance; releasing this pressure. This outward flow is achieved through communication and expression through the activity of the Throat Chakra. This is where we learn to speak our inner truths, both to the universe and to ourselves. Class material covers:

  • Throat Chakra
  • Throat Chakra Music
  • Chakras & Endocrine System
  • Color & Chakras
  • Crystals & Stones
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Balancing Throat Chakra
  • Energizing Throat Chakra
  • Core Belief System
  • Zen Incantation
  • Vibrational Therapy
  • Singing Bowls
  • Mudras
  • Mantras
  • Recorded Mantra
  • Meditation & Chakras
  • Kundalini & Chakras
  • Affirmations
  • Meditation

The Brow Chakra is the area where our everyday awareness is located. From this energy center sits the consciousness of self and personality of the mind. The Brow Chakra allows us to sense and interpret the world around us. Balancing the Brow chakra can help physical eye problems and remove confusion. It helps us distinguish insignificant things from important ones. Without the Brow Chakra one would be paralyzed by indecision and confusion. The Brow Chakra quietly commands the play called life, with ability to alter every aspect of the body and physical world by constructing meaningful images of light upon the stage of our mind. Class material covers:

  • Brow Chakra
  • Vibronic Sound for Brow Chakra
  • Chakras & Endocrine System
  • Pineal Bland Activation
  • Color & Chakras
  • Crystals & Stones
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Activating Brow Chakra
  • Core Belief System
  • Vibrationsl Therapy
  • Singing bowls
  • Zen Incantation
  • Mudras
  • Mantras
  • Recorded Mantra
  • Kundalini & Chakras
  • Meditation & Chakras
  • Affirmations
  • Meditation

The Crown Chakra is concerned with openness and when one approaches life with an over attachment to closed way of thinking or feeling one will be unable to deal with reality. When this happens one needs to consider all possibilities, showing compassion for others and one's self. Unless this energy is first directed towards compassion towards yourself, allowing healing at the Crown Chakra, it will be impossible to truly be compassionate towards others. This is where we take a close look at Ego and how it limits the Crown Chakra, keeping us functioning from fear rather than compassion. Class material covers:

  • Crown Chakra
  • Activating Crown Chakra
  • Frequency for Awakening Intuition
  • Chakras & Endocrine System
  • Color & Chakras
  • Crystals & Stones
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Core Belief System
  • Mudra
  • Mantras
  • Recorded Mantra
  • Vibrationsl Therapy
  • Singing Bowls
  • Zen Incantation
  • Kundalini & Chakras
  • Meditation & Chakras
  • Affirmations
  • Meditation

The Soul Star, Eighth Chakra, is the center that holds all our contracts and agreements related to this lifetime, karmic connection and so on. A person's Soul Star overlaps, with that of the people they have had long-term relationships or sexual encounters with, and they do not completely disconnect on their own, even though the couple may part physically. It is very important, therefore, to be able to clear all those old relationship contracts, in order to make way for new potential relationships to come to you more easily, or to clear a pathway for the relationship of your current, supporting it to grow more fully. The eight chakra is also the center of detachment, stay in the present moment, unconditional trust, acceptance of intuitive guidance and the ability to discern illusion. It is the center of higher intellect. It marks the realm where the individual soul merges with the Universal Mind. It also marks the point where the soul manifests into matter, into the individual energy body. With this class we experience as a group Past Life Regression. Class material covers:

  • Chakra 8
  • Chart
  • 4th Dimension
  • Frequency Returning Spiritual Order
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Crystal Singing Bowls
  • Past Life Regression
  • How Past Life Therapy Works
  • When Past Life Therapy Can Help
  • Reincarnation & Karma
  • Hypnosis
  • Self Kindness
  • Christianity & Reincarnation
  • Can We Remember All Past Lives
  • Guided Session

The Ninth Chakra or Intergalactic Gateway to the Divine, is the Blue-Print for this incarnation, and our Higher Emotional Center. This is where we hold all the information related to who we will be and are, in this current incarnation, this includes our eye color, hair color, other features, personality characteristic and what we are going to be doing in this lifetime. The information this chakra holds becomes our DNA, it was predestined prior to this incarnation. This information may appear fragmented, damaged or fractured, split, cracked, scattered or even dispersed. Past Life Regression and Akashic Records sessions may assist in completing or healing this chakra. With this class we experience a group Akashic Records session. Class material covers:

  • Chakra 9
  • Chart
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Healing 9th Chakra
  • Awakening Higher Knowledge & Awareness Frequency
  • Frequency for Lucid Dreams
  • Akashic Records
  • History of Akashic Records
  • 10 Things to Know
  • Questions to Ask
  • Akashic Records Session

The Tenth Chakra, Inter-dimensional Gateway to the Divine, is the gateway to all the other experiences and dimensions we have had throughout the universe. This chakra is where the soul fragments itself and scatters itself throughout the universe, requiring "Retrieval". Once all aspects are retrieved the person has full access to all the infinite possibilities of who they have been or what their Universal Archetypes have been. By bringing the essence of those aspects of soul fragments into one chakra it gives us the ability to work with all our talents and abilities. Most people only have access to between one and ten of their universal archetypes and that is quite limiting because we actually have an infinite number. With this class we experience a group Soul Retrieval. Class material covers:

  • Chakra 10
  • Chart
  • Alpha Wave Restoration for Concentration
  • Healing 10th Chakra
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Soul Retrieval & Internal Space
  • Resistance
  • Fall From Grace
  • Escapists & Opportunists
  • Soul Retrieval Work
  • Symptoms of Soul Loss
  • Returning Soul Parts
  • Soul Retrieval Process
  • Session

The Eleventh Chakra, Universal Gateway to the Divine is where duality begins. It is the field of overlap between Light and Dark and is where we have all contracts and agreements belonging to our soul, whereas the eighth chakra is this current incarnations contracts and agreements. Clearing the eleventh Chakra is pivotal in bringing a person into balance and allowing them to have full access to their Divinity. This is where our contracts with the occult, black magic and the Abyss are held. We all have aspects of ourselves that have experienced the shadow because that is part of the Souls journey, to explore Light and Dark, Order and Chaos. Part of the Divine plan for us is to experience Duality; Light and Dark as well as all the rays of the rainbow in between. Now is the time to merge our duality becoming one in order to ascend to the 12 Chakra, the Monadic Soul Level. With this class we experience a Illumination Meditation, Developing Contact with your self – Awakening to Zero Point. Class material covers:

  • Chakra 11
  • Chart
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Polarity Duality
  • Duality & the Brain
  • Psychology of Duality
  • Binaural Frequency for Balancing Brain
  • Illumination Meditation

The Twelfth Chakra, Monadic Soul Level or the Monad is considered the individualized Spirit-Spark of the Divine and is often called the I AM Presence.  The Monad is often considered the Ascended Master Level of the Soul. Each Monad or Spirit-Spark creates and is divided into 12 pairs of Souls. Each pare are known as Twin Flames. As a group we will experience the ASCENSION MEDITATION OF THE MONAD. The meditation of the Monad, the I AM Presence transcends meditation to that of Attunement. Class material covers:

  • Chakra 12
  • Chart
  • Frequency of Higher Consciousness
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • One & Many
  • Soulmate
  • What is a Twin Flame
  • Twin Flame Awakening Frequency
  • The Twin Flame Mirror
  • Waling the World Back to Love
  • Meeting Your Flame in Higher Dimensions
  • Gender Does Not Matter
  • How Do You Know You Have Met Your Flame
  • Mighty I Am Presence
  • Kundalini & Chakras
  • Meditation of the Twin Hearts
  • Ascension Meditation of the Monad

The Thirteenth Chakra, Divine Heart Space/ Star Tetrahedron Heart Centre, is the chakra of Co-Creative Divine Consciousness, the acceptance of the Divine within, Unconditional Love & compassion for self & others. When we awaken this centre, wellness is potentially an integral part of our path. Life takes on meaning & fulfillment & we experience the joy of Love, which pours forth from this chakra. When fully activated this centre becomes one Unified Chakra. This is important because a unified chakra allows you then to align your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies, & to harmonize their energy. Working with the unified chakra you unify the higher and lower chakras into one so that they all function in accordance with the frequency of unconditional love-based energy flowing through this Divine-Heart centre. With this class we attune with the Divine Heart Space Meditation.

This is an effective mediation that will certainly have truly positive results in your life. A meditation of this type helps us to enter the Divine Heart Space, the place where the energies of the higher and lower chakras are harmonized, where polarities are balanced. You will be guided to the Divine Heart Space, but what happens there is very individual for it is more of a shamanic journey. It will bring something different to you each time you practice it. Class material covers:

  • Chakra 13
  • Chart
  • Love Signal Frequency
  • 5th Dimension
  • Holding Space
  • Self Love
  • Love Frequency
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Vibrational Resonance
  • Mantras
  • Recorded Mantra
  • The Healing Stream
  • Angelic Affirmation
  • Soulmates
  • Meditation for Soulmates
  • Enigma Temple of Love
  • Divine Heart Space Meditation

The Fourteenth Chakra, Quantum-Holographic Gateway to the Divine is where the Universal Holographic Web connects to the physical. The Web is like a highway & connects us to everyone & everything in the Universe. We often have inappropriate connections to others through the Web & give our gifts & talents away to hide ourselves. Healing energy can be directed through the Web in such a way as to repair the Web & thereby heal the 'physical' body--which only appears solid but is in fact energy. If the physical body is damaged the Web is also damaged--torn or broken.

  • Chakra 14
  • Chart
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • Energy Into Matter
  • Law of Attraction & Gratitude
  • Law of Attraction & Opening to What You Want
  • Secrets to Law of Attraction
  • Quantam Law of Attraction
  • Law of Attraction, Personal Development & Change
  • Law of Attraction Will Destroy You
  • Law of Attraction & Loving Yourself
  • Law of Attraction & Loops
  • Law of Attraction & Things You Must Do
  • Law of Attraction Frequency & Affirmation
  • Holographic Universe
  • Invocation of the Unified Chakra

The Fifteenth Chakra, Physical Gateway to the Divine, grounds and connects spirit into the physical plane.  When this center is activated we feel connected to Mother Earth & feel one with her energy, and that of all life forms--referred to by Native Americans as All My Relations.  When this chakra descends into our Crown-center, then are we fully merged with our souls or our Higher Self. It is then we get guidance and instruction from our Light Being. Environmental consciousness resides here & our desire to support our Earth Mother. With this class we truly begin to look at our Light Body and experience the Invocation for the Cosmic Ray of Universal Service. Class material covers:

  • Chakra 15
  • Chart
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • What is a Light Body
  • Why Awaken Your Light Body
  • Light Body Activation
  • The Twelve Light Bodies
  • Advanced Light Body Techniques
  • Light Body Activation Frequency
  • What is a Merkaba
  • Frequency for Activation of Merkaba
  • Platonic Solids
  • Healing Frequency of Sacred Geometry
  • Solfeggio
  • Solfeggio Frequency
  • Aura Healing Frequency
  • Invocation for the Cosmic Ray of Universal Services

The Sixteenth Chakra, Earth Star when activated grounds our Spirit-Self fully into the physical, into the Infinite Moment of the Present, where we are the most powerful - Spirit having a human experience. We cannot be anything other than Spirit, although humans tend to ignore this Truth, and there is nothing to look for except within the self - to remember we are a piece of the Divine.

These 16 chakras, along with other major & minor chakras, make up the most important interface between our spirit and physical bodies. The chakras directly interface with our nervous system, hence the importance of clearing both systems--physical and energy bodies. When we observe our patterns (attitudes, values & beliefs) we see clues as to what chakras are out of balance. There are many visualizing techniques to bring the chakras into balance and alignment. As a class we experience THE LIQUID LIGHT GOLDEN PLASMA ACTIVATION OF THE GOLD LIGHT BODY.

By being open to the Liquid Golden Light Plasma through your higher chakras and down through your central channel and into Earthstar chakra assists with the new Divine Blueprint. To be open to the Golden Liquid Light Plasma from Source in divine will and unity consciousness is the gel that activates the latent DNA.
Class material covers:

  • Earth Star
  • Chart
  • Activating & Balancing Earth Star
  • Shamanic Drumming Theta Biraural
  • Yoga & Chakras
  • 5th Dimension
  • Opening to Other Dimensions
  • Power Point
  • Mother Ocean
  • Invocation of the Three Star One
  • The Great Invocation
  • Invocation to the Great Cosmic Light
  • Activation of the Golden Light Body
  • Earth Star Meditation

Master Activation is a culmination of all the previous classes. The invocation threads all 16 chakras together, activation our original 12 strands of DNA.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions