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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Codes to ascension

The 13 Codes of Ascension ~ The Original Plan of the Creator

The Council of 12 along with other Ascended Masters have been saying that it is time to reclaim paradise and make the shift of the ages. The energies have gone from intense to completely off the chart. Not only is the Earth going through this shift, with more intense storms, earthquakes, and tsunami, but we are seeing more dark dramas played out in our lives. We have relived old Atlantian dramas right down to personal family karma. We are drowning in the dark energies of the world, and the world is suffocating. We have become separatist rather than working as one with the planet. We must stay focused in the heart. Even though we are fighting a battle of righteousness, it is important to focus on spiritualism rather than being religious. It is through our spiritual connection and activation of our  Original DNA and ultimately our Lightbody that we find clarity.

We know that our journey is to become Ascended Beings. What has been keeping from completing this journey is negative ego, dark forces, misguided energies, etc…We own these qualities as our own and it through finding our True Self, or Core Belief System that we shed these qualities, achieving the goal of our journey, Ascension. We must transform these qualities with our Inner Light and we do this by knowing who we are and Being It. Once we have done this then we can ascend by embodying the 13th Code.

The 13 Codes of Ascension
The original vision of the creator, and how we fell from Paradise (grace)

There are 2 ways that we enter a material form to create a spirit in a human body. We have to create a physical body up from the 9 underworlds of Earth. This dense, clunky material body, a Earth space suit so to speak, is subject to gravity, time and dimension, and it takes a lot of energy to maintain it at present.

Simultaneously, we also have to bring down our Spirit through the 13 Heavens, or 13 CODES, into the body, so we can live physically and have creative consciousness at the same time. Simply we fall into this life bit by bit. Our awareness of unity, oneness, and how to use the creative power of the universe was lost bit by bit as we fell into our denser, Earthly body. We fell through the 13 codes. WE made it through all of the first 12 codes. We almost embodied the 13th code, but the fall of Atlantis forced us to reschedule this event to a later time, that time is now.

The 13 Codes of Ascension - This is how you fell here.

In code 1
, we were ONE with all life and all life was all ONE.

This is what we might perceive as heaven, nirvana, or paradise. Many of us still remember this glorious space, but this memory can also make us quite homesick.

In code 2, the creation of a dimension took place. It created a base location, of sorts, for life. All of creation was still untied in this dimension. WE were still one.

In code 3, the dimension split creating multiple, uncountable dimensions. It also created duality; the light and the dark, the right and wrong, etc…. Space was created and space grew between dimensions. All of us living on this planet now are in this one dimension and are only slightly aware of the other realties.

In code 4, the creation of the four directions took place. This created movement within the light and the dark. Time began because of movement, which also created the past, present, future and don't forget gravity! What fun!

In code 5, sound, vibration, and frequency were created adding definition to the movement. Many sound healers use this code for healing.

In code 6, memory was created and history began. Memory is a huge part of our problem now, as it anchors us to the past, and keeps us from living in the present moment. We each have a small seed of memory of the united one within us all, and this is our path back home to this oneness.

In code 7, creative power was formed. It is what we now know as Spirit. This is our energy source in which we can as creators.

In code 8, the elements of fire, water, air and earth were created. Planets were formed in our dimension.

In code 9, the mind and consciousness was created. Along with it was the ability to put to use the creative power.

In code 10, finally the physical body was created. This was to be a tool in which we could create with consciousness and physical reality. The issue is that we tend to identify with the limiting, physical body as who we are. It is not so. Also, code 10 created beginning and endings, cycles of life, and birth and death.

In code 11, the creation of the family, community and collective consciousness took place.

In code 12, we began to work with collective creating. Here humanity learned how to cope with the issues of creating together through trial and error. This is where we are right now.

In code 13, we finally arrive fully into life and back to ONENESS all at the same time. But here is the catch . . . You see, we have not been fully born into life yet. This is why you always feel something is missing, or think there should be more to life than this.

 The loss of this missing code has also driven you to search for it. Code 13 is the collective ascension back into ONENESS. It is a rebirth into a higher plane of existence while in a physical form. This is what we feel is missing and continue to search for. This is a time that the Ancient Maya foresaw and recorded with the grand calendar cycles. This is why you and I are here . . . to reclaim that code!

This was a grand plan of the great creator was to let go of everything that we knew as the one to enter a new physical reality. In the letting go, we will gain a higher plane than we had before and new higher cycle. We embarked on this grand journey with great courage and with little or no memory of the ONE, of where we came from, or of what we lost. The grand plan was to experience a vast and extensive journey of re-discovery of universal truth and oneness. We wanted to challenge ourselves to recover the Light and the Truth. There was a tiny seed of light which was still inside of us when we completed all 12 codes. This is an inner light that we all have within, and which we have nurtured and developed. The question was . . . could we get back to Oneness while in a physical body?

As we enter the 13th code, there will be no path to follow. It will be confusing, and we will have to trust ourselves . . . our HEARTS. Our ancestors did not go here, so they will be no help for us. Gurus, teachers and prophets will not be any help either. But they have taken us this far. We all are seeds of light . . . the light keepers that will bring in and anchor the last and final 13th code. This may very well be a reason why you were called here at this time.  

As we enter the 13th code, systems, programs and ways of life will become obsolete and will fall away. Once we are fully awake with all 13 codes, there will be no need for laws, dogmas, traditions, governments, programs, social standards, and even organized religion. Once we are awake, we will not need these types of protective programs around us, because we will be impeccably conscious and take right action in every situation.

At the time of the fall of Atlantis, and the mass migration to Egypt , a vital key to manifesting the 13th code of creation on the Earth was temporally lost. This cataclysm in the past is still affecting us now. Our world is drowning in this catastro-phobia. It is our job not to feed this illusion in anyway. The betrayal, abuses and attacks we suffered in history can return to fear and thus confuse the truth. These fears are just old memories returning to be cleared out. This is our cross to bear as we come back to the one and embody the ascension of the 13th code. Remember our heart is the truth absolute, and the ONLY TRUTH.

Ascension symptoms of the new earth

Sweating and heat in certain areas of the body
Digestion issues, upset stomachs
Upper respiratory infections, colds, flu, coughing
Waking up in the middle of the night
Waking up in the middle of the night with anxiety in the body
Racing thoughts at night
Heart palpitations
Difficulty and heavier breathing
Not being able to sleep and yet being tired
Fatigue and tiredness is actually helping you to slow down
Coming in and out of the void
Heart awakening, heightened passion, emotions and appreciation
 Itchy 3rd eye the lower middle of your forehead
Periods of needing more alone and quiet time
 times of fatigue
Feeling weird, spacey, not like yourself
Feeling like everything is new and transformed
Not being able to articulate words, sentences or the new space you are in, with times of feeling very clear with your energy and who you are
Being more selective with whom and how you spend your time
Breakups and newer levels of higher vibration people coming into your life
Working very diligently at projects when spirit puts the brakes on. You will finish your projects in the manner of divine timing with Creation with the upgraded vibrational energetics that are required.

·         I AM still and know I have always and will always be with you

·         I am here in the glory of all that is me

·         I release the soul that is me to the hearts of those who are here before me and those who will gather after me

·         I enter into the unity of one spirit, the unity of love and the unity for peace.

·         I am one with all who are here

·         I am one with all who are yet to come

·         In this silence I am the love and light of peace

·         In this light of love I will always find the truth that is me

·         And in this place I shall receive unconditional love

·         And from this place I shall become unconditional love

·         I surrender to healing

·         I surrender to the strengthening of the light that is within me

·         I am the light, a light that is strong, a light that is bright, a light that is love, a light that is free

·         I am one and part of the whole

·         For it is unto me this day that I enter into the light of unity from shadow

·         For I have awakened the beauty and the spirit of the soul that is me

·         And from this day the awakening of my spirit shall guide me

·         From its guidance I shall trust in the truth and seek only the truth

·         As long as I am on this earth I know the spirit of those who are here

·         And those who are not will always love me

·         I know the spirit of those who are one will be with me whenever I call, wherever I am

·         In one breath the unity of the love that is here will be within me

·         I am one, I am whole, I am you

Invocation of the Violet Flame

On the path of ascension you will learn to use many different techniques and tools for working with energy – specifically the energy fields which are most closely associated with the body you identify with. There are four energy bodies working in conjunction with each other to maintain your Spiritual Essence through the expression of form.

Learning to affect your energy fields, master your own vibrational output, and resonate in higher frequencies will help to align you with the new Energies of Earth at this time. For many, the first step to refining and managing their personal energy is clearing any residual imprints or congestion from their fields.

The following invocation is offered by Saint Germaine for use in Transmuting energies from that of lower vibration to those of a finer or higher frequency.

·         Mighty I AM presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please make manifest in my now the Sacred Flame of Transmutation. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of my body filling me totally and completely.

·         Blessed Violet Flame blaze into my Heart and Expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, surrounding my entire Being with your Divine Grace, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness.

·         Transmute all karma, negative thoughts, actions, deeds and energy that i have ever created at any time, in all dimensions, on all levels, in all bodies, through all time and space, past, present and future, for all Eternity. transmute anything and everything that stands in my way of embodying the ascended Christ Being that I AM.

·         Beloved Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted Into the Golden Light of God, the Christ Consciousness, The Light of God that never fails.

·         Send this Golden Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance, raising my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time

·         So Be It and So It Is.

Use this invocation daily, or any time you are feeling affected by personalities and circumstances in your life. Use it as a way to remind yourself that you are Spirit. You are energy in motion. You are an express of the Divine – and you wish to be the highest expression possible.

Invocation to the Cosmic ray of Interstellar Service

As I align with my Higher Light and Mother Father God,
as I call in all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,
as I center myself in the knowing of the Light of Who I Am,
as this first wave of human Souls in full embodiment of the new I Am Avatar Blueprint,
I bring my focus to the Cosmic ray of Interstellar Service,
expressed as Illumination and Love,
and Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light.

I now call upon the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light,
to lift me in Cosmic Consciousness awareness into the fifth dimension,
so I may experience the photonic particles of Light existing within this dimension,
so I may clear any remaining individual and collective karma,
through the spinning of the electron-positron pairs within my body,
and through this, activate the key codes of Light within the dormant DNA,
of Divine Love, Illumination and One Unity Consciousness.

I now call upon the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light,
to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,
to the Ascension Seat of the Cosmic ray of Interstellar Service
within Alcyone and the fifth dimension,
so I may experience these celestial emanations of Light,
in oscillating Light frequencies of sound and color,
and the Divine Unfolding Light of Mother/Father God.

As I experience the energy of this Cosmic ray in a beautiful silver Light,
I am embraced in the radiance of Illumination and Love.
I now merge with my fifth dimensional Selves,
activating the dormant DNA to this fifth dimensional level,
as I become One with my fifth dimensional Selves.
I now experience a unified column of Light through my fifth dimensional chakras,
and a full body upgrade in downloads of Light,
for the new blueprint of Light,
through the direction of my Mighty I Am Presence.

I now direct this beautiful silver ray of Light,
onto this earth plane and into the Unity Grid of Light,
wrapping this earth plane, Mother Earth and all her Life,
through the Flame of Love in this ray of Illumination and Light.
As I move into the ever-present Continuum and Now moment,
Through parallel realities, sister dimensions and merging timelines,
all Life on this earth plane experiences the Patterns of Perfection,
all Life on this earth plane is lifted in Cosmic Consciousness awareness into the Heart of Mother/Father God.

I Am abundance,
I Am manifestation,
I Am strength and courage,
I Am joy and Love,
I Am wisdom and illumination,
I Am realization and knowing,
I Am a child of the Sun,
I Am an Ambassador of Light,
I Am All That I Am.


v  I am the thread of light, passing through time, connecting the infinite stories of before with the infinite dreams of after through the single point of now.

v  I invoke the will of the All in All, the spinner of this thread, to anchor me in all of the beginnings, and all of the destinations both realized and potential.

v  I call upon the Beings of Light who exist at all points of now, at every place along the Threads of Light, to resonate with me and my Divine Mission of Service.

v  I call upon the unlimited Myriad Alternate Realities woven by the uncountable Threads of Light to align and stack into a multidimensional extension of the singularities of the Now to unify and manifest my Divine Mission of Service in every time and space.

v  I invoke the Transcendental Living Thought Forms that exist in all of the Realms Formed yet Unformed which exist within the Mind of the All in All to come into my Realm of Being and draw me toward my Ascension into the Place that awaits me.

v  I call upon my Guides, Tutors, Patrons and Guardians to be with me at all times, in all spaces, and all states of being

v  I pass through as I Ascend into the Realm of Being which has been created to receive me.

v  I offer my gratitude and my intention to ascend to the All in All and all those agencies of Its purposes and I pledge to remain unwavering in my commitment to travel my Path to Ascension.

v  So I speak and so it is and so it shall always be.


Invocation of peace

Peace to all beings
Whether near or far
Known or unknown
Real or imaginary
Visible or invisible
Born or yet to be born.
May all beings
Be well and happy
And free from fear.

Peace to all beings
Within and beyond the imagination
In the world of ideas
In the world of memories
And in the world of dreams.
May all beings
Be well and happy
And free from fear.

Peace in all elements
Of earth, air, fire and water
Fulfilled in space

Peace in all universes
From the smallest cells in our bodies
To the greatest galaxies in space
And light rising

Peace to all beings
Within each being here
To those beings that have been in the past
And to those beings that are yet to be in the future
May all beings
Within each being here
Be well and happy
And free from fear.


The Great Invocation

The Great Invocation was written in 1945, and the traditional version uses the accepted gendered language of that time, this version is intended to be more inclusive:

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend to Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into human hearts.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our little human wills,
The purpose that the Masters know and serve.

From the center that we call humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power advance the Plan on Earth.

The beauty and strength of this Invocation lie in its simplicity. It expresses certain central truths that a spiritual person innately and normally accepts:

  • The truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we give the name of God.
  • The truth that, behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is Love.
  • The truth that a great Individuality came to Earth, called by Christians the Christ, and embodied that love so that we could understand.
  • The truth that both love and intelligence are effects of what is called the Will of God.
  • The self-evident truth that only through humanity itself can the divine Plan work out.

The urgent need for a better world is framed in this threefold invocation. It is a cry for Light upon our way and for light to flow into the dark places of the Earth. It is a cry for more Love in the world, more sense of brotherhood and right relationship with our fellow beings. It is an appeal for the will-to-good, the Will of God, to be expressed more fully upon Earth and more truly in the hearts and minds of all people.

In the past, prayer has been used largely for personal ends; people have prayed for themselves. They have invoked divine help for those they love. They have given a material interpretation to their basic needs. The Great Invocation is a World Prayer. It expresses humanity's need and pierces through the difficulties, doubts, and questionings straight to the Mind and Heart of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.

Invocation and Meditation for the Archangels

There are 9 Archangels that are the most commonly know, the nine that are considered Rays to God. Out of these 9 two where first human, the other 7’s origin was that of Light Body, this Invocation is for those of Light.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Michael to stand at my right hand side. I ask him to pour courage and strength into me and bring about positive results to my endeavours. I now request that he cut all my negative cords and attachments with his sword. I ask that the deep blue cloak of protection is placed over me so that only that which is of the highest and purest light may enter my aura.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Michael can complete this work and communicate anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Gabriel to stand at my left hand side in his pure white ray. I ask that he pours his pure white energy into my aura and brings me guidance about my next step or my pathway. I ask that the symbols of my lifes mission be illuminated and activated now. Please bring joy, grace, clarity, understanding, generosity and order into my life.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Gabriel can complete this work and communicate anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Uriel to stand in front of me and fill my aura with his purple and gold ray of wisdom and peace. Help me to soothe all conflict in my life and replace it with serenity, brotherhood and sisterhood. Please break my mental and emotional chains and free me from all my fears.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Uriel can complete this work and communicate anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Raphael of the emerald ray to stand behind me. I ask that he pour healing and abundance into me. I ask for protection on my journeys and that I be impressed with justice, truth and vision.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Raphael can complete this work and can communicate anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Chamuel of the pink ray to expand the flame of love in my heart. Please help me to find compassion and forgiveness for myself and for everyone I have ever harmed knowingly or unknowingly. I ask that my heart be opened at a personal and cosmic level.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Chamuel can complete this work and can communicate anything he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Jophiel to pour the golden light of wisdom and illumination onto me through my crown centre. I ask that his wisdom light up and inspire my mind, helping me to learn and teach at the highest level. I ask that the symbols of wisdom I have accumulated throughout my lifetimes be lit up and activated now.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Jophiel can complete this work and can communicate with you if he wishes to.

I now invoke the mighty Archangel Zadkiel of the violet ray of mercy, joy and transmutation to pour the violet flame into my aura. I ask for all my negativity to be released and dissolved and replaced with joy, diplomacy and tolerance.

Pause for a moment so that Archangel Zadkiel can complete this work and can communicate with you if he wishes to.

Your aura is now filled with the energy of the Archangels and you are connected to your mighty I AM presence. You are blessed.

Ascension Meditation and Treatment

Beloved God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Beloved Mighty I Am Presence, my Monad, I Am that I Am, Beloved Mahatma, the Avatar of Synthesis, Seven Mighty Elohim, Melchior, our Galactic Logos, Ashtar Command, Archangels Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel, Metatron, Sandalphon, Helios, our Solar Logos, Sanat Kumara, our Planetary Logos, Lord Maitreya, the Planetary Christ, the Manu, Allah Cobi, the Mahachohan, Sathya Sai Baba, beloved Chohans of the Seven Rays, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Master Jesus, and Saint Germain, Lords of Karma, Djwhal Khul, Buddha, Vywamus, Virgin Mary, Quan Yin, Isis, Babaji, the Great Divine Director, Enoch, Overlighting Angel of Healing, Ascended Masters and Monad, Order of Melchizedek, Spiritual Hierarchy, Great White Brotherhood, Masters of Shambalia!

I Am the Monad, I Am the Light Divine, I Am Love, I Am Will, I Am Fixed Design! I hereby ask and pray for your collective help in the following ascension meditation. I hereby call forth an all-powerful tube of cosmic Light substance to serve as an invincible shield of protection throughout this meditation and throughout my life in general. I ask that this tube of Light be absolutely invulnerable and invincible to all that is not of God and the Christ Light.

Within this large tube I now visualize a smaller tube the circumference of my head now moving upward from my crown chakra, up through my soul, up through my monad or I Am Presence, and then continuing up through all three hundred fifty-two levels of the cosmic being known as the Mahatma or the Avatar of Synthesis, and then all the way up to God Himself.

This tube of Light is your antakarana, or rainbow bridge. When you are connected through all levels in your mind's eye, then bring this tube down through the seven chakras, or chakra column, and send it down into the center of the Earth. Your antakarana now goes from the center of the Earth all the way up to God.

Now attune yourself to the presence of God. Chant the sacred sound of Aum seven times and send it up the antakarana through the soul, monad, and Mahatma, back to God. Remain silent for a few moments to experience the effects.

Now call forth from God and the God Force a pillar of God's Light which is now flowing down your antakarana and your tube of protection. Let this Light first fill your physical body, then your etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual bodies.

Now call forth in your mind's eye the Mahatma energy, which is a group consciousness that embodies all three hundred fifty-two levels back to God. Call forth this Mahatma and Avatar of Synthesis energy and let it first fill every cell in your physical body.

Let it now fill every physical organ with cosmic Light. Let it fill your pineal gland, your pituitary gland, your thyroid gland, your thymus gland, your adrenal glands, and your gonadic and sexual glands. Let the Mahatma energy fill your seven bodies with cosmic Light. The Mahatma energy is the highest cosmic energy that is available to us on Earth, according to Vywamus. Let this energy bathe your entire being.

Beloved God and Beloved Mahatma, I choose now to accept and invoke a deep penetration of the Mahatma energy into my entire energy matrix, thereby allowing a full, open radiation of my Divine self in service to All That Is, now.

I now call forth from God and the God Force a series of golden balls of Light. These large golden halls of Light are coming down from God and my mighty I Am Presence and moving down my chakra column, entering my seven chakras.

I let the golden hall of Light enter my first chakra. I now fully open and activate my first chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Let the golden ball enter my second chakra. I now fully open and activate my second chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now fully open and activate my third chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now fully open and activate my fourth chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now fully open and activate my fifth chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now fully open and activate my sixth chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now fully open and activate my seventh chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

Now, call forth your Mighty I Am Presence and Archangel Michael and the Great White Brotherhood to enter each chakra and perfectly balance and attune it, removing any unwanted energies or cords of energy that are not for your highest God purpose and of your true Divine monadic blueprint. Take about fifteen seconds or more for each chakra to fully invoke cleansing, perfect healing, and balancing for each chakra. Once you have perfectly purified, cleansed, healed, and balanced each chakra with God's healing Light, then request an activation for the perfect integration and balancing of your chakras so they function as one unified chakra.

Now call forth the violet flame of Saint Germain to bathe your entire being in his violet transmuting flame. Let this beautiful violet energy flowing down from God transmute any and all negativity into the purity and perfection of God. After bathing in this energy for about fifteen to thirty seconds, then call forth the golden twelfth ray and allow it to bathe your entire being in the energy of the Christ consciousness. See your entire being and all seven bodies being filled with this luminous golden energy pouring down from God, your Mighty I Am Presence and the Ascended Masters. Bathe in this twelfth ray golden Light for another fifteen to thirty seconds.

Now request God and the God force to be placed within your living Light merkabah vehicle. See the merkabah vehicle as a double-terminated crystal that surrounds your entire body, with another horizontal double-terminated section coming out the front and back of the vertical part. The merkabah vehicle will help to accelerate and quicken your overall vibrational frequencies. It is also a vehicle in which you can soul travel during meditation or while you sleep at night. Place yourself fully within the merkabah vehicle now and allow it to spin clockwise. This spinning allows you to become even more attuned to the cosmic pulse and frequencies of God and the God Force.

I am now ready for the ascension process to begin! (The ascending process is really the descending process of spirit into matter.) Beloved God and God force, I now call forth my soul to fully descend into my consciousness and four-body system if it has not done so already. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I call forth my glorified Lightbody to now descend into my consciousness and four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I call forth the Ascension Flame to descend and enter my consciousness and entire four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I call forth the full activation of my Alpha and Omega chakras! I Am that I Am. Aum! I call forth the Amrita, fire letters, sacred geometries, and key codes from the Keys of Enoch to now become fully activated. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the full activation and creation of my full potential twelve strands of DNA within my physical vehicle. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the full activation of my pituitary gland to create only the life hormone and to stop producing the death hormone! I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth and fully activate my monadic Divine blueprints in my conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds and four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth and fully activate my kundalini energy as guided by my monad and Mighty I Am Presence. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth a matchstick-sized spark of Cosmic Fire from the presence of God Himself to illuminate and transform my entire being into the light of God. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth a full axiatonal alignment as described in The Keys of Enoch to perfectly align all my meridian flows within my consciousness and four-body system! I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth and fully claim my physical immortality and the complete cessation of the aging and death process. I am now youthing and becoming younger every day. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the full opening of my third eye and all my psychic abilities and channeling abilities, that I may use them in the glory and service of the Most High God and my brothers and sisters in Christ on Earth. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth perfect radiant health to manifest within my physical, emotional, mental, etheric, and spiritual bodies. I ask and command that these bodies now manifest the health and perfection of Christ. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth my sixteenth chakra to descend, moving all my chakras down my chakra column until my sixteenth chakra resides in my seventh, or crown chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth my fifteenth chakra to descend and enter my sixth, or third eye chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth my fourteenth chakra to descend and enter my throat chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth my thirteenth chakra to descend and enter and reside in my heart chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth my twelfth chakra to descend and enter and reside in my solar plexus chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth my eleventh chakra to descend and enter and reside in my second chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth my tenth chakra to descend and enter and reside in my first chakra. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now see the rest of my chakras, nine through one, descend down my legs and into the Earth in a corresponding fashion. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the complete stabilization of my new fifth-dimensional chakra grid system within my consciousness and four-body system now. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth and see my chakra column lighting up like a Christmas tree with my first chakra becoming a large ball of pearl-white Light.

My second chakra now becomes a large ball of pink-orange Light.

My third chakra now becomes a glowing ball of golden Light.

My heart chakra now lights up with a pale violet-pink Light.

My fifth chakra now lights up with a deep blue-violet Light.

My third eye chakra now lights up with a large ball of golden-white Light.

My crown chakra now lights up with violet-white Light.

My entire chakra column has now been ignited with the fifth-dimensional ascension frequency. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth with all my heart and soul and mind and might the collective help of my eleven other soul extensions in my ascension process. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the combined collective help of the one hundred forty-three other soul extensions of my monadic group in my ascension process, now. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the complete descending and integration into my being of the raincloud of knowable things! I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the trinity of Isis, Osiris, and Horus, and all pyramid energies that are aligned with Source to now descend into my consciousness and four-body system and to become fully activated now.

I also call forth the Ascended Master Serapis Bey and his Ascension Temple energies from Luxor to descend and become fully activated within my consciousness and four-body system now. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth an ascension column of Light to surround my entire being. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the complete balancing of all my karma from all my past and future lives. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the raising of my vibrational frequencies within my physical, astral, mental, etheric, and spiritual bodies to the fifth-dimensional frequencies. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the Light of a thousand suns to descend into my being and raise my vibrational frequencies one-thousandfold. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth the sacred sound of Aum to descend and reverberate through my consciousness and four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now call forth a complete and full baptism of the Holy Spirit. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I call forth the perfect attunement and completion of my dharma, purpose, and mission in this lifetime in service of God's plan. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I call forth to descend now my Christed overself body. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I call forth my fifth-dimensional ascended self, who is already ascended within the understanding of simultaneous time, to now meld its consciousness with my unified field and aura. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I call forth my spiritual teacher, (insert name), to descend through my crown chakra and meld his or her ascended consciousness and Light into my consciousness and four-body system. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I hereby call forth the great God Flame to now descend and integrate and blend its greater flame with my lesser flame on Earth. I Am that I Am. Aum!

Lastly, I call forth my monad, my mighty I Am Presence and spirit to now fully descend into my consciousness and four-body system and transform me into Light and the Ascended Master I truly am. I Am that I Am. Aum!

Take a few moments of silence to allow the complete ascension to fully take place while remaining on Earth. Upon complete merger with the Light in consciousness and in your four body system, recite the following affirmations of truth:

Be still and know I Am God! I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the resurrection and the life! I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the mighty I Am Presence on Earth forever more! I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the Ascended Master (insert your full name)! I Am that I Am. Aum!

I am God living in this body as (insert name)! I Am that I Am. Aum!

The mighty I Am Presence is now my real self! I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the ascension in the Light. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the Truth, the Way, and the Light. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the open door which no man can shut. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am Divine perfection made manifest now. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the revelation of God. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the Light that lights every man that cometh into the world. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the cosmic flame of cosmic victory. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the ascended being I wish to be now. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the raised vibration of my full Christ and I Am potential. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the Aum made manifest in the world. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am a full member of the Great White Brotherhood and Spiritual Hierarchy. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the realized manifestation of the eternal self. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the embodiment of Divine love in action. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I live within all beings and all beings live within me. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am now one with the monadic plane of consciousness on Earth! I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am now living in my glorified body of Light on Earth. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I now affirm my ability to transform my four bodies into Light and travel anywhere in God's infinite universe. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I call forth to Helios, the Solar Logos, to now send forth into my consciousness through my crown chakra, the sixty-four Keys of Enoch in all five sacred languages so they are fully integrated into my being on Earth. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I fully affirm my identity as the Eternal Self, the Christ, the Buddha, the atma, the monad, the I Am Presence on Earth in service of humankind. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I fully affirm that I Am physically immortal and I can, if I choose, remain on Earth indefinitely without aging! I Am that I Am. Aum!

I see every person, animal, and plant as the embodiment of the Eternal Self, whether they are aware of their true identity or not. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I am now the perfect integration of the monad, soul, and personality on Earth. I Am that I Am. Aum!

In this holy instant has salvation come. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am one self united with my Creator. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am the Light of the world. I Am that I Am. Aum!

I Am now a fully ascended being who has chosen to remain on Earth to be of service to all sentient beings! I Am that I Am. Aum!

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tschayoth! (Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts!) Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tschayoth! (Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts!) Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tschayoth! (Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts!)
I Am that I Am. Aum!

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