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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

DNA Activation Class introduction is the first in a series of classes focused on assisting you to Recode Your DNA. By letting go of old patterns, ideas and thoughts that are not for our higher good we bring ourselves closer to Ascension and integrate 3rd Dimensional human reality with 4th and eventually 5th Dimensional Spiritual life. The series of classes will take you on a journey of self realization, opening one Chakra at a time, then connecting and anchoring it to the next.
What is DNA?
DNA is also known as deoxyribonucleic acid, pronounced dee-ox-ee-rye-bo-noo-clay-ic acid. It is a large molecule, shaped like a double helix and found primarily in the chromosomes of the cell nucleus and contains the genetic information of the cell.
Human DNA is about 3 billion "base" pairs long. If you stretched the human chromosome out end-to-end, it would be about 6 feet. All 46 chromosomes are folded into a space of a few thousandths of a millimeter (super coil).
DNA tells our cells what they have been, what they will continue to be, and what they will become. Our DNA has been called a living library because of the wealth of information stored on it.
The DNA has been likened to a personal Akashic record of everything we have been, are now, and will be in the future. Our empowerment comes from the knowing that we can change our DNA, and hence our life experience. In essence, DNA intuitive healing is about being able to change the DNA.
The portions of the DNA chain that science has presently identified as the “Double Helix”, represents only the surface portions of the chemical, elemental, and electrical components of the active DNA strands. Within the Double Helix are additional Double Helix strands, which fuse together and add their operational coding into the active DNA imprint. As science evolves to comprehend the multi-dimensional spectrum, the understanding of the tree structure and function of DNA will advance.
Through the process of bio-regenesis, we are removing ancient blockages within the human anatomy that have been blocking natural DNA activation and restoring the Original Organic Imprint for Health. By doing this we are stimulating portions of the DNA into activation.
Most people on the planet only have 3 strands active, which only allows 3 dimensions of consciousness and thus they are stuck in 3D. We are now in a point in history that will give us the ability to regenerate our original organic imprint for health. We need to learn how to use what we came in with, mind-body-spirit system to direct our mind to alter the scalar waves by which our DNA is composed.
Within our DNA lays abilities we have yet to discover. By activating these abilities one could manifest anything desired, live a life without drama, create your ideal physical body, become immune to disease and literally reverse the aging process. You could actually change your blueprint of life to enable you to expand your creative potential, provide access to your subconscious mind, and become intuitive and clairvoyant. The process for doing all this is called DNA activation.
DNA is the blueprint for life. It is located in every cell of the body. In addition to each chromosome’s 2 strand double helix of DNA, there are an additional 10 etheric strands of DNA available to each human. These 10 etheric strands of DNA have been dormant since the beginning of recorded history. Each of these strands possesses attributes that permit the individual to perform greater human accomplishments. We use only 3% of our current 2 strand DNA. Imagine activating 100 % of your 2 strand DNA, plus 10 additional strands. You would go from using 10% of your brain to becoming a multidimensional being with psychic, telepathic, and manifestation abilities beyond anything ever dreamed. You would stop the aging process and actually begin to rejuvenate, looking and feeling younger. This is the original Divine Blue print, the one that has been written which Jesus possessed. If you change your DNA, you will change your life.
The human DNA imprint will always appear from external analysis, as a 2 strand Double Helix configuration. But what is not understood, is that within the Double Helix there are, and will be progressively more, additional Double Helix strands, which fuse together and add their operational coding into the active DNA imprint. As science evolves into comprehension of the multi-dimensional spectrum, the understanding of the tree structure and function of DNA will progressively advance. But one does not have to wait for science to catch up, by using the processes of bio-regenesis, we are able to remove ancient blockages and activate the DNA, restoring the Original Organic Imprint.
 How DNA Activation Works
An activation of your DNA and subsequent DNA intuitive healing sessions can quicken your evolutionary progress. The impact of the activation is typically felt over an extended period, although some people begin to feel its effects almost immediately. By activating the Organic DNA Imprint we enable ourselves in becoming attuned with our full potential as both humans and spiritual beings. The following are among the benefits having been reported by recipients of the DNA intuitive healing work:
  • Activation quickens subsequent DNA intuitive healings
  • Increased ability to access sacred knowledge and open to inner gifts of knowing, seeing and hearing
  • More awareness and expanded consciousness
  • Expanded ability to move into unconditional love
  • Body that feels and looks younger
  • More desire to ingest healthy foods and a focus of keeping the body a sacred vehicle
  • Increased self-trust
  • Improved eyesight
  • Detoxification at physical and emotional levels
  • Increased energy level
  • Improved memory
  • Increased sense of vitality and zest for life
  • Sharpened intuition
  • Increased hair growth
  • A slight cleansing (tiredness, headache, colds, emotional releasing) as long-buried issues rise to the surface for release
  • More ability to understand one’s obstacles to living a fulfilling life
  • Healing of dysfunctional patterns that have been the source of great unhappiness
  • Resolution of issues that have been handed down generation after generation, allowing a person to help heal their lineage while healing the self
  • Increased inner peace and calmness
  • More connection to spirit and the spirit realms
  • Better understanding of one’s path in life
  • Clearing of limiting beliefs and patterns recorded at the DNA cellular level
  • Shifting out of fear and doubt
  • Deep emotional releases and clearer insights about people and situations
  • Resolution of relationship difficulties
  • Healing of underlying causes of physical disease
  • Increased ability to come from the heart, to love self and others
  • Detoxification at physical and emotional levels
  • More sense of control of one’s own healing process by taking an active part in the DNA intuitive healing work
  • Increased understanding of one’s history/past lives and the impact of this past history on the present
  • Ability to more easily let go of painful patterns
Why Is DNA Activation Important?
The earth is going through a time continuum shift. This only occurs once every 25,556 years, it is called a Euiago cycle. Particles that make up the Earths auric field are speeding up in pulsation rhythm to prepare for this shift into ascension from third dimension to fourth dimension. Since the particles that make up the Earth’s auric field are speeding up in pulsation rate, and we exist as part of the Earth’s auric field, the particles that make up our own auric fields must also speed up. This is happening now through 2012. This means that one must have at least 4 strands of DNA active to make the shift into the fourth dimension.
If you have energetic blockages, auric attachments, karmic imprints, DNA distortion, or unnatural energetic seals, then you will not be able to speed up the particles and accelerate the frequencies necessary to make this time continuum shift. And the higher frequencies coming into your field will speed up the body deterioration process and may result in physical problems or discomfort if you are not able to attune to them.
The Earth is OUR outer body. This is why it is called Mother Earth. Our morphogenetic field (form holding blueprint) exists as part of the larger morphogenetic field of the Earth. If something happens to the Earth’s energetic grids, then we inherit these problems into our own grids. Our energetic anatomy is exactly like the Earth’s, with chakras, meridians, axiatonal lines, and DNA. Our 13th chakra is actually one we share with the Earth and exists at the Earth’s core. So if a cataclysm happens with the Earth and it pokes a hole in the Earth’s grids, then what happens is that “hole” is poked into every person’s DNA on the planet.

And this has been one of the main influences and problems with our DNA throughout history as there have been many cataclysms. The Earth distortions in history have actually created a planetary DNA distortion that has made every living organism’s DNA on the planet to falsely appear as Base-4, with only 4 chemicals. Humans are supposed to have 12 chemical nucleotide bases. This would allow us to have 144 physical chemical chromosomes as well, whereas now we only have 46. Also the original Angelic Human DNA Template which most people on the planet have, called the Diamond Sun DNA Template, is 12 strands, allowing for 12 dimensions of consciousness, and is built for transmutation from carbon to silica based body, and eventually pre-matter liquid light. This DNA template is why as 3 dimensional humans we view angelic forms as human like, we cannot move past our 3 dimensional constraints. Those with more DNA strands activated will begin to view angelic forms as light beings, or plasma like. When the angelic realm fell in love with the sons and daughters of man they trapped their DNA within 3 dimensional beings and therefore are viewed as such.   
This body is not meant to “die”. It is because of the DNA distortions in ancient history (25,500 B.C) that have blocked people from bringing light into their field and naturally evolving through DNA activation. Most people on the planet only have 3 strands active, which only allows 3 dimensions of consciousness and thus they are stuck in 3D.
What makes inter-dimensional 12 strand DNA activation so unique is that it activates the layers of energy that surround the DNA, connecting you to the 12 dimensions that are accessible to us now at this point in our evolution.
With DNA activation you will actively and consciously create the moment and start the process of moving outside of linear time. When this takes place your biological time clock is reset and you will have the abilty to create your own destiny.
DNA activation moves you into the morphogenetic field where emotions are held. Once the DNA is activated, emotions, beliefs, and behavior patterns that do not serve your life can be removed, and replaced with the vibrational frequency of love.
What is DNA Recoding
DNA Recoding is the process of realigning, reconnecting, and reactivating the 12 DNA strands. The accelerated process is for the teachers and healers who will lead the way. This group of individuals are also known as Starseeds, Walk-ins, and Lightworkers. This is the group of individuals that must have their recoding accompished by 2012.
Using higher dimensional tools provides one with the unique opportunity to energize dormant DNA strands, while at the same time clear, heal, and release the painful memories held within the phyusical body as illness, and within the emotional body as emotional blocks. At the same time you are clearing and healing, you are also reactivating your psychic glands giving you the abilities of clairaudience (hearing), clairkinescence (feeling), and clairvoyance (seeing) and ultimately clairsentience (full sensory). Reactivating these sences returns us to our natural multidimensional state.
Unfortunetly we do not have a blueprint for ascension, (Recoding DNA) we are left to figure it out as we go. Just know that you do not walk alone. There are many beautiful souls with us, helping us through the pain and fears from our past lives, guiding on our path of enlightenment.
There are 9 levels in the DNA Recoding process and each is connected with one of the Higher Chakras and requires emotional clearing that activates the thymus to change the coding sequence of our DNA.  
The DNA Strands and Endocrine Glands
Each of the following twelve DNA strands represents one of the twelve
aspects of multi- dimensional consciousness.
Strand 1: Courage to move ahead and integrate our fears
Strand 2: Ability to focus on something and follow it to completion
Strand 3: Maintaining gender balance between male /female power
Strand 4: Balance between our energy field and the physical body
Strand 5: Living peacefully in a state of acceptance
Strand 6: Strength to stand in one's truth regardless of the outcome
Strand 7: Ability to accept both our dark and light sides
Strand 8: Ability to hold personal boundaries regardless of outcomes
Strand 9: Ability to accept and live within a diverse community
Strand 10: Ability to tune into and listen to one's soul or higher self
Strand 11: Power to envision, create and manifest these visions in 3D
Strand 12: Ability to be accepting, kind and appreciate the value in all things

The Endocrine Glands
Hypothalamus - I translate what I believe
Pineal - I see or envision what I receive
Pituitary - I hear what I receive
Thyroid - I speak what I receive
Thymus - I clear and transmute what I receive
Heart - I feel what I receive
Gonads - I create and manifest what I receive
Adrenals - I hold true to what I receive
In the recoding process each strand must be individually reconnected to each gland and then activated. This provides the DNA upgrade needed to sustain full consciousness and communication with higher realms. These aspects are represented in physicality as new neural pathways to the brain and when the connection is completed our multi-dimensional consciousness will be fully felt and accessed. To fully integrate this system requires working with each chakra in succession from 1 through 16. Each chakra contains the coding for the next. Chakras 1 through 7, the ones we are all familiar with, are connected to the Endocrine Glands; chakras 8-16 are anchored to these first 7 and accessible through them.  This process takes time and cannot be sped up regardless of how much of a hurry we are in to achieve it. So, be patient and enjoy the journey.


How Do We Ascend
Ascension occurs when we are able to clear our emotional blocks, integrating the fears that are the basis of those blocks, and transmuting the anger, hatred, guilt, blame and shame in those blocks into compassion.  In each of our emotional blocks there is judgment of the dark emotions.  As we learn to accept, value and use those emotions in a balanced manner, we balance the Dark side of ourselves. 
On the outside, as we learn to value and appreciate those who express those dark emotions in their roles as our teachers (i.e., those who play dark roles because they have spiritual contracts with us to do so), we balance the Light and Dark in our reality. 
As we clear our blocks we shift our consciousness.  We become less judgmental, thus more compassionate.  So our consciousness shifts first and our physical body follows suit.  Thirdly, our external reality begins to reflect back the new consciousness that we are expressing. Thus, the physical reality slowly shifts also.  So every day, as we allow our guides to bring our lessons forward so that we can clear them, we are ascending. Each time we clear a block and experience the joy of gratitude and appreciation and compassion, we are ascending. 
What are the mechanics of ascension
Ascension is a process that has spiritual, emotional, mental and physical components.  This process is multi-layered and interconnected, meaning that an action taken on one level affects the other levels. 
The mechanics of the ascension are:
1. You ask for your fears to be made known to you. 
2. A fear manifests in your life packaged as a lesson that has come forward. 
3. You move through the fear, being willing to experience it as completely as necessary in order to integrate it. 
4. You integrate the fear, thus learning the lesson.  In this part you feel the fear feelings associated with this fear/lesson.   They can be feelings such as guilt, shame, hatred, anger, resentment, etc
5. You experience release as the fear is integrated and the lesson is learned.  In this release you experience emotions such as joy, bliss, gratitude (for the person who played the Dark role) and compassion (for the pain the Dark role person had to experience in order to play their part). As you feel the compassion, there is a tingling sensation in your body and in many cases an orgasmic explosion of energy in your high heart chakra (this is the anger, shame, etc., being transmuted into compassion) as you release the people involved in your lesson from blame. 
6. The compassion you feel transmutes a bit more of your DNA from carbon-based to crystal or silica-based, thus allowing more light into your body.  At the same time, any implants (also known as behavior patterns) associated with that fear/lesson are changed (balanced).  If you have been working on this fear in all its various aspects for a while, those newly changed implants then release their bit of your dormant 10 strands of your DNA so that they can be realigned.
The more we move through these steps the more we recode our DNA, shifting our consciousness closer and closer to the integration point between Light and Dark. 
What is ascension
On an individual level, ascension is the process of changing one’s consciousness from one reality, based on one set of beliefs, to another. On a group or planetary level, ascension is the collective expansion of a state of consciousness (set of beliefs) to the point where that consciousness creates a new reality—a new state of being or dimension (The Hundredth Monkey Syndrome). 
What is consciousness 
Consciousness is a set of beliefs on which we base our lives and through which we make the choices and decisions that make up our present reality. 
What is a dimension
A dimension is a state of consciousness with its own unique set of beliefs. For example, 3D is about the belief that this is the only life that we have and if you can’t touch it, taste it, see it, feel it or hear it, it doesn’t exist.  When we move into 5D the belief system is about Christ or Unity consciousness where we realize that we are all connected—we understand and live in oneness. The current 5D consciousness was not established until enough of the people existing there figured out how to live in unity. When enough people live a set of beliefs they create a dimension.
A state of consciousness or dimension vibrates as a certain frequency just as all physical matter has a distinguishing vibration or frequency.  In our universe the closer we get to the integration point of Light and Dark, the faster we vibrate (compassion being the integration point with the fastest vibratory rate). If a whole group of people acquire a particular set of beliefs, in this case, the understanding of how to live at the integration point between Light and Dark, then they all begin to vibrate at that particular rate or frequency.  Continuing on, this group vibration creates a new consciousness, a new reality, and a new dimension by the individuals in the group expressing themselves emotionally, creatively, etc. 


Can we ascend without experiencing pain or fear
We use the energy of the lower frequency emotions of anger, shame, guilt, resentment, etc. to transmute into compassion. To do so we must be able to access these emotions to be able to transmute them. In order to access them we must feel them in some way because that is what is meant by accessing. Experiencing them is the same as feeling them.
The lower frequency emotions create emotional and sometimes, physical pain. Therefore, if we need transmutable emotions for fuel to ascend, then we must access them. This means feeling the pain of those emotions, and if we feel the pain of our emotions, then we don’t ascend without experiencing pain. Pain is always a catalyst for change. We don’t change until we realize that we need to.
Can we recode our DNA just through intent or by having someone else do it for us
If you are doing emotional clearing and using the lower frequency emotions as fuel transmuting these emotions into compassion and by doing so recoding your DNA, then you and only you can recode your DNA. Others may provide information and tools or guide you, but ultimately, it is you who does the work. No one else can experience your fears, integrate them and learn your lessons for you. Nor can you will it done through intent. No one wants to experience any more pain and discomfort then necessary, but dear ones, this is your experience.
What abilities are required for ascension
 The abilities that are required are:
1. The ability to achieve compassion by transmuting emotional blocks
2. The ability to value the Dark in all ways
3. The ability to live in harmony with all other species in the universe regardless of differences
There are two different ascension processes. The first is taught through the ancient mystery schools and enables one to ascend through mental mastery and requires the student to live apart from the world in order to concentrate on his/hers skills. The second is the Human process. This process enables you to ascend through the heart and requires the student to live in the world to acquire the skills. Living in this world means feeling your experiences and learning your own lessens regardless of how hard or painful this may be.
When we ascend where do we go
Just as radio stations exist on different frequencies but you can still access them from the same radio, 3D, 4D and 5D will be different dimensions/frequencies/states of consciousness that can be accessed on the same planet, Earth. 
When we ascend will we give up individuality
Giving up our individuality would be like living in a collective such as bees, ants or the Borg! We want to be living in the knowing that we are all connected so that we can stop warring and fighting. The “we are separate” mentality; is what causes wars, fighting and hatred. When we see the difference in others rather than the connection or similarities we have a tendency to feel we are superior and need to conquer and rule. We do not have to give up our individuality and free will to become a part of a unity of consciousness where everyone has the same or similar belief system.
As we ascend will we leave our 3D lives behind
We will live in a multidimensional consciousness that is part of this world. We are to stay grounded and in the world because the world is the place from where our lessons will come. It is the place where we can access our fears and integrate them, access our lower frequency emotions and transmute them with our 3D physical bodies.
If we separate from the world and spend our time hanging out in other dimensions or the Astral plane, we will lose out on the experiences that cause us to grow.  Remember, without the lessons coming forward, we cannot spiritually grow.  We grow out of imbalance into balance.  If we try to live in a perfect world, we become spiritually stagnant.
How can I tell if I am ascending
  • You have mentally made the decision to go through the ascension process.  This is different than being on the spiritual path.  Ascension is a choice to move to the 5th dimension.  The spiritual path is a choice to open up to what is beyond 3D and to access your spiritual side.
  • Your fears are manifesting in your life as lessons
  • Your physical body begins to react to the ascension process through new aches and pains.  This is your inner child being triggered by the fears coming up to be integrated.  These fears are stored in your physical body in different locations. Example: A fear of money is stored in your lower back and you experience that fear as lower back pain.
  • You begin to be consciously aware of the synchronicities and unusual occurrences in your life versus being unaware of them. 
Another sign that we are ascending are the effects we are experiencing living in two dimensions (3D & 4D) at once. Many people are experiencing heightened emotions, seeing entities in their peripheral vision, memory loss, and weight gain due to fears coming up to be released. Though difficult to deal with, these symptoms are good because they let us know that life as we knew it (living in 3D alone) is over and we have moved into a new dimension.
What is merging of dimensions
As more and more of us move along the Spiritual and Ascension paths, we achieve levels of understanding.  For example, we learn that we are spiritual beings having a physical/human experience.  When enough people figure that one out, they create a new consciousness.  As I understand it, this particular belief being one of the more basic ones on the Spiritual path is a 4D concept.  So, this group has anchored a 4D octave into 3D because they live in a physical 3D world, hence they have merged 3D and 4D.  The same thing occurs when enough people anchor a 5D concept in 3D.  This is what is meant by the dimensions are merging.  Groups of people are creating new dimensions of consciousness while living on a different dimension. 
What are 4th, 5th and 6th Dimensions
The 4th Dimension is one of finding Spiritual Path and the concepts of Karma with its cause and effects.
The 5th Dimension is finding truth in who we were, who we are and who we will be. Real love and compassion begins within this dimension and begins our journey in connecting with Universal Energies and God Source.
The 6th Dimension looks lovingly on humanity and does not judge. The service-to-others (STO) urge is spontaneous and natural because we are all One.

What are the benefits of DNA Activation and Ascension
DNA activation removes the energetic blockages to you embodying your Higher-self, Over-soul consciousness, Avatar self, and your Source or God energy. Therefore the main benefits are consciousness expansion and better health. You will also experience a renewed sense of confidence and security, and will project this to others, which will allow you to have more fulfilling relationships, increased trust and discernment, along with the attraction of soul mates. You will be able to manifest your desires quicker.
The benefits of this activation are:
  • Thirst for Clean water. The new intracellular electromagnetic connections in your body will naturally encourag you to drink more pure water.
  • Hunger for pure food. Your cravings for food will change effortlessly to that which has a greater nu;tritional content.
  • Greater Energy.
  • Connection to all living things
  • Connection to other dimensions.
  • Inner vision, receiving messages from spiritual guidance
  • Communication, both physical and spiritual
  • Love, both human and Divine
  • Physical Body
  • Life force energy (Chi) and personal will
 Your Spiritual Response to full DNA Activation Can Be…
·         Abundance and Prosperity
·         Health, Energy and Vitality
·         Loving, Supportive and Fulfilling Relationships
·         Greater Success and Work You Love
·         Peace of Mind and Enhanced Feeling of Wellbeing
·         Awakening of Your Full Power Potential
·         Accelerated Progress on Your Path of Spiritual Growth and Evolution
·         Self-esteem and confidence, loving yourself unconditionally
·         Fulfillment of Your Spiritual Destiny
·         Recognition of True Divine Self
·         A More Clear Connection to God and Spiritual Guidance
·         Inner Peace
What Occurs in a Typical DNA Intuitive Session
Weather you choose to participate in a guided session or go it on your own, the healings involves changing the DNA where pain originates, from this life, family lineage, past lives, and even soul agreements. Once issues and remedies are determined a clearing of Core Belief Systems and energetic patterns within DNA can be achieved.
DNA intuitive healing sessions involve a spirit-directed process for the clearing. The healing happens energetically during the sessions. The changes are usually subtle and occur over a period of time rather than all at once. Although a few people have experienced immediate changes, but this is rare. The clearing involves going back in one’s life or past lives, recognizing hurtful, unhealthy patterns and experiences, processing the fear, pain, etc. and using that energy to create compassion. When you can place compassion within your heart for those who have caused you pain, then you are living from the heart and the ascension process can take place.
When you live from a place of pain, fear, ego, superiority, hatefulness, or any other emotion that is low frequency energy you are slowing or in many instances stopping your ascension process. Ascension comes from the heart.
Core Belief Issues

The following key words relate to some of the themes of belief systems addressed in the DNA intuitive healing work. These themes are universal to the human experience, meaning that most people will carry belief systems in their DNA involving these issues. These beliefs are held in the subconscious, outside of ordinary view. Scientific studies have shown that beliefs are in large part inherited from one’s ancestors—going several generations back—meaning that a person will likely hold beliefs they don’t recognize as their own. These beliefs, however, are recorded in the DNA and are just as real as the ones a person recognizes consciously. In the DNA intuitive healing work, limiting belief systems are “seen psychically” and cleared from a person’s DNA so that they can experience a more joyful and fulfilling life:
Abandonment.................................... Addictions
Aging and longevity...........................Aloneness
Blocks to feeling/receiving and expressing unconditional love Commitment.......................................Defensiveness
Divine source/creator .........................Gender
Health and sickness.............................Hate
Imprisonment (feelings of being trapped in the physical body or being on Earth
Intake (receipt of information, nutrients, energy)
Spirituality .........................................Trust
Weight and body image.......................Worthiness
Several of the classes involving the Higher Chakras will give you the tools to find what your core belief system is and how to change what is not truly you or for your higher good.
How Do I Use DNA Activation Oils?
1.    Use set of DNA Oils, placing oils on chakras as directed. As you apply each oil imagine a strand of DNA opening up to you with limitless possibilities for personal growth.
2.    Set your intent, ground and center yourself 
3.    Connect to the Universal Energy Field, allowing your brainwaves to become one with it
4.    Direct the Universal Energy Field to open up seals that block DNA activation
5.    Ask that your bio-energetic field be fused with the 12th dimensional energy.
6.    Open yourself to your Higher self and Over soul, allowing them to activate as many strands possible for you at this point in your evolution.
7.    Become one with God.
In reality, we are all just forgotten Gods. We are all one being, one consciousness and everything in the universe, all universes are part and exist within One Consciousness Identity. It has feelings, desires, intentions, and free will. And most importantly, it has the ability to manifest thought. Because we are each an aspect or face of that collective identity that some people choose to call God or some choose to call Source, we are imbued with the characteristics of the Source or God. Which means, we are smaller aspects of God, taking place within God. Therefore we have the ability to manifest like God. We are pieces of God who have forgotten who we were, and with the forgetting we forget How To Do It!
8.    Visualize your DNA being activated, becoming one with you
9.    Visualize your DNA being connected to the Universal Oneness
10. Drink plenty of water prior to your session and after
11. After session take an Epsom or Sea Salt bath
12. Get plenty of rest
You have 16 levels to your Auric Field, so the energetic blockages that are removed in your session my take a few days to flow down into your conscious awareness and holographic reality. The goal is to facilitate permanent changes that last a lifetime.
Mantra for Light Healing
Heloo Helooooh Nay-Ha Nay a Teawaa Tunnn Ra Um
The Core Grounding Exercise
1. Sit in a comfortable place with the soles of your feet on the floor.

2. Visualize a red pulsing light at the base of your spine.

3. Imagine the red light flowing down both legs, through the soles of the feet, and through the floor, the sub floor, and into the ground.

4. The red light contacts your individual or Composite Earth Star Chakra three feet beneath the ground. There it enters into a silver tube and proceeds on its journey through the various strata of the Earth until it reaches the pulsating golden sun at the core of the planet.

5. Just imagine making contact with the Planetary Core.

6. Relax. Enter Stillness. Calm your mind and remain Still for as long as possible.

7. Then as the Stillness begins to move, concentrate on your breathing.

8. When you are ready, on any out-breath visualize all of the dissonant energy in your body traveling down the tube and being absorbed by the Planetary Core. You know that in the Core the dissonant energy is transformed.

9. On any in-breath breathe up Golden Light from the Planetary Core into the silver tube, into the soles of your feet, up your legs, up your spine, throughout your body, until the Golden Light spills out of the crown of your head.

10. Visualize the Golden Light forming a bubble of Spiritual Light that surrounds your entire body in all directions and fills your body with vital physical energy, health, and Spiritual clarity.

11. If another color presents itself during this aspect of the visualization, just flow with it. Feel the flow of the energy as your physical body moves smoothly and effortlessly through the time and space of your new existence, anchoring in the space and time where you are already healed.
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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions