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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Finding True Self
We touched on this subject and technique in DNA Activation Introduction class. Now it is time to truly begin the work on this subject. It will be an ongoing exercise during our journey of self exploration and DNA activation.
No one else has your unique DNA, experiences, feelings, thoughts, and needs. You are unique. Most people hide from this basic fact and end up being absorbed into a relationship or group, accepting the values and expectations of others as if they were yours. In your flight from your uniqueness, one ends up living according to the standards and dictations of others. 
Most of us do indeed accept the culture, standards, and expectations handed to us from others. The only way to be truly free is to discover the unique person that is you. Most of you have no clue as to who you truly are. You have grown up and lived in the presence of pressures to behave according to the norms of others; your parents, your friends, your culture, and your partners. This has had a great influence on what you think are your values and tastes. You have absorbed who you are from others. Taking on the values of others leads to frustration and unhappiness.
Are you:
  • Accepting the presence of a family member you would rather not be around?
  • Accepting a relationship that is no longer (or may never have been) healthy and happy?
  • Afraid to end unhealthy relationships because you fear the drama of the breakup or you believe to end it would be cruel or selfish?
  • Accepting a job you really didn't or don't now want?
  • Living somewhere when you'd rather be living somewhere else?
  • Letting those close to you dominate you to keep the peace?
  • Caring for or supporting a relative because "It's the right thing to do"?
  • Accepting commitments and obligations that restrict your time or freedom because it seems right or because you didn't realize the consequences when you accepted it?
  • Doing anything because someone else thinks you should?
If you are doing things out of the sense of obligation, guilt, or because you have been taught you should, you are caught in the trap of family and social restrictions. You are not living as the true you. You have absorbed values not consistent with your true nature. Living according to false values creates internal conflict, leading to stress, discomfort, and unhappiness.
Discover Your True Self
How many personal facts or character features do you really know about yourself.
Your true self was probably born with you.  It is your deep and natural core before you were socialized to be something different.  It's unpretentious and following it will lead to your most authentic joy and happiness.
This exercise will help you deprogram yourself from values that are not truly yours, leaving behind inherited beliefs, adhering only to one's own individual belief of self.
Inherited or Individual Beliefs?

1)      List on a sheet of paper beliefs that begin with "I should." adding to the list over the next few days. Put the list away and do not look at it for one week.
2)      At the end of one week, look at the list and see if you can associate any of the statements with people in your life. If you notice any links, ask yourself if you honestly believe that statement.

3)      Reflect on the relevance of each statement and cross out those that no longer apply.

Make a new list from the remaining statements then put it away for one week. At the end of the week repeat the process, any statements remaining on the list at this point may indicate any issues that need dealing with or healing. They may also show you some of your present values.

5)      Now do the exercise listing your wishes, making a list with statements beginning with, "I want." Be completely honest with yourself. Acknowledging these statements can release many hidden levels of stress from your heart chakra and help direct you to the "True You".
Try this excersise when ever you are in doubt of being "Your True Self".
When we allow a false sense of who we are guide us, we are also allowing this false value system to guide our Chakra Systems. We close down our chakras taking the entire system out of balance in order to justify our preconceptions of people, situations and feelings. In this way we are justified in what we have internalize from various interactions within our lives. As we look at each chakra and understand its underlying energy we will learn how to let go of preconceived notions and look at the world differently.

I will take a situation from my own life to demonstrate the growth of self awareness and letting go down to your Core Beliefs. What we take away with us from situations may not be the true reality or for that matter the lesson. I will use the following story from my own life to demonstrate how the process of opening and balancing your chakras can change the way you see things and how instrumental they are in finding your Core Beliefs.

As a child I felt invisible to my family, sort of a non-member family member. I always felt as if I were on the outside looking in. This feeling was driven even deeper into my core beliefs by a single piece of pie. My mother and her sister lived only doors apart. The summer family picnic was at aunt Barbaras and just when desert was to be served my mother told me that I would have to run home and check to see if the coffee pot had been turned of, (if not it had been on about 6 hours by now) , before I could have my desert. There were several types of homemade pies and I wanted a piece of the chocolate one. I made a request for a piece of pie to be set aside for me and ran off on the fools errand. On returning everyone was laughing, my fat uncle Ron and grabbed the only chocolate pie and ate the entire thing. I was told that was what I got for not running the errand fast enough. To me I was not even worth a piece of pie to my family. No one cared that my feelings had been hurt. They did however feel it was funny to make a pig of ones self and eat an entire pie.

This event churned in me and through out the years I became more and more distant from my family. If you did not feel, your were not part of, and you were invisible to those around you, then you cannot be hurt. That is what my childs core beliefs allowed me to take away with me from the situation.

When you look at the Solar Plexus one fines this is where feelings are processed and unresolved feelings churn, fester and miss-shape our Core Beliefs. As an adult it is now possible to look back and see that it had nothing to do with me. It did however have everything to do with adults who were so thoughtless when it came to a childs feelings that it did not occur to them to act any different. What I had taken with me was that I did not matter, the truth in fact, they were thoughtless, it had nothing to do with me.

Due to the core beliefs that had been instilled within me by my thoughless family, the act was internalized as , "Not worth a piece of pie to them". Having since established my true self, my True Core Beliefs, do I really think they did it with intent, No, do I think they did not feel I was worth a piece of pie, No, do I believe they were thoughtless, Yes.

As we go through the 3rd Dimensional Chakra System you will see how this story evolves.

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