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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

As discussed in the Class on the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras begin to integrate our energy with the people around us, as well as the environment. They help us establish a place of personal power, as well as recognize potential danger. With the Heart Chakra we begin to move towards etheric realms. The element of air begins our journey of flight, moving us closer to our Fourth and eventually Fifth dimensional Chakras.
The Third Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: Behind the navel
Relates to: Pancreas, liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen and digestion. This is where our unresolved emotions are stored and is therefore the place where we 'digest' our emotions, or not!
Expression: This chakra relates to will power, self-esteem, self-discipline, ambition, courage, generosity, ethics & instincts, self-respect & honoring of self.
Lesson: Shadow aspects: Giving away personal power of choice out of a need for approval; narcissistic behavior.
Color: Yellow
Crystals: Citrine, Sunstone, Lemon Chrysophrase.
Note: E
Sanskrit Name: Manipura, which means lustrous gem
Element: Fire

Gland/Organs: Pancreas, adrenals, skin, digestive apparatus.

Hormones: Insulin, glucagons, secretin, cholecystolinin, digestive enzymes.

From earth to water to fire. The first chakra was one of solidity, stability, focus and form. Through the undimensional eyes of the first chakra we experienced unity. Within this unity we then found difference, change and movement. Through the second chakra we saw dark and light, the passions of duality and choice, emotion and desire. We expanded our instincts from our own survival to the desire for pleasure, nurturance and the need to reach out and expand. When these two levels are put together, we find that they create a third and unique state of existence: energy - the field made by the dance of matter and movement. In physical terms we call it combustion; in the body it is metabolism; psychologically, it relates to personal power and will; and in our outer lives, it is the realm of action.
This is the third chakra. Its element is Fire and its purpose is transformation. The third chakra transforms the inertia of earth and water into action, energy and power. The first two chakras flow downward, subject to gravity and to forms already in existence. Fire flows upsward, destroying form and taking the raw energy to a new dimension.
At chakra three we reach deep into our sense of self, established at the base level, and find a point of dynamic balance between extremes. We temper our desires - not controlling them , but shaping them, riding on their passion, directing it. We create a third point withing ourselves, newly expanded from the growth of the second chakra. We emerge from the pasivity of earth and water and take conscious, deliberate action. We release ourselves from the duality below, and ride upon the constant flux of many points as they combine together. The second chakra presents choices. Out of choices, fueled by desire, the will is born. Will is the conscious combination of mind and action, the overcoming of inertia, and the essential spark that ignites the flames of our power. The task of the third chakra is to overcome inertia. In order to develop and heal ourselves at this third chakra level, we must re-examine our concept of the power which involves control of one part over another. Instead we can replace it with a cooncept of power as integration, power from within, the power of an organism's wholeness, and its ability to connect with the power around us in all of life. When we think about power, we can think about it as an active verb rather than a noun. We think in terms of "power to" inistead of "power over".
In The Body the third chakra is located in the solar plexus, over the adrenal glands. This is where we get those "butterfly' feelings when we're nervous. The third chakra rules over the metabolic system, and is responsible for the regulation and distribution of emtabolic energy throughout the body. This is done throught the combustion of matter (food) into energy (action and heat). Malfunctions digestive system such as diabetes, hypoglycemia or stomach ulcers relate directly to this centre.
To break the cycle of fear and withdrawal takes a reconnection with the self in a loving and accepting way. If we are not in touch with our ground, our bodies our passions and pleasures, desires and unions, we have no fuel for our fire.
The Solar plexus chakra, third energy center; is a fusion of many different energies. Midway between the navel and rib cage it is associated with the lumbar vertebrae, digestion, nervous system and immune system. It contains a large concentration of nerve tissue, that if
disrupted can affect the entire nervous system. The organs linked to the solar plexus chakra are those vital in the process of digestion and assimilation of nutrients required to sustain life. The Solar plexus chakra is linked to our immune system, there for, many types of illness and disease are due to some dysfunction within this chakra.
The third chakra is identified with the element of Fire. Fire gives warmth and comfort but also fear and terror. This embodies the emotional breath of the solar plexus. Issues concerning personal power are part of the Solar plexus chakras function. If one allows people in authority to force into habit patterns that take personal power from us, then eventually the Solar plexus chakra will become blocked and dysfunctional. If we fail to bend to this dominance, often we are met with punishment or criticism. We may feel shame for lack of compliance, which prevents working with the Solar plexus chakra at the emotional level, in turn leading us to interact with the world primarily through our thoughts. If through experiences with overbearing people we have been led to believe that we are worthless, incompetent, stupid, useless, or bad, then our whole relationship to the world will reflect this. We will feel powerless and prone to failure because of our perceived “faults” and preconceived opinions of ourselves. Similarly, if we come to believe that we are superior to other people, our actions will reflect this and we will be unable to see our own shortcomings.
To heal or balance the 3rd chakra one may allow things to be as they are, rather then attempting to control situations. Expressing the Fire energy as anger helps link the Solar plexus chakra with the Sacral and Base charkas. But keep in mind that people experiencing a lot of anger often live so much in their minds that they do not realize how angry they truly are. At the spiritual level, the Solar plexus chakra energies define the boundaries of self. This is where one gains wisdom and insight into the true nature of self. One must define who you are as well as who you are not. When you understand the true you then you can begin to understand your place in the world.
Core function of the Solar Pexus :  Transforming energy into matter, matter into energy, ideas into reality, finding purpose, self-esteem, self-identity, relationship with people
Challenges when solar plexus chakra is not open or imbalanced : 
Basically there are two types of chakra imbalances :
1. Spins fast, in excess, congestion, no harmony
Aggressive, dictatorship, lots of fire energy, projecting superiority, overpowering, forceful, intrusive, quarrelsome, threatening, pushy, intense, goal-oriented, hard ball, power-loving, ambitious, rebellious, viciously competitive, ruthless, go-getter, hyped up, consistently active, chaotic, burnt out, exhausted, disconnected, angry, workaholic, fussy, lack of tolerance, fears intimacy.
2. Spins slow, deficiency, depletion, no harmony :
Weak intentions, fragile determination, negative internal dialogues, lack of confidence, inferiority complex, loss of self-worth, shrinking courage, feeling inner void, weak inner strength, negative self-image, disconnected from gut, loneliness, energy vampire, insecure, phobic.
Physical symptoms of solar plexus chakra imbalance :
Ulcers, diabetes, anorexia, bulimia, indigestion, insomnia, panic attacks, confusion, fatigue, Stress.
When the solar plexus chakra is balanced :
Healthy relationships, success in business and material world, vitality, self confidence, spontaneous, celebrates life.
On the emotional level, fear is one of the major signs of an improperly working solar plexus. You only see the problems and blockages, and so you become depressed and afraid of taking on a challenge. Fate rules, and you have no chance to exert influence. However, the other extreme is also possible: you always try to keep control over everything. You are afraid of what you do not know (e.g. the future) and so you try to prevent 'accidents' by keeping an eye on every detail of your life. Such behaviour is as stressful as it is unsuccessful. You will see the effects of this stress when you carry your stomach ulcer or heartburn to your doctor's practice. Even if your doctor has never heard of concepts like yin and yang, he will certainly recommend relaxation and some kind of stress management. (If he is less skilled, he gives you a handful of pills and lets you go on with your unhealthy life style).
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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions