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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Creating a Moon Garden

Evening gardens, referred to as Moon gardens, are designed to extend the enjoyment of your garden into the evening. In the heat of a summer’s evening the beauty of a moon garden lures us outside to enjoy the fragrance and peace they embody. Nothing is more relaxing than sitting outside either alone or with friends to enjoy a glass of wine or meal in the beauty and sounds of an evening garden.

As the sun sets and the moon rules the night sky, the more vividly colored flowers and leaves fade, becoming dull, losing their command of the day garden. By planting groupings of white or very pale pastel colored flowers, and lighter colored leafed plants the Moon allows us to appreciate Mother Nature’s bounty by illuminating them in her glow. With proper garden lighting and the glow of the moon we are able to enjoy the fruits of our labor far into the evening as the light of day retreats.

Bamboo and ornamental grasses make a comforting sound in the evening breeze while the warmth of the evening allows the garden to emit romantic fragrances under the glow of the moon. With proper placement of plant groupings the garden can be enjoyed all day to well into the evening, making a romantic setting for any intimate dinner. The silvery moonlight creates the spirit of rejuvenation as it illuminates the blossoms and foliage of the evening garden.

Certain blossoms such as the moonflower and four o’clocks open only at night, revealing their sweet fragrances in a spectacular display of scent and beauty. While creating an evening or moon garden, remember to take all the senses into account. The lure of the nighttime garden is scent, sound, and visually pleasing.


  • The Artful Garden: Creative Inspiration for Landscape Design by James van Sweden, Tom Christopher
  • Zen in Your Garden: Creating Sacred Spaces by Jenny Hendy
  • Garden Lighting by John Raine
  • Gardening with the Goddess: Creating Gardens of Spirit and Magick by Patricia J. Telesco
  • The Practical Rock & Water Garden by Peter Robinson
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