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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Moon Gardens: Designing and Planting

An excellent way to spend the fall and winter, is planning and designing your own evening or moon garden. What a better way to spend the cold days waiting for spring, then curling up with a cup of tea and gardening books. From soil up leave nothing to chance. Make notes during the spring or summer to track the suns movement across your chosen garden spot in order to place lighting and various plant groupings in the proper place. Solar lights will need optimum placing for the longest evening use. Your green space will come alive with the proper placing of both plants and hardscape, then showcasing them with proper lighting.


Choosing Flowers for Your Moon Garden
Choose a variety of flowers from tiny sweet alyssum, to impressive moon flowers clinging to a trellis to add interest and depth to your moon garden. Whites, silver and pale pastels work best as they catch and reflect the moonlight. Be sure to not limit yourself to pure white flowers. Variegated flower such as sweet William can create a dazzling show in the moonlight. Experiment with other variegated and pastel flowers to create the effect you desire. Some flowers with golden hues create a stunning show of color at sunset and create a dramatic transition into the night

Include Night-Blooming Flowers in Moon Gardens
Select flowers that release their scent at night. Night blooming jasmine, four-o-clocks and nicotania are good choices, but don't forget to add a few herbs as well. Lavender may not reflect the light, but it will fill the night air with its sweet fragrance. Garden phlox create a heady scent that exudes romance, as well hydrangea.

Backgrounds in Moon Gardens Matter
Consider the background when designing and planting a moon garden. Dark colored trellises blend into the night giving the illusion of flower floating in the air. The same applies to hanging baskets filled with trailing flowers. Try a green basket filled with white cascading petunias to add both fragrance and beauty to the night garden.

Place Moon Gardens Under the Path of the Moon
Place flowers where they will receive the light of the moon. Although this sounds obvious, it sometimes overlooked by well meaning gardeners. Check the path of the moon on a moonlit night to be sure that other garden structure or nearby trees to do obscure it from view.

Extend the Blooms in Moon Gardens
Choose flowers that bloom at different times to keep your moon garden aglow all summer. Adding Shasta daisies and white petunias help to extend the effect you are looking to achieve as they bloom from early summer until frost.

Supplemental Lighting for Moon Gardens
Add lanterns or glowing lights to the garden to enhance it beauty even when the moon is not visible. To create the illusion of moonlight, hang lanterns from trees or on shepherds hooks to illuminate the garden from above.

Water Features Enhance Moon Gardens
A small water feature adds sparkle and soothing sound to the moon garden. Consider bordering it with white rocks or adding garden décor that will catch the moonlight.

Include Seating in Moon Gardens
Add seating near the moon garden for those relaxing summer nights under the stars. Stone benches, wooden chairs or simply an old log or flat rock to sit on creates a romantic get-a-way for whispering sweet nothings under the stars.

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