The chakras are the yoke of yoga, existing at the meeting point of mind and body, spirit and matter. They form a profound formula for wholeness as centers of organization for the life force energy that governs our beliefs, behaviors, and health. Yoga is the spiritual language in which we converse with this ancient system. Learn how to balance the archetypal elements of earth, water, fire, air, sound, light and thought, as you wiggle your way up the spine and across the Rainbow Bridge. Discover the tools to navigate the chakra system as you work your way through this series of classes
The chakras represent the architecture of the human soul. As meeting points between mind and body, spirit and matter, the chakras form the yoke of yoga. As portals between the worlds, the chakras are the seven windows to the soul that connect the inner world with the outer.
Yoga is the spiritual language that opens these centers and brings us to the core consciousness of the divine within. Chakras are modulators of subtle energy and the goal is to free the prana to travel fully through the whole body: grounding your first chakra and rising through the core to the infinite consciousness of the crown.
In these classes you will learn asanas through the lens of the chakra system. What postures do we use to open, stimulate, or relax various chakras? How do we read the body to understand the functioning of the chakras within? How do we combine opposites, such as opening and closing, holding and releasing, charging and discharging, to pump energy through the whole body-mind system? How do we incorporate breath, mantra and mudras into our chakra practice? How do we access and strengthen the core?
Yoga Posture
This posture keeps the energy flowing
Through the Throat Chakra