Each vibrational therapy has its own benefits. For instance, magnetic therapy is used for relief from sports injuries, pain , swelling, fibromyalgia, and arthritis. Tuning fork therapy is similar to acupuncture, in that it works to stimulate the energy of the body’s natural acupressure points and energy systems. It heals the body and promotes inner peace and harmony. None of these vibrational therapies are sufficient as a substitute for traditional medicine, but are great complimentary therapies.
Tuning forks benefit all levels of human beings, Sound and Frequency effects every atom and every cell. Tuning forks are used for healing because of their ability to emit vibrations and frequency. Tuning forks instantaneously alter your body’s biochemistry and bring your nervous system, muscle tone and organs into harmonic balance. It brings our body into natural rhythm which helps induce deep relaxation. When a tuning for is struck it not only vibrates the fork but also the surrounding air space with the same frequency of vibration. This sends the vibration as an impulse through the air. This vibration can be harnessed to help increase the healing energy inside us. Benefits of tuning fork therapy include:
· Improved overall physical health
· Relieve pain and stress
· Balance the nervous system
· Uncover and balance emotions
· Induce relaxation
· Transform and facilitate inner harmony and wholeness…
Everything in the universe is energy. Nothing is actually solid. Instead objects are made up of microscopic particles vibrating at such a fast rate that they appear solid. Our limited sense of sight does not let us see the movement, or vibration, of the particles. Every object, including human organs have a natural healthy vibratory rate referred to as resonance. If a part of the body begins to vibrate out of resonance or harmony, it creates what we term dis-ease. If parts of the body become imbalanced, they may be healed through projecting the proper and correct frequencies back into the body.
Vibrational Medicine looks at the energy anatomy within and around the physical body. Imbalances and disharmonies are treated using frequencies from flower and gem essences, sound, therapeutic grade essential oils, homeopathics, acupuncture, color, hands-on healing, and crystals. Each individual sound, color, crystal or flower essence has a specific quality that is beneficial for a particular human organ, system, or emotion.
Frequencies of Chakra Tuning Forks:
Root – 194.18 Hz, The Root fork is the same frequency as an Earth Day which is 24 hours. The energy is dynamic, stimulating, vitalizing and tonefying. The color is orange-red. It is the frequency that influences the physical body. Very effective in ground you after life shattering events or bad break ups.
Sacral – 210.42 Hz, The Sacral fork is the same frequency as the Synodic Moon, which is the time of the full moon. This tone stimulates sexual energy and supports erotic communication. Also good for women’s cycles and for disturbances of the glandular and lymphatic systems. The color is orange.
Solar Plexus – 126.22 Hz, The Solar Plexus fork is the same frequency as our solar systems central star, the Sun, The Sun is the transmitter and receiver of energies between Earth and the Cosmos. It is the zero point or the point of stillness between Yin and Yang, and all cycles. This tone advances the magical and the transcendental. The color is Yellow or Yellow-Green.
Heart – 136.10 Hz, Cosmic Middle Om, The Heart fork is tuned to the Middle Om vibration and resonates to the Earth Year or the time it takes the Earth to rotate around the sun, which is one year or 365 days. This tone promotes deep relaxation and sedation. The color is Green. It is the frequency that influences the soul.
Throat – 141.27 Hz, The Throat fork is the same frequency as the planet Mercury. This tone supports the speech center and all forms of communications. The color is Blue.
Brow – 221.23 Hz, The Brow fork is the same frequency as the planet Venus. This tone promotes a great flow of love energy and inner harmony. The color is bright Indigo Blue.
Crown – 172.06 Hz, The Crown fork is the same frequency as the Platonic Year, which is 25,920 years. It is the time and the axis of the Earth to complete a full rotation. The tone supports cheerfulness, clarity of spirit, supports cosmic unity and is anti-depressive. The color is Purple. F is the tone of the principle of Joyous Spirit. It is the gateway to spiritual heaven and the connecting link to the Tao in its purest form.
This is a safe, none invasive method used to tune your energy to the proper frequency, you will feel better immediately. Most of you, if you have been through a lot of tragedy, may take a few sessions or an extended session to properly balance your energy.