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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

All of our senses, all or our perceptions, all of our possible states of awareness, everything it is possible for us to experience, can be divided into roughly seven categories. Each category can be associated with a particular Chakra. Chakras are more dense than auras, but not as dense as the physical body. They are hardwired to the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven main chakras is associated with one of the seven edocrine glands, and also to a group of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body. If a chakra is out of balance or blocked then an area of dis-ease can develop. This can be caused by a buildup of unacknowledged negative emotions. If left unacknowledged the dis-ease can become a greater problem as the body starts to shout to gain our attention, eventually breaking down into pain of disease. In the same way we keep our cars tuned up, we also need to keep our body’s energy aligned to right frequency. You will feel instant results once you do this. Vibrational therapy is based on the concept hat all matter (even humans) vibrate at a natural frequency, and that through using resonant vibration, the natural balance of the body can be restored.

Within the body is a polarity system that is a system of polar opposites (Yin and Yang). Most of us become stuck living life in one of these opposites instead of experiencing a full range of living. This is also known as an energy imbalance. When the body is able to live feely in a balanced state, one will live a much healthier life with the ability to move easily without discomfort. Trauma often occurs in individuals as a result of either too little or too much energy, times when the body is not moving about freely.

When our bodies are stuck in a state where they cannot move around freely, then vibrational therapy is used to encourage the frozen energy of the body to vibrate once again. Vibrations are also used to help any over-excited energy to become still. Eventually the body will be able to find a balance between the two energy levels and will be able to move freely and easily with a full range of motion. Resonance is when the vibration of one form begins to match the vibration of another. Each of the different parts of our being; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, will resonate at a variety of vibrational frequencies.

There are many items that have vibrational frequencies that work to stimulate the body’s senses. These include sound, aroma, light, touch, color, tuning forks, reiki, sacred geometry, crystals, and gems. Each of these items can be used in a form of vibrational therapy. Being exposed to various sense stimuli can actually have the power to restore balance in our body and life, and heal trauma. This is achieved through consciously engaging our senses on a regular basis.  Through this procedure we are able to make lasting changes in our lives towards health and well-being.

By placing these tools beside the body, the cells of the body will begin to vibrate at the same frequency as the tool being used through the process of resonance. This in turn stimulates our body’s energy through vibration.

Schedule Tuning Fork Session

To Schedule a tuning fork Session Click here. This will take you out of the secure class section of this website and will require you to log back into class material. Sessions offered:

  • DNA Attunement
  • Chakra Attunement
  • Endocrine System Attunement
  • Angelic Attunement
  • Crystal Grid Attunement
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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions