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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

How to Obtain Spiritual Guidance through Vibration Therapy

Happiness is a relative terminology and the values of happiness vary from one individual to the other. An individual may be the happiest when he is in the middle of a calm and dense forest, but for another the same surroundings can be miserable. The world today is moving at a pace never seen before. Everywhere, everyone is busy and time is the most premium commodity. This is a rat race for materialistic accomplishments. But, there comes a time in every life when one starts looking for that treasure called "peace". Unfortunately this is not an off the shelf commodity available on the racks of the departmental stores. "Peace" lies within and therefore needs an inner search.

Spiritual guidance

In abstract terms, spiritual guidance will endeavor to instill in you the belief that whatever happens in this Universe is controlled by a supreme force that is unseen and one should repose confidence in that force for relief from the real or perceived miseries in life. Therefore, when you submit yourself to spiritual guidance what you receive is a realignment of the subtle forces within your own self just as a magnet attracts the scattered elements towards its focal point. Different methodologies can be employed for imparting spiritual guidance depending on individual beliefs, culture and practices.

Enjoy the Wholesome life

With appropriate spiritual guidance, one can learn to enjoy a wholesome life rather than get embittered in the mundane issues and materialistic pursuits. Spiritual guidance can help you gain a sense of belonging rather than being distraught and lonely.

Vibration therapy

Vibration therapy is one of the means of imparting spiritual guidance to the needy people. While we put in so much money, energy and time to tend for our relationships, our automobiles, our skin, we have perhaps forgotten the most important element that we should care for and that is our vibration.

A storehouse of energy

The human body is a store house of energy capable of achieving almost anything at will. However, this abundance of energy should be canalized appropriately through established methods such as vibration therapy. The body has different warehouses of energy classified as chakras or wheels according to Kundalini Yoga. In the ordinary human being most of these chakras are in a sedate state because there is never an effort to awaken them. Practices such as vibration therapy will identify the sedate chakras and goad them into alertness.

The feel good factor

A bonus accrual from vibration therapy will be the feel good factor. Throughout the day, every single day your inner self speaks to you and governs your actions. But, unfortunately, for many of us the learning has been negative in tuning out these messages from the inner self. Vibration Therapy is a method to reconnect this powerful medium to feel good. When you follow the feel good, naturally your vibrations get buoyed up to its optimal levels. This can translate into simple actions like declining an invite, giving away one of your dearest possessions, or simply walking barefoot on a long stretch of green grass.


Schedule Tuning Fork Session

To Schedule a tuning fork Session Click here. This will take you out of the secure class section of this website and will require you to log back into class material. Sessions offered:

  • DNA Attunement
  • Chakra Attunement
  • Endocrine System Attunement
  • Angelic Attunement
  • Crystal Grid Attunement
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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions