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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

The Twin Flame Mirror

Twin flames were created by God as a package of Creation, each being the embodiment of Love for the other. Thus, your Twin Flame is the perfect mirror of the Love you are as God created you, but carrying the opposite charge (Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine). Being two halves of the same heart, when you look at your Twin Flame you see yourself. So Twin Flames always mirror for each other the “state of your heart”.

According to the law of vibration, Twin Flames would not come together until they could meet each other in perfect Love. This would be difficult for most people on Earth. However, with the Soul mate Dispensation from God, Twin Flames or Soul mates are not now able to come together here before each is living perfect Love. This is exciting for us and holds great promis for the world.

It is important to understand that your Twin Flame is always your mirror. So if you draw to yourself someone who is a reflection of your Twin Flame and you have “heart’s beliefs” that are ego or fear-based, they too will show up before you in this reflection of your Soul mate. As Twin Flames say Yes to Love and draw tougher, there are three things that are critically important.

v  First, each person must be deeply and completely committed to acknowledging his or her ego/old beliefs and making the shift to the heart again and again, bringing each old belief to God to transform.

v  Second, each couple must be committed to seeing themselves together as a unit, choosing Love over ego. For example, if one persons falls into fear based on an old relationship issue, this is a situation for both people to address together. As a couple they must view the ego reaction as something that is not who they truly are, not real, and as something that they can transform. If the person in fear cannot see this clearly, the other person must always stay in the heart, giving purest Love to their partner.

v  Third, Twin flame couples must daily, even hourly give their will to God, keeping their focus on Love and trusting God to carry them across the veil into perfect Love.

Bringing Your Twin Flame Through the One You Are With

Twin Flames have come to Earth at this time to walk the world back to Love. They have chosen to experience duality, ego and all its barriers to Love in order to return it all to God when they remember who they are.

If you are with someone who you believe is not your Twin Flame, it is simply that together you still have some ego, some old hearts beliefs about Love and you are reflecting to each other, some things you have not brought to Love. Our covenant with God is that what we believe in our heart, God will manifest for us.

Perhaps you have a hidden heart’s belief that , for example Love will hurt you. So although you believe you want your partner to be available, part of you does not, because you are afraid of being hurt. Your ego will capitalize on this. Heart’s beliefs come in every form.

As you choose to shift to only Love and give your will to God, your heart’s beliefs will be transformed. As you release the heart’s impediments to Love, your partner is freed from manifesting them for you. As you change, your partner will change to match your resonance.

Those who have truly chosen to clear their own hearts have had incredible experiences of watching their partner shift and open, until they can see their Twin Flame right there, in them. Your Twin Flame will always reflect to you the state of your heart. Your Twin Flame is always with you.

If you shift to clear and open heart, you will see your Twin Flame in front of you, in the one you are with.

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