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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

What is a Twin Flame

Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul. We each have only one twin, and generally after being split the two went their separate ways, incarnating over and over to gather human experience before coming back together. Ideally, this happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet so they can ascend together. So you probably haven't had many lifetimes with your twin.

Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. It is their task to become more whole, balancing their female and male sides, and ideally become enlightened, before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole beings. All other relationships through all our lives could be said to be practice for the twin, the ultimate relationship.

Your soul is consciousness or thought frequency - a light or a soul spark of light. Physical reality is made of electromagnetic energy which has poles (north/south), polarity, duality, opposites, male/female, yin/yang.

When your soul enters the physical, it divides in half - male and female - above and below - experiencing together simultaneously. Encoded in every soul's DNA is the need to reunite with that twin aspect, or to seek that energy out through a physical soul mate. The need to reconnect keeps us linked to the other side and a knowing that Oneness awaits. To find our answers we heal ourselves, and  by healing others. Reunion comes through balance.

The third dimension is often referred to as 'In The Box'. When your polarities merge, your male and female aspects will move 'Out of the Box' igniting and creating union with your Twin Flame or Twin Aspect. As consciousness moves toward reunion, people miss their twin soul aspect and feel incomplete, often abandoned, lost, and depressed. They cannot find themselves. A piece of them-selves is always missing. They search for it in third dimension but never completely find it. If they are lucky, they find someone who comes close to making them feel whole. They want someone to love them, share with them and help them through this journey. While here, you can meet someone who acts as a catalyst, carrying the frequency of your Twin Flame, giving you the feeling of union, while making love.

Description of Twin Flames

·         When you have opened your heart to the energy of your Twin Flame, you feel a love like no other you have ever experienced.

·         There is a familiarity and a knowingness that is absolutely undeniable. He or she is the perfect mirror of you.

·         You experience that in love feeling all the time, and waves of ecstasy and bliss pour through you.

·         Your heart pours Love to your Twin, and giving to your Twin becomes the most important thing in your life.

Twin Flame Love

v  Twin Flames embody the energies of Creation, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

v  A Twin Flame couple is a cell in God’s heart

v  The shared Twin Flame or soul mate heart is an opening to deliver God’s Love to all of Creation

v  God’s Love comes to us every Now Moment in pulsations which sustain all of life

v  Reunited Twin Flame couples feel those pulsations as ecstasy together

v  Twin Flame couples not only deliver God’s Love but generate new Love to add to God’s Love

v  The fiery molten Love shared by Twin Flames can actually melt the frozen hearts of humanity and help God return them to Love

The Twin Flame Heart

v  When you come together with your Twin Flame in consciousness, even before any kind of meeting where the Twin is reflected to you in the physical, you begin creating a shared Soulmate heart.

v  This Twin Flame heart is a powerful tool for bringing the world back to Love. Anything or anyone placed in the Twin Flame heart is brought right to God, and thus returned to Love.

v  God asks you to commit to coming together in consciousness to build this Twin Flame heart together, before coming together in the physical.

v  This creates a firm foundation of Love for the relationship on the spiritual level.

The Heart vs Ego

Why is it so important to build the Twin Flame relationship in consciousness

v  Most relationships on Earth are ego relationships based on old relating patterns, fears and superficial judgments.

v  The ego always creates separation and represents what we are healing here on Earth

v  The ego keeps us turned away from Love or being truly in our heart

v  The soul mate heart is so powerful that a couple must be committed to living in the heart and not the ego if they want a true Soul mate relationship

v  Coming together in consciousness builds a foundation in Love and a real heart relationship, before coming together physically can bring up any possibilities of superficial judgments.

Meeting First In Consciousness

v  Everyone has had the experience we call intuition. It is a knowingness of the heart that bypasses the mind. Meeting in consciousness is the awareness of your Twin in spirit, in your heart, in knowingness

v  The Twin Flame energy is so powerful that by focusing on your Twin, calling him or her to you, and sending Love from deep in your heart, you can quickly move into a glorious relationship in consciousness.

v  Soon you will feel the Soul mate heart you are building together

v  Then, by agreement, you will begin working together with your Soule mate heart to give Love, not only to each other, but to all of life.

v  This returns you as a Twin Flame couple to the flow of creation which is based on giving. What you give comes back to you, and your Twin Flame relationship will grow in amazing ways.

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