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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Chakras of Communication

The Throat, Brow (third eye), and Crown Chakras regulate our communication with and understanding of the world. The Throat Chakra focuses on the expression of what we know and feel, the Brow Chakra brings clarity of perception and intuitive insight, and the Crown Chakra unites the individual to the greater universe.

The Fifth Chakra
Throat Chakra
Location: located at the base of the throat, relates to the thyroid and parathyroid voice and the neck.
Relates to: Our ability to speak our truth & trust ourselves, and is where we allow love into our lives. It is where we exert our will over others or give our power/will away to others.
Expression: This is the center of faith, self-knowledge, personal authority & the ability to keep your word.
Lesson: Shadow aspects: An obsessive need to control relationships & events.
Color: blue
Crystals: Larimar, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis, Aquamarine, Azurite/Malachite, Gem Silica.
Note :G
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha
Element: Either or Akasha

Gland/Organ: Thyroid and parathyroid, nerves, eyes, muscles, bones, kidney.

Hormones: Thyroxin andtriodothyroxin, calcitonin, parathyroid hormone.

The Throat Chakra is associated with the color blue. It is the color of communication and peacefulness. When the Throat Chakra becomes blocked or stressed, peace may be difficult if not possible to achieve. Whenever there is an inappropriate concentration of energy, pressure begins to build up. An outward flow of energy is the only means or restoring balance and release this pressure. This outward flow is achieved through communication and expression through the activity of the Throat Chakra. If this expression is blocked then the energy will find a new release through one of the other major chakra functions. This may show itself as aggressive, selfish behavior by way of the Base Chakra or escapism by way of the Brow Chakra. One may restore balance to the Throat Chakra by playing a musical instrument, singing, chanting or even ganging on a drum. The 6 True Ward Mantra, or chant, works well to balance the Throat Chakra.

The 6 True Words Mantra

Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum

These 6 True Words, or perfect sounds, resonate throughout the entire chakra system, bringing balance to all. While chanting these words you will begin to feel the vibrations working their way through your entire chakra system.

When the Throat Chakra is blocked it makes it difficult to hear the true meaning of what another person is attempting to communicate. This lends itself to one reacting to each word or phrase rather than comprehending the meaning of the communication as a whole. Without an appropriate outward flow of energy, one has a tendency to take everything to personal. Problems may also occur if through overbearing discipline ones personal expression has been shifted or shut down. When this happens the energy either flow upward locking one in a world of fantasy and imagination, or downwards to distort the Solar Plexus, Sacral and Base chakras, expressing itself through manipulation, aggression and dominance. The solution for this is to express the energy through creative, artistic activity.

All the physical organs associated with the Throat Chakra have to do with letting energy move by either inwards or outward movement. Even though breathing is initiated by the Solar Plexus, air passes over the back of the palate through the upper throat and the first contact food has with the digestive system is through the mouth and esophagus. Quite a bit takes place within this realtively small area. Our voice allows us to express what we are feeling within our heart and mind. this gives us a sense of belonging by being able to express ourselves to the world around us. The Throat Chakras function is to allow the energy from the other chakras to express themselves. If this function is suppressed problems will inevitably arise. The chakras work, as one continuous flow of energy, therefore if one ceases to function correctly it will directly or indirectly affect the function of the other chakras. A failure to express yourself ultimately puts limitations on you as a whole. It is this exact mechanism that makes a teacher inspiring or one that leaves not a single impression upon the students; communication says it all.

When lies are told they have remarkable effects on the body as a whole. Lies create conflict within the brain, releasing stress hormones; changing the chemistry of the blood and skin, causing a dip in all subtle energies within the body. Stress cannot be totally disguised making itself known through the way we communicate. This in turn puts strain upon the Throat Chakra. Removing fear, doubt and uncertainty from our pattern of thinking keeps one from communicating what is perceived required by others rather than what the individual truly wished to communicate. These blocks to creativity and true expression of self, can be gradually dissipated by clearing the Throat Chakra. When functioning within its fullest potential, the Throat Chakra should be bringing out our own truth into the world. Speaking from a level of personal truth carries the convictions of your whole being. When one lays aside the values and concepts taught by others then the true self, can emerge.

You Know That Your Throat Chakra is Balanced, When You:

  • Express yourself easily
  • Are able to accept things as they are
  • Find ways of dealing with situations
  • Have the power to make changes
  • Are able to take responsibility for your personal needs
  • Are able to take responsibility for your actions
  • Give up personal will for divine will

When the Throat Chakra is Weak or Blocked, You Feel:

When you do not have enough flow of love to the Heart Chakra, you may try to compensate by wanting physical nourishment through the Throat Chakra. You may experience:

  • Difficulty in speaking or uttering the right words
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Sore throats and feel resistant to change
  • The compulsive need to eat
  • Unable to accept things, and work with situations
  • The world as a hostile and expect hostility, violence, and humiliation rather than love and nourishment

When the Throat Chakra is overactive, you feel the need to control things and other peoples lives.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions