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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Blue governs the Throat Chakra, it is knowledge, health and decisiveness

·         Related organs: throat and lungs

·         Endocrine gland: Thyroid gland. The upper digestive tract can be affected by imbalance in this area. Turquoise can also be helpful for both the throat and heart chakra.

·         Associated problems: Thyroid problems, over active or under active, Anorexia nervosa, asthma, bronchitis, hearing problems, tinnitus, problems of the upper digestive tract, mouth ulcers, sore throats, tonsillitis

·         Personality Traits: Loyal, tactful, affectionate, inspiring, inventive, caring and cautious

Blue is the color of the spirit and relates to self expression, speech, communication, abililty to communicate our needs and requirements, Spirit of Truth and Purpose. This is a mentally-relaxing color. Blue has a pacifying effect on the nervous system and brings great relaxation. It is ideal for sleep problems, and hyper-active children. Connects us to holistic thought, and gives us wisdom and clarity enhancing communication and speech. Continuing the epic adventure through the chakras, we've moved through the filtering train station of the heart and now we're asked to take what we learned on a pulmonary level and express it into our surroundings. We've dreamed the dream of creation, now we are on the path to expressing that dream outwardly. Swimming in these beautiful blue seas we find new connections, and discover true joy is in sharing and communicating our discoveries. When blue hues fill our visions it indicates our willingness to see solutions in everything. Our resources are made known, our expressions are clarified like crystals, and we convey ourselves with a mix of playfulness and natural authority.

Positive aspects of Blue

·         Loyal

·         Trustworthy

·         Tactful

·         Calm

Negative aspects of Blue

·         Unfaithful

·         Untrustworthy

·         Self-righteous

·         Cold

Look around your environment and begin to associate the colors you see with chakra color meanings. This kind of peak awareness to chakra colors in relation to your environment will:

·         Upgrade your common experience to uncommon

·         Personalize your surroundings

·         Provide deeper meaning and insight into your experience

·         Strengthen metaphysical connections

·         Augment mystical/spiritual understanding

·         Offer calming and liberating states of awareness

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions