The Soul is like this elaborate crystalline matrix floating around ones head. Some points and branches well developed with facets the color of the rainbow... others not so, some even missing. There could be tens, hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of these points and branches in a souls matrix... yet as long as one is undeveloped or missing, the whole is somehow out of balance. Like an incomplete jig saw puzzle - the final image may be hinted at (if enough of the pieces are present), but what remains is the feeling "something is missing" and "there must be more".
Soul retrieval work returns the missing pieces of the self to where they once were, as the empty rooms of ones inner being fill in, and the light of the self starts to shine stronger and stronger through the "windows" of the soul.
From inside the rooms or "chambers" of the Soul, there are many windows where one can peer into other dimensions. There are also many doorways where one can ascend or descent into other dimensions... and once entered, each dimension will be experienced as a unique energy and with a unique consciousness, each holding sacred knowledge and hidden mysteries. The more one can open up to ones multi-faceted multi-dimensional self (having access to all of ones soul branches or rooms) the more one can also be of greater service to the whole (in ways unique to your soul).
We are like enormous mansions... for some, there are neglected rooms waiting to be restored to their original splendor. Out of fear (or was it ignorance) some of these rooms have been closed off with steel shutters and locks, keys thrown far away or lost. Who knows what treasures lay inside? Too long to remember... but isn't that a mystery worth exploring?
Generally during a soul retrieval, a Shaman would journey out, find one or more of your missing soul pieces then blow them back into you. In the case of this workshop what I have channeled from Raphiel is that it is more important right now to perform Soul Retrieval within a sacred space, filling the room with love. It is important to be active in ones own healing. The premiss is, no-one can take what you are not willing to give up, you gave the pieces of your soul away for what ever the reason, now it is time for you to take them back. Empower yourself! After this group Soul Retrieval if you wish you can request private sessions with me if you are uncomfortable with performing the Soul Retrieval Meditation on your own or we can meet again as a group for this intent.
When we talk about soul we are really talking about light. In returning the soul parts and lost vitality we are really returning light. During this journey one must fully absorb the light from the returned soul into every cell of the body.
Before you begin, create a sacred space, one where you are held in a container of love, and one that protects you from interference of the outside world. Play music such as Native American drumming. Set a timer, when performing this meditation on your own you do not want to have it extend more than 30 minutes, 20 is good.
Step One:
Come up with a metaphor that will help you absorb the light of the returned essence. It is crucial to come up with a metaphor that will work for you.
A dry sponge that has been put in water and seeing how it actually absorbs the water.
A flower that has been in the rain too long and then the sun comes out and the flower soaks in the light and warmth of the sun.
Or maybe the reverse where a flower is growing in an area suffering from drought. And on the day the rain comes the flower soaks in the water.
A darkened room and the curtains are opened flooding the room with light.
Step Two:
Ask for the souls return, request the universe return it to you, ask your guardian spirits to return soul pieces to you, bringing them back so you can reabsorb them, connecting them to the whole. See them bring your Soul Pieces back to you.
Step Three:
As your Guardian Spirits bring what is yours back, see them offering them to you and feel the Universe blowing them back into you for absorption. Focus on this metaphor, see the light of your soul piece being absorbed, or flooded into yourself. Place your hands on your belly and breathe deeply as you experience absorbing the light of returning soul piece.
Step Four:
Continue to breathe and absorb the light of the soul into every cell of the body while tribal music is being played or Tibetan bowIs are being played. It takes approximately 20 minutes to absorb into every cell the light of the soul.
Step Five:
Now command that all soul pieces that are not yours be returned to the owner. Once your Spirit guides have gathered and brought to you what is yours have them take away and return what is not yours. Thank them.
Step Six:
Write down and share the story of your journey, focusing on the gifts and strengths that have been returned.
Now that your soul has been brought back there is still homework to do. If you have done a lot of personal work the soul retrieval might be the end of the work. If not the soul retrieval would be the beginning of the work. Most will be somewhere in the middle, working towards the end of the homework.
Now it is it is time to look at how to create a healthy life style and attract healthy relationships that will support wholeness and a life filled with healing. How do we want to use the energy that was returned from the soul retrieval and our returned vitality to create a positive present and future for ourselves? And how do we bring passion and meaning back into our lives again so that we thrive instead of just survive? All these issues I call "life after healing" and are crucial to create long term healing after a soul retrieval.