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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Chakras of Manifestation
The base and sacral charkas ensure the stability of the individual at every level of body, mind and spirit.
Name: Base or Root Chakra
Location: at the area of the coccyx at the base of the spine, midway between the anus and the genitals  Relates to:
the adrenals, large intestines and rectum. It shares responsibility of the kidneys with the 2nd chakra. This chakra is known as the kundalini or serpent's fire; life force for survival, life or "death" struggle, family identity, bonding and loyalty.
Expression of energy is directly related to a person's quality of health. The cosmic fire that awaits release lies dormant until the higher self can properly utilize the potency of its ethereal energy source on physical & spiritual levels of life.
The lesson: Oneness rather than separation
Crystals: Garnet, Black Tourmaline, Dravite, Black Onyx, Smokey Quartz, Obsidian;
Note: Middle C.
Sanskrit Name: Muladhara, which means root
Element: Earth

Gland/Organs: Adrenal cortex and medulla.

Hormones: Aldostérone, cortisol, DHEA, adrénaline, norepinephrine.

When the Base chakra is not balanced there is dissociation with the natural connections to physical reality and the sense of being part of creation. This causes a false sense of detachment, disinterest or even disdain, with nothing being appreciated or valued; life is meaningless and dull.
Symptoms of an  imbalance within the Base chakra are:
·    Lack of energy
·   Exhaustion following slightest exertion
·   Stiffness and painful movement
·   Poor co-ordination
·   Poor circulation
·   Excessive tension or excitability
When one is uncomfortable with their body, it is wise to look at the Base chakra. The Base chakra must be well balanced in order to anchor and make use of spiritual energy. This allows us to create value in the here and now. It is vital to anchor those energies in order to keep outside energies from disrupting the way we function. The Base chakra is also the seat of passion. Although lust, sexual excitement and physical passion involve many different charkas, the Base chakra is associated with the motivation to ensure survival of the species. When the Base chakra is imbalanced ; strong emotions build-up, which may be released excessively or inappropriately. There is a tendency to be selfish with a lack of concern for others with a total denial of emotions, especially anger. At the other end of the spectrum, lack of assertiveness can also indicate imbalance within the Base chakra. To energize the Base chakra:
·    Aromatherapy; especially combining the attributes of essential oils and crystal elixirs
·    Massage or reflexology
·    Warm bath
·    Walking, running, jumping or stamping the feet improves the circulation, co-ordination and our link to the planet
·    Eating high protein foods
The Base chakra is the foundation of energy. Located at the bottom of the spine, it is the rock upon which the whole of the chakra system, the subtle energies and physical body, rely and without which disorder soon arises. The Base chakra is also referred to as Root Chakra;  this name comes from the Sanskrit name muladhara. Survival is the key activity of the Base chakra, which deals with life at the level of practicality. The Base chakra is our closet energy to the earth, there for linking us to the planet itself
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