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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Letting Go of Ego

If you consistantly work from your ego-mind you may find it difficult to consciously connect with your Higher Soul Self (the ultimate authority figure) which often tells our human self things that it and the ego-mind does not necessarily want to hear.

Your ego-mind will do everything it can to prevent the connection to the Higher Soul Self. The ego-mind will not listen to the higher authority, it is only interested in winning, being better then all, that will always out weigh what is right or what the core truth really is. The connection and relationship between your various selves will have been damaged. The ego-mind will have installed layers of resistances between you and your Soul Self in the form of energetic blocks, walls, and distortions. These layers of resistance prevent you from accessing powers of your own Higher Soul Self.

The human self often has such a severe mistrust of its own Soul Self do to the ego-mind, that it is not willing or is “resistant” to make such a connection. Here it is common to see many energetic and psychic blocks, walls, distortions, and interference patterns created and installed between the human and its Soul Self. These “resistances” can be felt as heat, irritation, anger, fear, judgment, negative thoughts, denial, confusion, obstinacy... and so many more emotions that can be linked to ego.

We have all experienced this resistance at some point in our lives, it is part of the human condition.  To some degree or another, we all are in or have been in resistance to change. Ego forces us to experience life in such a way that we thurst to spiritually evolve past it and ascend.  When you are feeling resistance, try to be aware of and accept it: if you try to avoid and run from that which brings these feelings up in you, you will be slowing or stopping your healing process. If you accept these feelings as an opportunity, they will bring you freedom, expansion and ascension. When you let go of ego and resistance, the "Truth" will come to you clearly and directly allowing you to experience "Life" deeply and abundantly.

The Heart gives us “Feeling” - the Soul gives us “Knowing”.
One closes their Heart in reaction to something so painful to “feel”.
Rejecting ones soul diminishes your ability to be “aware”.

The basic reason a person gives up their heart and soul is 'pain" and "awareness of pain". Asking someone to stop being afraid of life and embrace it can be a very tall order. You may feel comflicted about doing Soul Retrieval work for it begins the healing process, allowing you to be aware of feelings once again, something the ego-mind is trying to prevent. 

Within our heart there resides the "Divine Spark", the “Consciousness of God”... always beckoning us to do the “right thing”, to be in harmony with all life, to be at one with our Soul. However, there is another part of us - the ego-mind – that doesn’t want to hear any of that. It wants to maintain its dominance and control, and is fighting to keep the distances intact. We are potentially, in this sense, our own worst enemy. Be aware that the ego-mind will find excuses and distractions to take you off the track of healing and being one with your Higher Soul Self.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions