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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Quantum Law of Attraction

Most of us would like to believe that we have free will and we do. However, a very, very large portion of our lives is already predestined for us. Much of your life, right here, and right now, is based on all of your past.

Most of the decisions we make and the feelings we have are based upon quantum levels of programming that have happened to us over the many years of living and learning and experiencing. All of your current decisions and choices are made not with your conscious mind as much as with quantum levels of emotional, psychological, and spiritual programming.

We have spent years bombarding our cells and our entire body with specific emotional chemicals. Our bodies have become addicted to these emotional chemicals and always influence our decisions. It is these addictions that influence us to move indirections that support those addictions, just as a drug addict will pass up food with their last five dollars in order to get their fix.

The same is true at a psychological level. We have been bombarded and have bombarded ourselves with beliefs, opinions, ideas, concepts, and a million other pieces of information on how and what we should think. These quantum levels and mental wirings influence every single decision and choice we make as well.

We cannot make a choice about something without the information of that situation being filtered through our beliefs, opinions, ideas, and perceptions. These ways of thinking have been formed through the books we have read, society, parents, mentors, friends, and a thousand other sources.

These quantum levels of our being influence every single aspect of our lives from the way and what we smell to the way we deal with situations and relationships. Until we learn to wash these quantum levels out and replace them with newer and better quantum levels, we will constantly continue to create the same type of reality over, and over again.

This is extremely important when working with the law of attraction. If you are addicted to the emotional chemicals of victimization, you will continuously make decisions and choices that will move you toward sustaining and feeling that addiction. If you look at someone trying to help you make better financial situations as that person trying to tell you how horrible you are and what is wrong with you, you will never get the lessons of that persons help.

Each and every single one of us has addictions and quantum level programming. This is where free will stops. We always have the freedom and fee will to make a different decision, however, our decisions are already decided for us based on the quantum level programming we have allow to remain with us.

It is a catch 22. Our programming has already decided for us what decisions we will make in specific situations, but we have the free will to make different decisions. So the real question is simple. If I do not have free will other than to choose to create new addictions and quantum level programming, what quantum programming do I need in order to attract and manifest the life I want to live.

The bad news is that you are like a computer and that the junk you have put in is what comes back out when you navigate your life. The other part of the bad news is that the programming you currently have at a quantum level is what dictates every single aspect of your life. Your current programming will keep you exactly where you are.

The good news is that you do still have free will, and that free will can only be exercised inone way. To change your current programming and quantum level addictions. By becoming aware of different decisions in order to reprogram yourself instead of running on autopilot, you can begin to move in completely new directions and discover completely new and different realms of yourself.

This is the only way to get real results with the law of attraction. You must overcome and change these quantum level addictions and programming. If you do not you are doomed to continue to make the same decisions that sustain the same beliefs, opinions, ideas, perceptions, and emotional addictions. Create new perceptions, new addictions, and make them serve you and you will be amazed at what you will accomplish.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions