The Psychology of Duality
The law of polarity duality is found at work in human and animal life as well as in natural phenomena. For example, the positive and negative aspects interact to make life possible on earth. The is the polarity duality phenomena of life and death, youth and old age, heat and cold, pain and pleasure, day and night, and so on…
When the law of polarity duality is broken absolutes are created, no longer do we perceive both sides as part of the whole, but either or, harmony and balance are broken.
The collective unconscious is made up of archetypes created from the contents of the human psyche. The persona is known as the anima and the self animus. Persona is described as the outward face, that part of you that is seen, the animus is the inward face, the part you do not show. In males the anima constitutes their feminine archetype, while in females their masculine archetype.
If the personality is to be well adjusted and harmoniously balanced, the feminine side of man’s personality and the masculine side of woman’s personality must be allowed to express themselves in consciousness and behavior. Everything in creation has its duality; interaction of both makes it possible to exist as a complete entity.
In a person, both sides of the polarity aspects of human personality must be allowed to interact in a balanced and harmonious manner. Problems set in when both the man and women animus interact out of balance and harmony with the persona archetype. The anima in a man or women can be underdeveloped or deflated; this anomaly can create personality distortion.
When the anima is underdeveloped a man may find it difficult interacting with a female, and women, may find it uneasy to relate with a man. With that said, it is also possible that this same underdeveloped inward face can create gender confusion. Seating ones duality within, merging, becoming one, will lift this confusion. When one has confusion with their own sexual orientation one needs to look at seating with their own duality, this will lift the fog of confusion allowing one to see who they truly are from the core of thier existance and belief system. Happiness is only experienced to the fullest when one is true to ones self, living life according to who they truly are, not how they feel they need to live to either fit in or make others happy.