How to Do the Exercise
· On your first session try to keep your journey to 20 or 30 minutes, only go longer once you have more practice.
· Begin by taking deep, refreshing breaths. Find a focal point in your direct line of sight to focus on. Breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose, filling your lungs completely then exhale through your mouth. Be aware of the feeling of your lungs filling and the breath being expelled. Let go of all the mundane things in your mind such as, “the to-do list”, “bills needing to be paid”; let all those things go and concentrate on the slow methodical breaths you are taking. This should take no longer then 3-4 minutes. If you are unable to achieve this within the time frame then get up move about and try again.
· Now, close your eyes and envision a golden ball of healing light. See it spinning and radiating healing light. Starting at your feet, send the golden ball of healing light to each part of your body. Feel its healing warmth as it passes from your feet up your calves, over your knees, along your thighs. As this golden ball of healing light passes slowly through your body you become more deeply relaxed. Now pass the golden ball of healing light through your hips and stomach, along your torso, and through your chest and heart, see the light split and go across your shoulders and down your arms to your hands, then back from your hands to your arms and back across your shoulders, joining once again at the base of your neck. See the ball of golden healing light pass up through your neck and into your head, the golden healing light is now everywhere in your body, healing you, protecting you, deeply relaxing you.
· Scan your entire body looking for places that are not relaxed. Send relaxation to any part of your body that is tense. Do that until you are totally relaxed and peaceful. You should be in a place of perfect peace and stillness. Your body should now be filled with beautiful healing light. Take a moment to bask in it, feel its warmth and safety.
· Now go within and connect with your Inner Vision, on the screen of your mind imagine a closed door at the bottom of a staircase, see yourself walking to the staircase, slowly descending the staircase one step at a time. With each step you go deeper into your state of relaxation. When at the bottom of the stairs you will see two things, to the left a comfortable inviting couch and to your right a closed door. Rest for a moment or two on the couch while you gather your thoughts about what you want to get from this journey through time.
· You will notice that on the closed door there are big red letters which say,”My Past Lives”. Behind the closed door is the gateway to your past lives.
· While relaxing on the comfortable couch feel the love of the Universe surround you, know that at all times you are completely safe and protected by all your guides. If at this point you do not feel up to going through the door you may return up the stairs ending the session to try another time. If you want to go through the door, rise from the couch and move in front of the door. Your Guardian angel will great you there, together you will open the door. Know that your Guardian Angel is there to keep you safe and protected at all times, feel comfort in this. Reassure yourself that you will experience everything about your past lives as if watching a movie. Just as a movie cannot harm you, your journey through your past lives cannot harm you. State, “I am clear on my intention for my past life journey, this intention is____________________________. “
· Together with your Guardian Angel open the door. If the door does not open then the universe is telling you to go back to the couch. If you choose to continue it is your choice. Just consider that it might be for your own good to stop and try again another time. When you are ready, go inside the “Past Life Room”.
· Inside the Past Life Room is very much like a small movie theater, there is a white screen on the wall with seats in front of it for you and your Guardian Angels, you may choose to stand or sit, do what is the most comfortable for you. On either side of the white screen there is a button. On the left there is a Green button, this button starts the projector, showing you your past lives. On the right is a Red button that shuts the projector off and takes you back to the comfortable couch on the other side of the door.
· When the projector begins you will see an image of yourself in a past life. This will be the past life that you most need to see or the past life that most closely matches your special intention. Look at yourself in the screen, once you have a clear view of the individual who was you in a past life say, “Action”. The move of your past life will not start rolling until you do this.
· If you are having difficulty seeing yourself on the Past Life Screen, ask to see the feet of your past life personality. Try to see what it is that you are wearing on your feet. Are you wearing shoes, sandals, boots, or are your feet bare? Once you see your feet, slowly look up to see the rest of you. Once you are in focus, look at yourself on the screen; take a moment to steady the image, then say, “Action”.
· You may ask yourself questions such as, “how old am I”, “where do I live”, and “what is my name”, and so on….or just watch what unfolds.
· Whenever you feel your journey has ended or if the alarm goes off, it is time to come back. The alarm will not awaken you from your state of mind; only remind you that it is time to go. Reach to your right and press the Red button. You will find yourself back in the comfortable couch on the other side of the door. Take a few minutes to rest, thank your Guardian Angels for assisting you, then get up slowly and go back up the stairs. Slowly take each step one at a time, with each step feel yourself becoming more aware of your conscious awareness and connected to a waking state of mind. When you reach the point where the journey began you will be fully awake and aware of your surroundings.
· Pick up your journal and begin writing about your experience.