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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Law of Attraction and Things You Must Do

There are a few things that you absolutely, without any question must do if you ever wish to have the law of attraction work in your life; especially if you wish to have the law of attraction work as quickly as possible in your life. Failing to do these things will certainly cause you to slow down the rate at wich you get what you want, if you get it at all.

1)      Write down what you want. It amazes me how often people fail to do this. I do not know if people have a hard time really thinking about what it is they want or what the issue is, however, this is an absolutely, no questions about it, must do if you wish to get results with the law of attraction.

People ask why they are not getting results with the law of attraction and nine times out of tem they tell me that they never wrote down what they wanted. I do not know if they have a have time when it comes to figuring out what they want or if they simply do not believe this step is necessary. If you have trouble figuring out what you want, then you seriously need to take some time to do so before youtry to attract anything.

If you do not think this step is necessary, think again. This begins to put what you want out into the universe. It is the first physical part of manifesting what you want. It gives you a list of things to think about and dream about and focus on. Never, ever, ever, skip this step. No matter how hard it is, ho much time it takes, DO IT!!!!!!!!

2)      Do whatever you can to bring what you want into your reality. Cut out pictures of houses, cars, boats, vacation spots, or whatever it is you want and hang them up and take time every single day to look at them. If you can drive that car, walk through that house, or physically experience what you want, all the better.

Whatever you do, find ways to bring those things you want into your experience and reality s much as possible. If all you can do is hang up a picture that is fine. If you can physically touch what you want even better. The point is simple, do whatever you possibly can to bring that thing into your reality. The more you do the faster you get it. Could it possible hurt to write it down and hang up pictures?

3)      Focus only upon those things you want. Many people will get so caught up in their current situation that they will find it hard to stay focused on what they want for very long. I can relate to and understand this, however, it is imperative that you develop the habit and ability to almost forget about your current situation.

Focus only on the reality you want until it becomes your current reality. Of course there are things that need to be taken care of today and bills that need to be paid right now. However, allow those things to keep your focus will only cause more of that to be your reality. Take care of it today, but focus upon tomorrow and make tomorrow your reality right here and now. Focus on what you want, and your want will become your reality. Focus on your reality, and your reality will become more of your reality.

Work on these three requirements and you will become amazed at how easily and quickly you are able to attract, manifest, and create the life you want to live. Following these three simple steps will allow you to start living the life of your dreams quicker than you could ever imagine. Work with them, use them, and realize that they are essential to your success with the law of attraction.

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