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Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Put your hands before the lower part of your breast. The middle fingers are straight and touch at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are bent and touch at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs point towards you and touch at the tops.

Doncentrate on the Third Eye or Brow Chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows. Chant the Mantra OM (AUM)

Types of Mudras or postures are practiced by people time immemorial throughout the world. There are different types of Mudras that can be practiced at any place and at any time. The Mudras enable the Chakra energy and mood while lifting the inner self. All the mudras support further developement of self.

Kaya Mudra

Kaya mudras are very similar to asana, but mend the other types of simple mudras with Pranayama and concentration. These are the most complicated types of mudras and involve greater concentration and focus to hold. Kaya mudras strengthen the Prana in the body and direct the prana into particular chakras which are considered energy centers.

Hasta Mudras

Hasta mudras encompass the involvement of hands and are used primarily in meditation, but can also be incorporated in asana and types of pranayama as well as a daily activities. Hasta mudras channel the prana into a new direction. These mudras are the most common of the categories of mudras. Among the various types of mudras, Om Mudra is one of the most well know Mudra. This type of mudra is practiced with the help of the thumb and the index finger. This Mudra is really helpful in attaining peace and tranquility in life. Another important mudra is the Smiling Buddha Mudra. This mudra has been made world famous in paintings and statues. This is considered as an exercise and sign of happiness. It opens the flow of energy towards the heart. Be it any other emotions like anger, depression, fights, anger, fear, worry, impatience and others, this Mudra can be done almost anywhere. Ganesh Mudra, another vital type of mudra helps to reinforce the heart muscles and open the bronchial tubes and release tension. It also opens the fourth chakra and improves confidence in the practitioner. Hakini Mudra is another significant type that engages hand especially fingers. This mudra, if practiced daily can be beneficial for the brain, for the respiratory problems, Bronchial and Asthma mudras are considered as very helpful. It can be done for few minutes one after another until one’s breathing calms down.

Mana Mudra

Mana mudras utilize sense organs of the ears, nose, eyes, tongue and lips. These types of mudras need concentration and focus on internal consciousness at the same time as elevating cognizance. Contraction mudras or the dhyana mudras involve the engagement of subtle skeletal muscles, mostly in the area of the pelvis. These types of mudras centralize the prana in the body and prime the energy channels for the awakening of Kundalini Shakti.

Shankh Mudra

Another type of mudra is the Shankh Mudra which is very good for problems associated with the throat. In this type of mudra, the holding and positioning of the fingers create and bear a resemblance to a conch shell. The conch gesture or Shankh mudra is extremely valuable as it helps to alleviate and reduce any bodily inflammation. It also helps restore calm and rids the mind of any anxiety or tensions that you suffer from. Amongst the diverse types of mudras the Surabhi Mudra is comparatively a bit complex and it almost resembles  a puppet player’s fingers in act. This mudra is supposed to be curative of all stomach problems, removes bodily impuity and helps to balance the five main substances or tattvas in human body. It is supposed to be a helpful tool against rheumatism. Apan Vayu Mudra supports the holistic treatment and helps to assuage diseases like arthritis. The Prithvi Mudra activates the root chakra, which houses the vital energy or elemental force of human entity. A sound vital energy optimizes the material potential in a person who is then in a position to actualize both his physical and metaphysical goals.

Pran Mudra

Apart from these different types of mudras, the Pran Mudra is indeed another important type, which activates the root chakra and increases vitality of Prana. The Linga Mudra promotes the body’s immune system and loosens the mucus that has been collected in the lungs and it is believed to make the body more resistant to colds and chest infections. This mudra is considered to be helpful in reducing weight. Apan Mudra is regarded one of the important types of mudra and is also referred to be the energy mudra. This mudra helps to remove the toxins stagnant in the body. This mudra balances the mind, soul and body and also controls the inner balance of confidence.

Varuna Mudra and Bhuda Mudra

Further, practice of this mudra promotes to the improvement of spiritual power and leads to inner peace. Varuna Mudra and Bhuda Mudra is reckoned as an important type of Mudra. Varuna is the connotation of water. This mudra balances the water component of the human body. This mudra includes touching the tip of little finger with the tip of thumb while the other fingers are kept upright. This mudra works as an effectual tool for getting rid of excesseve mucous that gathers in the lungs or stomach. Apart from these Bhudi Mudra, Apan Vyu Mudra, Kubera Mudra, Kundalini Mudra, Back Mudra, Gyan Mudra, Namaste and Anjali Mudra and the Surya mudra are some of the important types of mudras.


Benefits of Kubera Mudra:

·         Focuses and concentrates energy for something strongly desired

·         Puts powerful strength behind future plans (goals and what you want fulfilled)

·         Confidence, calmness and peacefulness

·         It can also be used to find something

·         Physically, it opens and decongests the frontal sinuses

How to do Kubera Mudra:

·         Touch the tip of your thumb, index finger and middle finger together.

·         Behind the other two fingers in toward the  middle of your hand

·         Do this with both hands

·         Hold for several minutes and repeat 2-3 times throughout the day

Dharmachakra Mudra; Teaching Preaching, Turning the Wheel of Dharma

Dharmachakra in Sanskrit means the 'Wheel of Dharma'. This mudra symbolizes one of the most important moments in the life of Buddha, the occasion when he preached to his companions the first sermon after his Enlightenment in the Deer Park at Sarnath. It thus denotes the setting into motion of the Wheel of the teaching of the Dharma.

In this mudra the thumb and index finger of both hands touch at their tips to form a circle. This circle represents the Wheel of Dharma, or in metaphysical terms, the union of method and wisdom..

The three remaining fingers of the two hands remain extended. These fingers are themselves rich in symbolic significance:

The three extended fingers of the right hand represent the three vehicles of the Buddha's teachings, namely:

  • The middle finger represents the 'hearers' of the teachings
  • realizers'
  • The Little finger represents the Mahayana or 'Great Vehicle'.

The three extended fingers of the left hand symbolize the Three Jewels of Buddhism, namely, the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.

Significantly, in this mudra, the hands are held in front of the heart, symbolizing that these teachings are straight from the Buddha's heart.

Linga Mudra


Dhyana Mudra

Ganesh Mudra

Shivas Linga Mudra

Buddha Mudra


Hakini Mudra

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