The Return of the Mother Ocean to Human Consciousness
Earth is your Ancient Mother. But all life on Earth arose from the Oceans, and so, she is indeed, the “mother” of all Life. She is the Ancient Mother Goddess. She lives within each one of you, and she carries your Primal Consciousness and the spark of life within you, many of you are hearing the call, the whispers of your ancient DNA, the whispers of Lemurian lifetimes….the whispers that call you to the Oceans, to become the Keepers of the Earth and the Oceans
From the Ancient Mother, you will learn the wisdom of Cycles, of Tides, of Flows and of Spirals of Energies. For out of the Oceans all manifestation originally came. She is indeed a powerful teacher for those who can listen and hear……..
The Invocation of the Ancient Ocean
channelled by Celia Fenn from the Oceanic Mother
I am the Ancient Ocean
The Original Mother
Out of my Womb
All Life arises.
Yes, beloved child
We are One.
The blood in your veins
Is the salt water of my Oceans.
You carry within you
The essence of my being.
For Life arose out of the Ocean
I am the original mother
And I am still
The Keeper of your Primal Essence
So far back
millions of years
only the waters swirled on the dark planet
and there was Light!
And the Land arose….
And so YOU came to be.
But I was there first
Dreaming of YOU….
Waiting for YOU to come….
Yes, beloved Child
You are the Ocean’s dream of itself
coming into consciousness…..
rising up
and walking the land
carrying the Light
Indeed you are a beautiful dream
come to reality
Beautiful Children of Light.
But you have forgotten me, my children.
You no longer know me
as your mother.
I call to you in the gentle waves
I come to you in dreams
Remember me
I am your Mother.
When you hear my voice again
We will become One
The Dreamer and the Dream
Walking the Land
Carrying the Light.