Mighty I AM Presence
The main focus of this inner plane I AM is to help you fully integrate, cleanse and merge with the souls or soul extensions from your Monad and Mighty I Am Presence. I AM Presence is also referred to as the Oversoul and Superconscious Mind. This presence or state of mind is anchored within the 12th Monadic Soul Chakra.
Connecting with the I Am Presence on Earth will assist you in fully realizing Planetary Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Mohammed, God, Goddess as well. All of these aspects of your multi-dimensional Ascended Master being are aspects of the Christ. Each one is a higher and higher level of Christed Realization and will allow one to merge with the aspect of the Trinity of God.
This inner plane training will train you to develop your I Am Consciousness, I Am Eyes, I Am Ears, I Am Supersenses, I Am Chakras, I Am Energy Fields and Bodies, I Am Resurrection, I Am Ascension, and will help you to understand how to create an I Am Civilization on Earth!
The ultimate goal of this training is to help you fully realize the Mighty I Am Presence on earth and then merge with the "I Am That I Am"!
This inner plane Training will help you fully open up your connection to all these aspects of self and then to fully integrate and merge with them on Earth. They will also help you to fully integrate and merge with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit as well.
This is one of the many things this series of classes has been preparing you for.