Use this Meditation to:
1. To clean the etheric body, do exercise for about five minutes.
2. Invoke for divine blessing.
3. To activate the heart chakra, concentrate on it and bless the entire earth in loving-kindness.
4. To activate the crown chakra, concentrate on it and bless the entire earth with loving-kindness. Then bless the earth with loving-kindness simultaneously through the crown chakra and heart chakra.
5. To achieve illumination; concentrate on the point of light, on the Aum, and the gap between the Aums. Aum is the limitless, spirit, the word of God, which creates, preserves, and transforms.
6. To release excess energy, bless the earth with light, love and peace.
7. Give thanks.
8. To strengthen the visible physical body; massage face and
body, and do physical exercise for about five minutes.
From the Heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with loving-kindness.
Let the entire earth be blessed with great joy,
happiness and divine peace.
Let the entire earth be blessed with understanding, harmony, goodwill and will-to-good
From the Heart of God,
Let the hearts of all sentient beings be filled with divine love and kindness.
Let the hearts of all sentient beings be filled with great joy, happiness and divine peace
Let the hearts of all sentient beings be filled with understanding, harmony, good will, and will-to-good.
Read this at the beginning of the meditation then let the energy flow.