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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010


 By recognizing the higher dimensional cellular structures in your body now, as we all know, we are transforming from carbon to crystalline based and onto our Diamond Light Body. But what this means is that the light codes in the Etheric Blueprint that have lain dormant all our life and have not been activated in our body are doing so now as we need these awakenings for fully activating the DNA codes. The etheric DNA patterns of light are releasing Liquid Light Golden Plasma that is coming through from our higher dimensional aspects.

By being open to the Liquid Golden Light Plasma through your higher chakras and down through your central channel and into Earthstar chakra assists with the new Divine Blueprint. To be open to the Golden Liquid Light Plasma from Source in divine will and unity consciousness is the gel that activates the latent DNA.


Meditation Of Golden Light Plasma

·         Center and Balance Yourself

·         Take three deep yogic Breaths, which each you become more deeply relaxed

·         Envision a tube of Liquid Golden Light Plasma extending down from the Universe through your Chakras

·         As the Liquid Golden Light Plasma flows down from the outer Source and Suns, into your energy field and body, allow it to spin in your Chakras, first at the Physical Gateway,

·         next the Quantum Holographic Gateway,

·         the Divine Heart Space,

·         down to the Monadic soul level,

·         the Universal Gateway,

·         Inter-dimensional Gateway,

·         Intergalactic Gateway,

·         Soul Star, Crown,

·         Third Eye,

·         Throat,

·         Heart,

·         Solar Plexus,

·         Sacral

·         Base,

·         Then down into the Earthstar below your feet.

·         Now envision Silver Liquid Light Plasma coming up from the Inner Earth Sun, up through your chakras, up through your Earthstar chakra

·         Now the Base Chakra

·         Sacral

·         Solar Plexus,

·         Embrace the Silver Liquid Light Plasma within your Heart Chakra

·         Now the Throat Chakra

·         Third Eye

·         Crown

·         Envision the Silver Liquid Light Plasma entering your Soul Star

·         Now Intergalactic Gateway

·         See it enter the Inter-dimensional Gateway

·         The Universal Gateway

·         Now the Monadic Soul Level

·         The Divine Heart Space

·         Now pull it up to the Quantum Holographic Gateway

·         And finally the Physical Gateway

·         Now allow the Silver Liquid Light Plasma and the Golden Liquid Light Plasma to merge in their own way within each chakra and see it spin.

·         Breathe into it with love and acceptance

·         The key to this is in your heart and comes from your Divine Self allowing yourself to accept all that you are, have been, and will be.

·         See your Chakras clear and flowing

·         Now connect the spinning Silver and Gold Liquid Light Plasma to connect in your Heart and allow the rays to illuminate out through all of the cells of your body….

·         As each cell glows and awakens to its divinity, alive, radiant and light, breath in the energy

·         See the Source within you illuminate out through your Etheric Body, pulsating through the old tangled energies, blocks and fears.

·         The old patterns of energy that have been stagnant now flow freely as the Sun and Star that you are illuminates the diamonds of light through your Etheric Blueprint, glowing clear…until your Ehteric Blueprint is clear.

·         The Silver and Gold Liquid Light Plasma illuminates out through your emotional and lower astral bodies until they are clear, all sparkling gold and silver.

·         Now envision the Plasma illuminating through your mental and casual bodies…out through your Spiritual Body…you are now one Body of Light

·         The coding of Light coming in now are to assist us to fully be our Body of Light and awaken our Divine Blueprint.

·         We are now part of the Golden Liquid Light Plasma Beings, the Greater Central Sun, Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Angelic Beings, we are now in a unified divine state.

·         The Goddess and God are now in clear Light

·         Allow the energies to flow

·         When you are ready, return to this reality, keeping your connection to the energies, allowing them to stay with you

·         When you are ready open your eyes.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions