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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Your current aim as you begin chakra meditations is to learn how to slow the physical vibration or frequency deep within your body. Many people do not realize that their chakra centers are far too exposed, and they are accepting or collecting vibrational patterns in conflict, these vibrations are both high and low. So often times these patterns are disorganized and untidy, and so frequently the seven layers of the physical, emotional, intellectual, astral, etheric, celestial and the ketheric are abnormally increased, especially in intensity for their physical parallel. Therefore, the outcome is that they lure slow frequency forces, energy if you will that remain within their personal sphere. If you hurl yourself headlong into meditation, you will speed the whole process up; directly rendering special stress on your organs that are too slow to cope. This then places too much stress on the chakras already in a place of conflict, which then raises the internal discord of your body. By slowing your physical vibration to a slow-paced more natural frequency than you typically use, you ease the tension and pressure that you put on your muscles. As we ascend and our natural vibrations of our physical body increases to match that of our light bodies, then and only then is there less conflict with vibrational differences. We will harmonize closer to the vibrations of the etheric realms and require less slowing of frequencies to adequately achieve a meditative state.

Anxiety stops being manufactured by your biochemical processes, so you relieve the burden of any stress or mental suffering. You can now get rid of the dark sultry energy forces right away that hang on in the various chakra centers of your body. Therefore, staying within your auric field as a whole, and removing the subliminal fragments of the act of thought interference from your auric space.

Slowing your frequency or vibration?

When you start to slow your vibration, you need to sit with your back in alignment, so that your weight is balanced centrally. In order for your chakra centers to be well aligned you need to settle any issues of bad posture.

Focusing on your breathing

Focus on your breathing; starting with inhaling and exhaling in a balanced rhythm. It doesn't matter if you inhale for a beat of three and exhale for a beat of three, or you inhale for beat of five and exhale for a beat of five. It all depends on your own lung capacity, and what makes you comfortable when you breathe in a balanced rhythm. One of the most important factors now is to achieve an awareness and appreciation of a balanced breathing rhythm. Use your visualization technique to take your awareness, all the way down to your base chakra, slowing your vibration down even further.

Now transfer yourself into the main part of this meditation exercise your vibration will intuitively arise again. Only now, your chakra centers are resonating in harmony, instead of being in discord. In place of one individual chakra taking up all the slack for the idle one's you now have a team effort.

Breathing rhythmically should become natural to you, to slow your vibration at the beginning of all the principle meditations. One of the best breathing techniques is Kundalini. Breathe in through your nose while pulling the energy from your root chakra up the front of you; exhale out through your mouth blowing the energy down your back.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions