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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

The Lightbody Activation process is non-linear yet it has an overall structure or pattern. It is not a measurement of your personal spiritual achievement. The levels are parallel transmutational stages that can take years or a few minutes to move through depending on the will of spirit. Each person has a unique tonal sound signature, the tone that you are. The Lightbody process activates different cords and resonates sound in accordance with the particular level or levels that an individual is consciously and unconsciously processing in their present life experience. Your soul and divine blueprint determines where you are in any given moment of your evolution and what is needed to best serve the Christ Consciousness. A brief summary of each level is:

First Level Lightbody: It is as though a light bulb goes off in your DNA saying, "It’s time to go home." There is a sense of wonderment and elation that comes up from inside the body. At the same time, the body says, "Time to drop density". Most people have the flu and release old traumas, toxins and stored emotions from the physical body.

Second Level Lightbody: You may feel a little disoriented, be tired and continue to experience flu symptoms. You begin to have an inkling there is something called spirit in your life and that you are connected to your soul.

Third Level Lightbody: Your physical senses become strong. Each cell has increased light focused directly into it by spirit that promotes understanding of higher dimensions. A two-way conversation between your physical body and spirit has begun.

Fourth Level Lightbody: The chemistry and electromagnetic energy in your brain changes. You may experience headaches, blurry vision or difficulty hearing. The hemispheres of your brain begin firing electrically across both hemispheres at the same time. You may feel this electrical energy running across your scalp or down your spine. There are flashes of clairvoyance and a sense of being connected to all things.

Fifth Level Lightbody: You begin to remember more of your dreams and are more cognizant of non-linear thinking. Old thought patterning begins to shift and is released out of the body. You begin to ask yourself, "Who am I?"

Sixth Level Lightbody: Spirit brings you in contact with information and people who are working with the Light to assist you in having a vaster understanding of your own reality and how you operate within that reality. You have flashes of multidimensionality, the feeling that nothing is real and the experience of objects not being solid. You experience compassion within yourself and others to do whatever is necessary to assist them or yourself in going to the next higher step of evolution in service to all life.

Seventh Level Lightbody: You enter the emotional stages of Lightbody Activation and focus on deeper levels of opening the heart center. There is a childlike playfulness from which you operate. You begin to experience the now, the energies of synchronization and of being fully present with spirit.

Eighth Level Lightbody: Your pituitary and pineal glands start to grow and change shape. When your pineal gland is growing, it can feel as though someone has their finger between your eyebrows and is pushing against it. You may feel pressure at the back of your head as the pituitary gland is expanding and experience cranial expansion. You start to think in terms of geometries and tones. Your decisions begin to be guided by spirit.

Ninth Level Lightbody: You are opened more fully to understanding the geometries of tonal languages. You are beginning to embody divinity. You may experience body shifts such as growing taller or shorter. Your weight may go up or down. This is a powerful shift into your multidimensional self and is the final passage to understanding and embodying that you are the source.

Tenth Level Lightbody: You begin to manifest the abilities of an avatar or spiritual master. You are fully conscious of being one with the source. You begin to build your Merkaba, a crystalline geometric light structure that allows you to pass through time, space and dimensions.

Eleventh Level Lightbody: Your structure is made up of many lines of light intersecting in beautiful geometries. A new circulatory system has been built. You are operating fully from your God-self and there is no separation. Everyone at this level is manifesting their vision of heaven on earth.

Twelfth Level Lightbody: This is the final activation of the Merkaba field. You are the divine plan for the planet Earth. You will be affiliated with new and different group structures of councils, governments and families that have come into being for Earth’s final ascension. There will also be different types of community living and new rituals awakening the sovereignty of spirit. In the new world that is emerging, we will each live in our spirit, delighting in our present. As we are fully present, we are in the world, not of the world.

Light Body Activation

This activation brings us into balance with the wholeness navigator within each of us and aligns us with the first source creator of all universal life, As we begin this activation the light encoded helix of the light body we begin to understand the universal wholeness as a vast fields of energy, and our own source and that of the higher fields of vibration that flow throughout the universe. It is at the cellular level of the DNA that this change takes place.

v  Close your eyes and visualize a pure white light flowing over you…… visualize a double pointed termination crystal with one point one foot above your head and the other point about one foot below your feet.

v  Now, visualize that there is another double pointed termination crystal around the spiritual heart or thymus chakra between the heart and throat chakra.

v  Visualize that the two crystals are spinning around you and moving them faster, as they move faster see your body filling with light.

v  In your own time I want you to visualize that your body is getting smaller and till you are a small as a atom and when you have done this move the smaller version of yourself into your body and move it into the cellular level of your DNA and focus on one cell of your DNA Strand and move the smaller version of yourself into that cell and blend with that cell.

v  Now once you have blended with the cell see that cell spiting into two cells of the same portion and fill them with light.

v  Now see the two strands spiting into six strands of the same portion and fill the Six strands with light and love. Let there be light, Let there be love.

v  When you have done this see the six strands spitting again into 12 strands of the same portion and feel the love, feel the love, feel the light. Stabilize this new cellular structure with light and love. Feel the love, feel the light.

v  Now encase the new twelve strand helix in light and love and double it again so that there are 24 strands in this cell.  Blend this new 24 strand helix with your DNA and see it encoding with the other cells of your DNA strand making them 24 helix cell as well. Feel the light, Feel the light, Feel the love.

v  Now I want you to call upon your higher self or Archangel Michael and ask them to activate the first atonement of the lightbody in this new 24 helix code and heal any imperfections in your genetic structure due to past life or present life trama that might be present in your genetic structure. Feel the light, feel the light, feel the love, feel the love.

v  Then visualize that there is a beautiful light radiating just above you and see that pure white light move down the hara line through the crown chakra opening all the chakras as it moves down to the base chakra and ground this energy into the earth star and say out loud I awaken the ability of Clairvoyance Now, I awaken the ability of Clairaudiance Now, I awaken the ability of Clairsentiance Now. Feel the light, feel the love. These are the only three abilities to be opened at the first atonement.

v  When you are ready thank your higher self or Archangel Michael for the first atonement of the lightbody and thank the first source as well. Remember service through gratitude. Then in your own time move the smaller version of yourself out of your body and return it to normal size and ground yourself to the earth. feel at one with the earth, feel the love, feel the light.

v  Now in your own time open your eyes but don't rush you may feel light headed so take your time. For the next couple of weeks as this process takes place you may feel tired, sleep when you need to and drink a lot of water as you may feel warm from the transformation process. This is natural and the DNA activation can take time to adjust to.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions