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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Kundalini Activation

When the Kundalini springs forth, there is a tremendous energy surge. It is likened to a cosmic explosion within a tiny structure, the body. This may be felt throughout the body as a vibration, buzzing, stinging sensation sometimes seen as a kaleidoscope of rushing dancing lights in the mind’s eye. An inner light, heavenly sounds, mystical chimes, or the cosmic all-pervading Om sound may be heard and felt. There may be a strong overall electrical feeling to your body. This may also make you more sensitive to many vibrations of daily activities, sounds are louder, colors brighter and clarity of surrounding and thoughts. One may have dreams of spiritual and religious symbols, most notably a snake integrating within your body. The permanently co-existing awareness of God-Tao-Spirit, a feeling of Bliss, Oneness, Ecstasy, Nirvana. Many scholars feel opening the heart chakra is often the key to awakening the Spirit of the Kundalini. Thus an overwhelming love for all things.

The power that is released may be very uncomfortable the first time you feel it. And you will realize that something is drastically different. The surge is incredible, springing like a snake with such force up through your chakras that your awareness is heightened to an insurmountable level. It may strike you by surprise the first time. While meditating this may happen and it easily breaks your concentration because of the surge. It breaks concentration from the mere force of it. One cannot stay there for long without some practice. Total awareness and concentration is required within this level. One is unlimately propelled through space and time.

Upon doing energy exercises, meditation, you may later feel a very strong but gentle figure-eight motion of energy coursing through the chakras-body-mind. You may even feel like your body is actually moving like a gyroscope as the vortex of energy circulates. It is an amazing feeling! Don’t awaken or lose concentration, it is the Kundalini. At this point there is a symbiosis within your body. Just Be!

Since we are dealing with Universal Energy, the Kundalini energy works on the chakras as well; cleaning any residual by cleansing and heightening the chakra pieces of the energy puzzle. This is why some people may feel so much discomfort at times. But in essence, the discomfort should not last to long. It is a good sign to actively work on the chakras and its properties, cleaning, clearing, grounding and most of all circulating the energy. The chakras hold memories, feelings and emotions so it is important to regularly clean and clear these points to allow for smooth Kundalini energy to flow. Also, one should get used to the new energy of the whirling open chakras before attempting to touch the Kundalini force. In the dam example mentioned earlier, the water-energy needs to flow. If you recognize it early you can get a good start in dealing with the energies.

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