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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Power of Kundalini

The power of Kundalini is the evolutionary force, residing at the base of the spine. When the Kundalini is awakened, it rises through and vitalizes all the chakras present in the human body, thus bringing spiritual knowledge, mystical vision, psychic powers, and finally enlightenment. When the power of Kundalini rises through the different chakras and reaches the highest one, the practitioner enjoys the bliss of being one within the energy of God.

Kundalini Meditation is the technology, art and science enabling a person to allow and utilize his or her own power of creativity for the faster effect in healing, consciousness and other goals. It is the art of using Divine Feminine Energy.

The power of Kundalini involves two kinds of energy. One which is the air energy, which is referred to as the chi, or ki, or prana, and then there is also the Divine Feminine energy or the energy of cosmic consciousness. This Divine Feminine energy lies inactive in the spines lower end, and is frequently pictures as a sleeping, coiled serpent. The power of Kundalini needs to be awakened and arises to merge with the chi or the Universal Energy, thus empowering the person with awareness out of ordinary sensation and powers away from mundane capability.

If the initiate has his/her third eye opened, he/she can actually see the chi particles in the air. There are lots of tiny swirling comets that seem to wink in and out of existence in all the materials around us. The Chi energy needs to be directed and exaggerated by human thought. One can change it, direct it and also alter it. The Kundalini Divine Feminine Energy possesses its own intelligence that is infinitely wiser than any human being. The Divine Feminine Energy is the God-force, the Goddess force. It is intelligent.

The Kundalini Divine Feminine Energy comes from God and returns back to God. The sudden increase of energy flow is often called awakening of the Kundalini Energy. This spiritual power lies hidden as the dormant energy at the base of the spine of human body. But it has potential to wake up and rise through the channels upwards toward the brain. These channels are referred to as nadis and are three in number. The left is Ida, the right one is Pingala, and the central one is Sushumna. The right and left join the central one at the base root of the spine, and they intersect each other at the level of the neck. In most people the energy currents pass through the two channels, Ida and the Pingala. As Sushumna remains blocked by dormant residue of energy, like debris obstructing a channel, the higher or spiritual consciousness remains non-manifested.

Kundalini Activation

Each Chakra in the human body, when activated with the help of Kundalini, results in different attainments.

v  Chakra 1, Root: Attainment of true happiness, beauty, perfect health, physical strength and a magnetic persona

v  Chakra 2, Sacral: Attainment of freedom from stomach ailment, increase in sex power, cure of sexual debility, increase in courage and fearlessness and magnetism

v  Chakra 3, Solar Plexus: Attainment of perfect digestion, riddance from ailments such as kidney stones, diabetes, liver problems…

v  Chakra 4, Heart: Attainment of peace of mind, boundless divine joy, total freedom from tensions, power to look into the future, power of hypnosis, riddance from problems related to heart, increase in soft emotions like love, affection, kindness

v  Chakra 5, Throat: Attainment of increased knowledge, riddance from all ailments related to the throat, thyroid etc…, power of eloquence, deeper spirituality, total material success like comforts, wealth, fame, etc…

v  Chakra 6, Brow: Attainment of your powers for clairvoyance, telepathy, power of giving curses or blessings, instant fulfillment of anything one wishes, gain of knowledge related to science, power to control thoughts

v  Chakra 7, Crown: Attainment of liberation from attachments, enlightenment, freedom from all ailments

Purpose of Kundalini Release
Kundalini has its own sense of direction. Its normal flow is up the spinal column and out through the top of the head, along the trail, it brings fresh awareness, fresh abilites and other worldly states. Much as a plant stretches toward light, the Kundalini pushes one to reach for enlightenment, it moves any energy blocks in its way. It will carry out its own thing. One can only just help or obstruct the process.

A wholly grown person will possess outstanding clairvoyant gifts, great spiritual awareness and truly be considered genius or God-like. Every human being must deal with the Kundaline sooner or later, the more conversant and ready a person is, the more astonishing the experience will be.

Symptoms of Kundalini

Kundalini raising that occurs prior to adequate purification and spiritual awareness is considered premature, producing many different symptoms. Some of these symptoms are:

v  Periods of intensified awareness that do not last

v  States of enlightenment that does not last

v  Periods of extreme depression

v  Unpredictable behavior

v  Unexplainable illness

v  Loss of or poor memory

v  Feelings of lack of intelligence within oneself or feeling this about others

v  Change in coloring in skin

v  Change in texture of skin

v  Going from looking young to old over-night so to speak

v  Looking tired

v  Muscle twitching

Symptoms are dissimilar in each individual because each person has blocks, or energy concentrations, in diverse areas. It is very difficult to know just how a particular person will react. If the spine is clear and straight, the force flows through to the top of the head unhampered; if distorted in some fashion, the free flow is stopped or hampered and the energy goes into the nearest area. You may feel hypochondriacal with all the different aches and pains. At times you may feel ill but not actually be ill.

Change of moods, attitudes and dietary, color and style preferences are common. Some people will experience schizophrenic symptoms as the Kundalini releases energy from strong but un-integrated past-life personalities; it may be that there was little relationship between the soul and the personality and the personality remained separate, to be integrated during another life. Kunalini will seek to cleanse all locked-in memories, whether physical, emotional or mental, whether traumatic or ecstatic events. Instinctively or through meditations, people can relieve experiences from childhood or past lives. Power trips, mysterious anger, base or distorted sexual fantasies or feelings these are all part of personal demons, secreted away only to be brought to light by the cleansing of the Kundalini. It helps not to be frightened to the face the memories sheltered within. When all blocks are released, the Kundalini flows through unrestrained, polishing the cells and allowing the Chi or divine and universal energy to come into the system in pure, strong form.

Awakening Kundalini Energy

Kundalini Meditation is a style of meditation that concentrates on the awakening of the energy that is found at the base of our spine, which is supposed to be in the form of a coiled snake. For that reason Kundalini meditation is said to be the most powerful form of meditation known today. The goal of Kundalini meditation is to awaken this snake and send it moving up your spine all the way to your brain, which is believed to result in a sublime state of ecstasy and awareness.

Once the Kundalini is awakened, it passes through all the seven Chakras, or centers of consciousness, that are thought to reside in the human body. Each chakra provides a certain power or experience when stimulated. Kundalini energy must never be awakened by force. Like a real snake, it can and will strike you if you provoke it. Awakening your Kundalini should not take a lot of effort. The only things you need are patience, perseverance, and devotion to your practice.

Types of Involuntary Kundalini Release

Involuntary manners in which Kundalini may be released include drug usage, overwork, injury to the tailbone area, shock, or unnecessary fear, extremes in meditation, or sex. Too much sexual foreplay without orgasm may also cause unprompted Kundalini release. By involuntary, (not necessarily unwanted),  it is referred to as the liberation of the Kundalini on its own.

The energy not only has an evolutionary intention, it literally produces extra energy. The body may draw from it, without conscious knowledge, to handle tremendous situations. Often, when such situations terminate, the flow continues and the person does not handle things well; the person deals now with unnecessary Kundalini release as well as with the initial trauma.

Some pregnant women go through extra Kundalini release from the pressure of the fetus on the Kunalini area, between the anus and the genitals. Or they experience more psychic capability and responsiveness. Others experience post-partum depression, probably caused by inappropriate Kundalini flow, liberated during pregnancy.

People who have overworked for years may experience what is referred to as unreasonable Kundalini pulled out by the system to handle overload.

Tailbone injuries may place everlasting pressure upon the Kundalini reservoir, driving an individual to incessantly work with the energies and the transformations they bring. The positive side is that the person possesses the extra Kundalini to force the evolutionary growth inside. Pain, trauma, fear, cruel memories; all assist in blowing open the subconscious, which in turn releases the energies. The emotional states then normally increase out of proportion to reality and people are inclined to obsession. If the additional Kundalini is not detached from the subconscious (belly area) and equilibrated with the rest of the body, it continues and compounds the obsessive behavior. Methods which lessen the problem through moving and balancing the energies include mediation, five to ten minutes of free form dancing, or pushing oneself to think higher thoughts. Kunalini will look for the most open area or chakra to escape through if the body is not equipped to experience energies, blowing open a specific area or chakra and inclining to attract all energies toward that spot, as if a block hole. Only a redirection of energy discharges the fixation.

Release through recreational drugs can be particularly injurious, blowing open chakras or causing the burnout experience by some drug users. The very reason some people use drugs, for extrasensory experiences, may bring about a deficiency of paranormal capability in everyday life. A positive characteristic of drug use is that users may have been opened to higher magnitude and shown supernatural possibilities in life. Drug use, however, does not permit an individual to accomplish this state on his or her own; thus the energies are not under command, not always quite helpful, and sometimes extraordinarily severe. People may have experiences but not grow in the use of their radical energy.

When the excessiveness leans towards meditation, the release of Kundalini normally goes more effortlessly, as these people are already working on themselves and are open to alterations. Visions, supernatural encounters, and unnecessary attention placed upon the pineal gland may also touch this reservoir of evolutionary energy and start new waves passing through the system.

Spiritual initiations are given to those who have accomplished high spiritual levels in their growth. This has nothing to do with initiation of earthly organizations, but of one’s of higher consciousness. These initiations release at least one or more layers of Kundalini energy. Initiations from high spiritual levels quite often happen when a person is asleep, when there is no awareness of the event. The person only distinguishes an alteration in perceptions and attitudes. Consciously being aware of the initiation, a person will feel energy similar to a bolt coming into the top of the head, which may go only as far as the area of the heart, or all the way to the Kundalini reservoir to release some of its power. The benefit to this type of release is that there is normally more understanding of what is happening within the system. The initiation always brings greater consciousness and the person does not feel as alone or fanatical when the Kundalini starts performing astonishing things. But if the person is not physically, emotionally or psychologically ready to handle the power, illness or depression may result.

Earth initiations may also prompt Kundalini release. When individuals have opened to higher levels or deeper levels of earth energy initiation occurs. This opens the person to even greater earth awareness. It travels up through the feet in a very authoritative manner and goes up through the entire body and out the top of the head. If it is forceful enough and the person predisposed, the Kundalini may be aroused by its power.

Monadic Body in Kundalini

The monadic body expresses the unity of the polarities and allows the soul to manifest itself in the physical body. At times, through the action of Kundalini, one has contact with the soul and feels unpolluted and sanctified. During other times, one has no concept of any soul. Feeling alternate between one-with-all and complete isolation. The monadic is one of the difficult areas to purify, because it touches one’s essence, one’s whole way of being.

With poor energy flow at the monadic or soul level, one may feel as if they have no right to survive; this in turn may lead to feeling remorseful for everything that happens to others, as if one way or another, you are the cause of others problems. The monadic is also the level of true career and services, where much of the purpose of life is determined. It is the synthesizer of the karmic energy from past lives.

Universal Exercise
Enter a meditative state and feel one’s soul-self as a cell in the body of God. This meditation is advised to be continued for five to ten minute; in this state one is open to receive messages from God.

This Moment of Eternity
Enter a meditative state; bring yourself to a consciousness of your soul in the present moment of eternity. Once you have reached this consciousness hold it for at least five minutes,  it can bring a grand sense of peace, connectedness and universality.

Atmic Body in Kundalini

The Atmic Body of Light is one of higher intellect and protection for all the other light bodies beneath it. It is not to be confused with your Merkabah, which holds similar qualities. The purpose of this light body in your overall light body structure is one of protection, reception and transmission of light and energy. Through the intellect of this Atmic Body, it is determined at what vibration and force you can handle light, energy and higher wisdom descending from God to your physical body and consciousness.

Kundalini is very at home in the spirit or will body. By its very character, Kundalini needs to flow, and this body is one of flowing, moving, and acting. It is extremely easy to get carried away with this flow. More karma is formed through the incorrect use or non-use of the spirit or will than through the other bodies; this energy has a much firmer quality and needs plenty of direction. On the positive side, a person can possess immense magnetism and feel delight or overjoyed states.

As cleansing progresses to the spirit or will level, one might get involved in power trips, thinking that one has all the answers to every problem and thinking that personal power is unrestrained, whether political or financial, charisma, or in attractiveness. In general, such a power trip suggests unwarranted ego and an unreasonable use of will.

Personality Changes
Keeping a constant flow of energy on the atmic level is tremendously difficult. People who posses moderately weak or quiet personalities may find themselves totally changed through the Kundalini cleansing, even to the point of going through Jekyll and Hyde transitions, very delightful sometimes and almost hellish at others.

Everything is accelerated through Kundalini. One should never get caught up in what is occurring. Attachments to actions, ideas, thoughts, shame, pride and feelings may cause blocks and a great deal of wasted energy.

Not My Will, But Thine
Know God’s will from your own, then merge the two.

The spirit or will body is the home of sex and is where the male and female polarities are separated. They are joined in the soul level of the body. In the ultimate energy, these polarities are balanced and operational. Balance will coordinate people with evolution and divine will. Enormous powers, joy and bliss will be natural parts of human beings.

Physical Body in Kundilini

The physical body is a living machine through which the higher bodies express themselves. In blocking off the physical body, one also blocks the expression of the higher self. One can feel or think a good deal, but if one denies physical reflection or action, one may become angry and disenchanted with life, which in turn can lead to physical ailments. Problems which manifest in the physical body aches, pains, or sickness are basically the consequence of blocks, hindering the expression of higher bodies.

The physical body is composed of cells discernible by their own individuality. One must not keep these cells under a conscious control or commanding control, but a loving one. If one looks at the physical body as a universe unto itself, (its own Monadic System) each human being is God of their own universe. The physical body possesses two parts, the dense and the etheric, the etheric is very intimately associated with the nervous system.

Cleansing the Physical
One can use Kundalini on the physical level to attain healthier body.  Kundalini Energy may be directed to diverse areas of the body for, curing and strengthening. Working with it, one develops a sense of how much to send to each area and how it works best.

Letting the Kundalini flow tenderly into the area in need of healing, changing it to the quality of liquid silk, is very comforting, the frequency of the energy changes to one more beneficial to general healing. One can bathe a singular area in this energy. Next disseminate the energy throughout the whole body. Several sessions a week can increase circulation, helps in releasing blockages and generally helps in sustaining a youthful body.

Faced with a need for bigger than normal physical exertion fills the body with the power of Kundalini, one needs to breathe it throughout the whole body, and then let it flow through and then perform the task.

Occasionally one can run Kundalini energy a little too long which can result in physical aches and pains. When physically affected by aches and pains stemming from raised Kundalini, encouraged release with deep, peaceful breathing, followed by massage in the affected area.

The Ultimate
The physical body, purified and refined by the Kundalini, will seem youthful and be pretty energetic. The Physical Body will hardly ever be ill, or illness will occur for a short span of time, possess immense power, and be competent of clairvoyant achievements.

Mental body in Kundalini

The mental body contains matter, which can vibrate at a rate similar to that of the creative force in the cosmos. It is where a person starts to think, to reason, to know, to create. Through the mental body one gathers knowledge, through reason and logic, and where one applies that knowledge. It is also through this body that one sets up severe attitudes or structures in the system. It is here that prejudices are formed. The more inflexible the matter in the mental body becomes, the more complicated it is to flow with life, to learn new ways of living and to develop fresh ideas.

While the Kundalini releases the mental body, a person may find strong, formerly unknown preconceptions or become conscious of life-governing attitudes, which have long influenced actions and reactions.

Clearing the Brain
Concentrate on breathing through the nose up into the head. Then, look into the head as one would look up into the heavens and survey stars in the sky. Observe colors and energy patterns.

Begin with deep, peaceful breathing, concentrating on the center of the forehead, then visualize the work Truth in this area. Breathing in can help feel truth enter the whole system, flooding each cell. Hold this system while doing deep, peaceful breathing for at least 2 minutes.

During Kundaline purification, it is easy for untruths and misconceptions (which block growth) to enter ones thoughts. If one has mental work to do, but the energy will not flow, it is best to try dancing. Dancing is an exceptional exercise for releasing Kundalini flow and assists in thinking and perceptive processes. Since mental work is often done in a way that is not advantageous to superior Kundalini flow, such as curved over a desk working with shoulders rounded and hunched with head lowered, it is advised to try to change the posture and take breaks where one may go for a walk, dance, stretch or other exercise.

Kundalini flow to the brain is slowed when one is caught in emotional situations and relationship problems. Having faith that “this too shall pass”, and gaining linear perspective on the situation helps keep energy flow open to the brain.

The Ultimate
One shall think and cerate in fresh ways and work with higher magnitudes. Manifestation and other mental powers will be considered normal.

Emotional Body in Kundalini

Every human radiates feeling from the emotional body. An individual feels anger there, annoyance, when ones emotional needs are not meet. From the emotional body, one learns to give and articulate love and caring, thus satisfying the needs to be in relationships. The emotional body is very challenging; constantly searching for fulfillment. Feeling exhausted or unable to be express, the Emotional Body may seek pleasure and stability in smoking, eating definite foods, unreasonable behavior or any other number of ways. When an individual keeps direct contact with their emotions, they can deal with these in healthier processes.

As the Kundalini purifies the emotional area, one may find that emotions are out of balance to a given situation. There may be crying spells or other emotional states without apparent reason, the Kundalini is simply hitting a block full force. One’s standard reaction is to block again, it is much better to enter an open meditation, permitting thoughts and feelings to surface, thus allowing the release. The block may be associated to feeling levels either of a past life or experience from this life. It may also represent a present problem. Sometimes it even relates to things which have not yet occurred, but have only begun to manifest through the system.

Emotional Control
Emotions and feelings are just vibratory rates; with changing the rates, one can alter their emotions and feelings. As an exercise feel your own sadness as deeply as possible. Then, the sadness needs to turned towards joy and try to notice the alteration of vibrational quality. The same should be done with fear, reversing it into faith and bravery. Similar action must also be done with jealousy, it needs to turned into understanding one’s own needs. Likewise pride needs to altered into thankfulness. A person can take any emotional quality that is difficult to them, think about its opposite and work it in this manner.

One needs to learn to feel without getting caught in it. The person needs to keep a point of view on the situation by equalizing energies in the body. He or she should feel the energy in the back as well as the front; energy that remains predominantly in the belly area, creates a propensity in humans to give far more attention to the feelings than they deserve. In such cases, the belly area needs to be massaged and asked, what is there that needs to be recognized; then, the entire energy needs to be moved into the whole body, to incorporate or eradicate it.

The Ultimate

After purifying and refining, it is feasible to have feelings without getting caught in them, to experience life without causing more karma and blocks, and to love without affection. The emotional body will then give prosperity and intensity to whatever one does.

Compassionate Body in Kundalini

This is the first of the four bodies of the spiritual self. It serves as equilibrium between the personality and other spiritual bodies. It is also a vehicle for contact with the universal mind that brings perceptiveness and discernments to the human level. It is the foundation of ideas, resulting from abstract thinking or awareness, as opposed to the concentrate logical thinking of the mental body. The intuitional, compassionate body also pertains to understanding and compassion

During maturation of this body, intuition may wax and wane. It is difficult at times to determine the exactness or received information, but holding the energy of the intuition in the body can help one come to a decision. When it reverberates deep inside the self, it is normally right. However, one needs to be patient and learn how to use it.

Cleansing the Intuitional/Compassionate
Kundalini flowing through the body may result in an overabundance of compassion. A person may be overpowered with love for others and for the world. Negative energy may take the form of self-pity. In any event, these feelings are generally out of symmetry. By relieving the surplus energy, it allows the system to feel light and floating. Lying down can help while envisioning oneself being filled with a blue color and sustain a feeling of floating for approximately thirty minutes. This can help balance the energies.

This Too Shall Pass
Understand what is taking place is temporary and that there is a purpose to being cleansed and polished. Be aware of your despondency, disenchantment, misery, or whatever the experience is and breathe into it. Next go into it profoundly, until you comes to the silver lining or break through to peace and joy.

Suffering is the Other Side of Joy
Suffering broadens an individual, allowing fresh understanding to arrive through and new energy to flow in. Fill your body with a taffy color. Courageously and faithfully, let the feelings of suffering be lengthened and opened, until joy and peace flows in.

Spiritual Breathing
Breathe into the top part of the lunges, and feel expansion. Feel uplifted by this splendid energy. This helps activate spiritual centers, reducing surplus energy in the emotional and mental areas and helps in clear and cleanse.

The Ultimate
Generally, we live by intuition, consciousness and insight. People love and feel compassion without getting caught in other peoples stuff. There is a striking balance between the human and spiritual aspects of life. There is also a fresh understanding of God and the Universe.

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