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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

The Sacral Chakra is the second of the two Chakras of Manifistation. Combined with the energy of the the Root Chakra it is the seat of sexual energy and passion.

The Second Chakra
Sacral Chakra

Midway between the public bone and naval (some traditions see it at the naval),
Relates to: Testes, prostate and ovaries. The pelvis is the physical representation of the Void and the Goddess. This is where the Inner Feminine/Goddess Self anchors.
Expression: Creative center, the seat of our passion & our sexuality - being comfortable in our body as a woman or man as well as the ability to create and take risk, fight or flight, resilience, perseverance, and financial well-being
Lesson: Shadow aspects: Disempowering/controlling or using others for your own advantage.
Color: Orange
Crystals: Amber, Tiger Eye, Carnelian.
Note: D
Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana meaning to sweeten
Element: Water

Gland/Organs: Gonads/ovaries, placenta, skin, mammary, reproductive organs, kidneys.

Hormones: Testosterone, estrogen, estradiol, esterone, progesterone, mammary, relaxin and inhibin.

The second chakra is related to the moon. Like the moon's pull on the tides, our desires and passions can move great oceans of energy. The moon rules the mysterious, the unseen, the dark, and the feminine. This gives the centre a very subtle power of its own as we move from our depths outward to create change in the world. At the level of the second chakra, desire and duality play a distinct role-that of getting us motivated for movement and change. Through our desires we expand. Desire is the expression of the physical and spiritual needs of the being. It is like the movement of water. It is the nature of water to move with gravity. If water is held back in its path, a pressure will build up. This pressure will gradually erode whatever is holding it back. It is the nature of the water to flow in a particular direction, and the water has no preference as to what form it follows to get there. All rivers lead eventually to the sea. All rivers find the path of least resistance. Thwarted desires are often saying that we are not traveling the path of least reisitance. If our consciousness is inward instead of outward, we will find another way.
Clairsentience (full sensory) is the psychic sense of the second chakra, the first "stirrings" of higher consciousness and the development of greater sensitivity toward others. It is the ability to sense other people's emotions, also called empathy. It is experienced as a subltle feeling, but as if we were experiencing the feeling ourselves. Most people are clairsentient to some degree. the phenomenon usually occurs more strongly in people who have a proclivity for clairvoyance (seeing) or telepathy characteristic of the upper chakras. Clairsentience is a valuable source of information in healing and helpful in the development of psychism. With conscious attention, it is an aid rather than a detriment.
The Sacral chakra is the second energy center and is located in the area below the navel and above the pubic bone. It is the reservoir of our life energy, from which chi, or energy, is directed through the rest of the body. The Sacral chakra is physically involved with the large intestine, bladder and reproductive organs. Located in the center of the womb area, it is related to giving birth and all other aspects of creativity, allowing one to express the artist within.
     Traditionally this chakra is connected with the element of water and has characteristics of flow, cleansing and movement. The symbol of white, blue or silver crescent is associated with this chakra. This is a reminder of the moon’s influences on all things fluid, to include the ebb and flow of emotions. The area of the Sacral chakra is also our center of gravity. It rules our sense of movement and balance, governing the grace and flow of our movements. The Sacral chakra invigorates the senses motivating enjoyment and pleasure. Happiness and enjoyment are important to maintaining a smooth running, balanced individual; these two chakras encourage awareness of harmony within ourselves, and the world around us.

Imbalance in the Sacral chakra can cause lower back pain, painful or irregular menstruation, constipation, sciatica, fertility problems, impotence and imbalance of body fluids. An imbalance in the Sacral chakra arises when we become fixated on something that we refuse to admit to ourselves inappropriate or unrealistic. Symptoms of an imbalance within this chakra are:
·                     Emotional over-sensitivity
·                     Unhealthy emotional dependency
·                     Intrusive behavior
·                     Failure to respect normal boundaries
·                     Lack of physical or emotional flexibility
·                     Rigidity
·                     Repression of feelings
·                     Fear of sensuality, sex, pleasure or enjoyment
·                     Guilt over feelings and desires
·                     Frustration and bitterness
     Pain and trauma register in the second chakra for the Sacral chakra is the focus of our experiences of pleasure and the first place that experiences any kind of pain. If not released, the pain from trauma is held here, breaking down the flow of life-energy. One function of the Sacral chakra is to maintain the flow of life, which helps remove fragments or trauma trapped within the different systems of the body. Adults who display Sacral chakra imbalances more than likely experienced a lack or close physical contact as a child.
     Like a stream, life-energy must keep flowing. Once it stops flowing, becoming blocked, it is no longer life giving. The Sacral chakra helps to insure life-energy is available to us by keeping the flow in motion. It creates opportunities for life-energy to move around blockages created by stress, restoring the quality of flow back into the systems of the body. Creativity is the natural state of life energy and it restores life to a natural balance. Beautiful art and design, as well as skillful craftsmanship are life supporting for they embody the flow of life energy.
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