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In the Beginning

Our In the Beginning Therapy Session is a wonderful starting point for someone who is new to Energy Healing or those who it has been a significant amount of time since energy work has been done. It is also a great Therapy Session to revisit from time to time. This is a two session therapy that prepares our vibration for higher workBoth Sessions are included in your investment of $195 savings of $65  

Session 1 
Session 1 starts at the beginning of finding our authentic Spiritual energetic self by helping us to cut cords to the past and thought patterns that no longer serve us. These thought patterns keep us anchored in the past and unable to be authentic in our present reality. By cutting the emotions to unhealthy thought patterns we open ourselves to a more balanced and prosperous reality.  


Cords are blockages within our Chakra, Auric, and General Energy Field. These blockages keep us from moving smoothly through life. Cords occur when we internalize the energy from experiences, emotionally giving them value, then on some level believing it. For example, if one was constantly told they are a failure, that energy is emotionally internalized and one does everything possible, without knowing it, to create the reality of failure. This process can be done on many levels to include abundance, success, love, etc...  

Once the cords are cut there is a second meditation for Soul Retrieval. The 10th chakra is where the soul fragments itself and scatters throughout the universe, requiring "Retrieval".   By bringing the aspects of soul fragments back into the 10th chakra it gives us the ability to work with all innate our talents and abilities. We no longer feel empty and no longer have the need to fill ourselves with anything that is not us. This is where the essence of our Spiritual Self resides and when we are fragmented it opens us to fill this space with drugs, alcohol, over eating, needing to control others, sadness for the loss of self, and so on. Once all Soul pieces are retrieved the person has full access to all the infinite possibilities of who they have been, who they are and who they will be.


Both meditations, take place within the energetic field of Genesis Gateway Integration, the energy stream from the core of creation. During both meditations you will be laying comfortably on our Genesis Gateway Integration Therapy Table.

You may add a service at the time of your Therapy* Session:

*To take advantage of the special pricing of these additional services they must be scheduled and paid for at time of Therapy Session.

In the Beginning Therapy Session 1 Includes: 


  • Cutting Cords Meditation 

  • Soul Retrieval Meditation 

  • Mandala Energy 

  • Pyramid Energy 

  • Crystal Energy 

  • 2 Genesis Gateway Integration Practitioners 


RFI Mapping and Reports 

  • Pineal Gland Functionality (RFI) 

  • Brain Balance (RFI) 

Session 2 

Session 2 revisits cutting cords to the past but this time we specifically cut cords to the emotions of our childhood that are not for our highest good. Once the cords are cut there is a second meditation for Healing the Inner Child that resides within each one of us.  

Inner child healing offers a powerful, life-changing formula for integrating Love, Spiritual Truth, and intellectual knowledge of healthy behavior into one's emotional experience of life. It helps to activate a blueprint to transform our core relationship with self and life through encoding within our own DNA. For those of you who have taken my DNA Activation and Chakra classes you will see how this intertwines with Finding Your Core Belief System.   


We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience and the key to healing and integrating Spiritual Truth into our emotional experience of life, is fully awakening to our Spiritual connection through emotional honesty, grief processing, and inner child work. Spirituality can be described as one's relationship with life and others, regardless of religious belief or lack of it. The only one holding you back on your spiritual journey is YOU! 


In the Beginning Therapy Session 2 Includes: 


  • Cutting Cords Meditation 

  • Healing Inner Child Meditation 

  • Mandala Energy 

  • Pyramid Energy 

  • Crystal Energy 

  • 2 Genesis Gateway Integration Practitioners 


RFI Mapping and Reports 

  • Pineal Gland Functionality (RFI) 

  • Brain Balance (RFI) 

Site Mailing List 

*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions