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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

As discussed in the Class on the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras begin to integrate our energy with the people around us, as well as the environment. They help us establish a place of personal power, as well as recognize potential danger. With the Heart Chakra we begin to move towards etheric realms. The element of air begins our journey of flight, moving us closer to our Fourth and eventually Fifth dimensional Chakras.
The Fourth Chakra
Heart Chakra
Located: in the center of the chest
Relates to: Thymus gland and heart.
Expression: This is the chakra of love of self and others, compassion and forgiveness.
Lessons: Shadow aspects: jealousy, joylessness, resentment, & the inability to forgive.
Color: a combination of pink, for self-love, & green, for love of others. We must first love ourselves before we can love another
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Amazonite, Chrysophrase.
Note: F
Sanskrit Name:
Element: Air

Gland/Organ: Thymus, Heart,

Hormones: Thymosin, lymphocytes(white blood cells).

From the active, fiery solar plexus, we are thrust into a new and different realm. From the world of the body and manifestation, we break deeper into the softer touch of spirit. From the focus on the self and its desires and actions, we embrace a larger pattern, and dance our tiny part within the web. We transcend our ego, and grow toward something greater, deeper, stronger. As we embrace the Heavens,we have more than ourselves. We expand. We have reached the central part of the chakra system. It is our core, the inner spirit that unites all the other forces above and below, within and without. Above, we have our abstract spirit, the mental realms, and below we have our "worldly" chakras. The task of chakra four is to integrate and balance the realms of the mind and body. In so doing, it brings a radiant sense of wholeness to the entire organsim and a realization that we are an exquisite combination of both spirit and matter. Within this sense of wholeness lies the seed of inner peace, which takes root and grows firm as this chakra is opened. The symbol for the heart chakra is a circle of 12 lotus petals surrounding two intersecting triangles, forming a six-pointed star. The triangles represent the descent of spirit into the body and the ascent of matter rising to meet spirit. In the heart, the cosmic and the earth energies combine, forming a star that radiates from the center of the chakra. The six points can also be seen as relating to the six other chakras, each represented at this center. The color for this chakra is green and pink, and its seed sound is YAM.
The heart chakra is the center of love.
The love we experience at the level of the heart chakra is distinctly different from the more sexual and passinate love of the second chakra. At the fourth chakra, the love is no longer object dependent. The love we feel is felt toward everything we encounter, because it is felt within as a state of being. At the heart, our love is no longer one of need or desire. Instead, it is one of joyous acceptance of our place among all things, of a deep peace that comes from lack of need, and of a radiating quality that comes from harmony within the self. Love takes the emotional content of the second chakra and balances it with understanding from the seventh. The understanding tempers the desire, and allows us to see beyond our own needs.
The element of this chakra is air, the least dense of our physical elements. Air flows from areas of high pressure towards areas of low pressure, constantly seeking balance. Air, as an element, is commonly associated with knowledge, love and things that are light and spirited. Air represents freedom, as inthe birds that fly. Air also represents breath,the vital energy of life. The Hindus call it prana, the Chinese call it chi, the Japanese call it ki.
The Heart chakra is located at the center of the main charkas at the middle of the breastbone; this is the balance point for the system. It is linked to the physical organs that by their action expand and contract, drawing in and pushing away. The Heart chakra governs how we interact with others as we reach out to touch and embrace them. It regulates our interaction, making sure we become neither too involved nor too detached from the world around us. The element associated with the Heart chakra is Air. Air flows from areas of high pressure towards areas of low pressure, constantly seeking balance.

The experience of love is characterized by the flow of emotions. Trying to hold on to any fluid emotional state, such as love, will lead to an obsessive, possessive attachment much as that of an imbalanced Sacral chakra. The Heart chakra keeps the balance between personal needs and the needs of others allowing us to set boundaries. It allows us to except ourselves as well as others. If we are unable to except ourselves, then we will be unable to except others and in turn others will be unable to except us. When we except and are comfortable with ourselves then we are less likely to be insecure or threatened by others.

For the Heart chakra to remain balanced, one must be willing to grow, expanding to full potential. This requires leaving behind inherited beliefs, adhering only to ones own individual beliefs of self. This exercise will help you deprogram yourself from values that are not truly yours.
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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions