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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010


Success, prosperity and abundance can come to anyone, but they must be in the proper state of mind to accept it. Emotions influence everything people do and lead to specific actions. They can be the inspiration to cure disease or attract wealth. Those who are emotionally prepared to accept what life has to offer, with gratitude, can move the world.

Gratitude is an emotion that is rarely expressed in today’s world, but it can heal the mind, body and soul. It can bring about happiness, success and spur spiritual development. The grateful person is happy with what they have, but continues to strive to achieve.

Emotions color the actions people take and their behaviors. An attitude of gratitude propagates a total sense of wellness and wholeness. It is a healing attitude that is the secret to happiness. Gratitude is a psychological state of being that is linked to the law of attraction. Like everything in life, the more individuals practice it, the easier expressing gratitude becomes.

Gratitude is a positive emotion and works to reinforce future actions on behalf of the individual and others. An attitude of gratitude changes the way individuals approach the world, their interactions with others and their view of life. Thoughts have energy and when individuals expend that energy on gratitude for what they have, it attracts similar energy. What individuals give to the world at large is brought back to them in abundance.

Individuals can use gratitude to bring about the manifestation of their desires. It is a positive emotion and a powerful tool to bring about greater health, wealth and happiness. Those who have learned the law of attraction know that by giving thanks, they are emanating positive energy that will come back to them in a wide variety of ways.

Everyone has something for which to be grateful, health, wealth, happiness. The power of gratitude is evident in those who always seem to get what they want. They have their health, material goods and a happy attitude. Many are envious of such people, yet they are the type of individuals with which everyone wants to associate. They emanate gratitude and make people feel good through the positive energy that surrounds them.

The type of things people attract tells much about them. Those with gratitude are successful in many aspects of their lives. Those who are not grateful tend to have difficulties throughout their entire life. They chalk it up to bad luck, lack of opportunity and most often a lack of money. While monetary wealth helps, without the healing grace of gratitude, life is a deep dark whole that cannot be escaped. Others may have more possessions and material goods, but that should not stop anyone from being grateful for what they do have.

Like any endeavor, individuals become good at being grateful through daily practice. For those who are having difficulty, many opportunities are available to receive assistance and coaching on their road to gratitude and a healing attitude.

Gratitude builds faith in one’s self, others and the world at large. It leads to success, prosperity and abundance. Those who have grateful thoughts are happy and experience a sense of wellness and wholeness. Thoughts have power and are the key by which individuals live the life of their dreams.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions