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Genesis Gateway Integration Custom Tuning Fork session includes RFI mapping before and after the session in order to track subtle changes in ones energetic field.

Your investment in our Spiritual well-being is $95
Allow up to 1 hour and 20 minutes for session
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Genesis Gateway Integration Custom Tuning Forks

Our Custom Genesis Gateway Integration tuning forks contain the frequencies of the Sacred Solfeggio, Archangels, and Genesis or Creation. The Secret Solfeggio was discovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo. "Dr. Puleo was intuitively guided to find the pattern of six repeating codes in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 7, verses 12 through 83. When deciphered, using the ancient Pythagorean method of reducing the verse numbers to their single digit integers, the codes revealed a series of six electromagnetic sound frequencies that correspond to the six missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale."

The Book of Numbers (from Greek ριθμοί, Arithmoi; Hebrew: בְּמִדְבַּר, Bəmibar, "In the desert [of]") is the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible, and the fourth of five books of the Jewish Torah. Numbers is the culmination of the story of Israel’s exodus from oppression in Egypt and their journey to take possession of the land God promised their fathers.

These previously secret sound frequencies are thought to be the tones of creation and destruction. That is, they may be the frequencies used by God to form the cosmos in six days.

Genesis Gateway Integration Custom Tuning Forks are an octave higher than the standard frequencies from Numbers Chapter of the Bible for they also hold the frequencies of the main Archangels associated with Genesis Gateway Integration as well as the frequency of Genesis or Creation itself. Archangels are by name messengers and within the Solfeggio they carry the messages or vibration from God or Source to each cell in our bodies.

These sacred tones are not linear but rather circular, without beginning or end. At the heart of the frequencies resides the frequency 528, the frequency of unconditional love and the anchor for Christ Consciousness. Once tuned with these frequencies they circle around us opposed to linear sound that travels away from us eventually dissipating.

The frequencies of Genesis Gateway Integration Custom Tuning Forks work through the subtle energy fields that comprise the energy layers or bodies known as the Aura around the human body. They are known as the Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies. Each energy layer within the field correlates to the resonant frequency of a particular chakra or energy meridian.

Genesis Gateway Integration Tuning Forks work at a cellular level, working on Chakras, DNA, RNA, Pineal Gland, and Endocrine System as a whole. All resonate with the spiritual light at a quantum level from God or Source.

Benefits of a Tuning Session

  • Deep sense of peace and well-being
  • Reduction of stress and muscular tension
  • Increase in blood flow and circulation to organs
  • Enhanced immune response
  • Increased physical energy
  • Greater connection to the Etheric Realms
  • Clearer connection to the reflection of Kabbalah Tree of Life
  • Pineal Gland well-being
  • Etheric DNA activation
  • Opening of Chakras 1-33

Genesis Gateway Integration Tuning Forks and the Endocrine System

The Endocrine System is comprised of various glands producing hormonal secretions that go directly into the bloodstream and lymphatic system, which are then circulated to all parts of the body. They chemically control the various functions of cells, tissues, and organs. They actually act as "messengers" to coordinate functions of various body parts. Hormones create balance and homeostasis through the facilitation or inhibition of bodily function.

The two Endocrine glands that orchestrate and control the Endocrine system are the Pineal and Pituitary glands. The cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) bathes these glands in the brain. CSF also facilitates the movement of the bones of the spinal column and head so as to maintain free-flowing movement of all parts of the CNS. Therefore, CSF is essential for a balanced, healthy, vibrant nervous system and physical body.

The Pineal gland hangs from the roof of the completely dark cave of the 3rd ventricle of the brain and is constantly bathed in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). This gland was called "Seat of the Soul" by French philosopher Rene Descartes and Alice Bailey. It is thought that the Pineal gland is the connection to our Soul. The CSF is responsible for the transport of hormones to specific endocrine gland receptors in the brain.

Genesis Gateway Integration Custom Tuning Forks resonate at a frequency that promotes a balanced Chakra System and healthy Endocrine System, with emphasis on Pineal Gland functionality.

Genesis Gateway Integration Tuning Forks and DNA

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. Its main biological role is the long term storage of information. RNA acts as a messenger, duplicating the instructions from DNA and taking them to each cell of the body.  DNA contains the biological and genetic instructions necessary to construct all the components of our cells. Specifically, DNA controls the production of proteins within the cell.  These proteins in turn, form the structural units of cells and control all chemical processes within the cell. DNA is a blueprint containing the directions for the functioning of our cells. This blueprint is passed down through our mother and father as well as Source or God. And it is the only common molecule capable of directing its own synthesis.  Genesis Gateway Integration Custom Tuning Forks resonate at the frequencies of “Knowledge from God”, awakening knowledge from God stored deep within our DNA.

Genesis Gateway Integration Tuning Forks and Reflection of Kabbalah

Just as DNA is the blueprint of an individual Life, the Kabbalah Tree of Life is the blueprint of ALL Life. DNA maps to the Kabbalah Tree of Life, so by using the Kabbalah Tree of Life healing principles, it is possible for our DNA to grow, expand and eventually obtain spiritual enlightenment.

Genesis Gateway Integrations at its core reflects the teachings of the Book of Raziel, the Bahir and Kabbalah Tree of Life. The frequencies of Genesis Gateway Integration Custom Tuning Forks assist in opening the higher chakras and dimensions allowing one to integrate the lessons of chakras 17-33 and dimensions 6-12 into our reality.

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