Genesis Gateway Integration
Quote From Dr. Oz
“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010
The Fall from Grace
The Soul is made up of little and big links in a long chain that is our conscious and energetic connection to God (some say these links are, on the physical level, the DNA strands missing from our genetic makeup). If we lose just one link on our Soul chain, our spiritual perspective narrows... eventually we will lose sight of the "Big Picture". Thus began the "Fall from Grace" - that slippery slope leading away from a "State of One-ness".
To lose even a small portion (one link) of ones soul has the effect of distorting any messages we receive, till one loses the ability to clearly hear and determine what is right and wrong, and the moral ground of knowing what is up and down....
As the way becomes less and less clear, we begin to lose trust in our guiding compass - our spiritual connection to God - and we become less secure in our selves and our place in the universe. And when the lower "Inner Child Self" feels more and more disconnected, the fears and insecurities take a life all their own (in the form of an ever growing "Ego Persona") as the egos impulse for safety and survival compel us to all sorts of behaviors we would not normally do, in order to reconnect us if not to the real, than to an illusion of the higher self, generated by the Ego. In a way, our Ego becomes a substitute God.
Since we have fallen so far, deactivating the majority of our DNA and spiritual awareness, the journey back will quite a climb. Coming together as a like minded group will make the climb much easier.
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