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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Jump Into a Universe of Infinite Possibilities

The abundant you, The inventor you, The creative you….. In alternate universes, everything you desire may have already taken place. Tap into this infinite potential with Opening to Other Dimensions and Quantum Jumping.


The idea of another dimension, or MORE than one other dimension, has been theorized for many years, and is a cornerstone of many religions. Since the 1920’s, quantum physicist have been trying to make sense of the startling possibility that an infinite number of alternate universes exist.  Leading scientists like Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku and Neil Turok, all of whom are responsible for life-changing breakthroughs in the field of quantum physics, have all suggested the existence of multiple universes or dimensions.

This discovery of alternate universes, dimensions, was first made when, trying to pinpoint the exact location of an atomic particle, physicists found it was virtually impossible. It had no single location. In other words, atomic particles have the ability to simultaneously exist in more than one place at a time. The only explanation for this is that particles don’t only exist in our universe. They can spark into existence in an infinite number of parallel universes as well. And although these particles come to being and change in synchronicity, they are all slightly different.

In these alternate universes, alternate versions of YOU could be living out their lives. And with an infinite number of them, it means that anything that can happen, does happen, in another universe. If this hypothesis is true, then there is a you that is rich, powerful, successful, happy, creative, as well as deceased, and any other possibility. There is a universe where you are the King of Scotland and a universe where you are a tea farmer in China. A universe where you are a celebrity musician, and one where you beg on pavement for spare change.

So how do parallel universes come to be? How, if you are born in this universe, are there now an infinite number of dimensions where you could exist simultaneously? The theory is simple:

Every decision you make in life causes a “split” in reality…

Which in turn creates two alternate universes—one where the current version of you is today, and another with the version of you who made a different choice. Now think about your life.

Think about all the decisions you’ve made that led to who you are today. If all these decisions caused a split in your reality, each time creating a new version of yourself in a parallel universe who also goes on to make a certain set of choices thereby splitting their reality, you can begin to imagine the infinite versions of yourself that exist.

Now imagine what you could accomplish if you could somehow tap into these alternate universes to meet and learn from these alternate versions of yourself. Imagine the wisdom you’d learn. The opportunities you’d recognize, the skills you’d acquire, and the pitfalls you’d know to avoid.

By meeting these alternate selves, you’d essentially be tapping into a sea of knowledge and experience. You will experience all the knowledge of the Universe as well as from all your past life experiences. But how, might you be asking, does one access these alternate realities? That’s where Quantum Jumping comes in.

Basic information:

  •       If you see a color other than purple it will not cause you to fail. I tell you purple because it is a higher frequency color that helps you tune into and invoke other places. If you see a different color, go for it.
  •   I have not told you how to close the portal because you want it to remain open. If you feel uncomfortable about leaving it open simply brush your hand across it as if painting it over. Try not to do this, your portal is meant to remain open.
  •    Avoid spiting your 30 minutes of work up into smaller time portions. You truly need 30 minutes to visualize properly. Your are experiencing multi-dimensions and in spite of how simple this exercise is few accomplish it at a great level, partially due to being tied to 3-D and not opening up ones mind and partially due to not devoted the time and effort to it.
  •   This is not dangerous, keep in mind that your experience is Your Will. Any negativity you may experience will not harm you, it is information you require to function at a higher level within your current life experience. If you see something you do not want to experience, fill it with Golden White Light from source.
  •     And no, you are not going to physically travel there, unable to return. If you have taken the full Chakra Course you will know that you are traveling to these destinations within your Merkaba, it is your light body that is traveling, not your 3rd Dimensional human body.

      You can do this as a group if you are like minded and at the same ascension levels. My Transcendental mediation group is quite accomplished at Quantum Jumping, or in other words, Opening and Experiencing other dimensions as a group. After our sessions we write our personal experiences down prior to sharing and then are amazed at how similar all our experiences were. One of us may have felt as if we broke up into small particles and traveled through worm-holes, while another one of us saw it. Quite a remarkable experience.

How to Open a Dimensional Portal

Yes, you can open a portal and link to other dimensions in your very own living space. You can actually communicate with dimensional wildlife as well as you in alternate universes or dimensions! You do not have to worry about getting any entities or life forms that are not for your higher good because the dimension you sync up with is determined by you and Your Will alone.

First you will need a basic understanding of energy and how everything and everyone is connected within source energy a working knowledge of Kundalini Energy is also helpful. If you have taken the full course of Chakra Classes you will have an understanding of both Source Energy and Kundalini by this point.

1.      Find a wall, now pick a spot on that wall for your Target Area

2.      This will be your target area for the next week or two. This is where your portal is going to be. If you really want to make this work your going to need to apply some simple effort.

3.      You'll want to set aside a good healthy 30 minutes a day on this, and dont skimp. You should practice this excercise in your room with the lights turned off or very low, (for your sake more so than anything when starting out its easier for you to see activity when it starts to perculate if you are in the dark)

4.      Starting with your spot, which should generally be the size of your fist. (over time you will expand the size of the area your working on.) Your going to point your hand out at this spot like a gun. As you do this you'll want to begin to visualize a purple energy emanating out of your finger tip and into this spot on the wall. Move your fingers clockwise in a circular motion and picture a swirling of purple energy as you maintain your focus on the spot.

5.      Your arm may get tired so your free to alternate a little between using your hand and projecting the intention from your chest, Higher Heart Chakra. You can also rest your arm close to your body and continue the motion from the hip as your sitting. Just don't let your mind get too lazy or running off on tangents of internal distractions and thoughts. Intention and focus are key here.

6.      Another tip is to try and feel the space behind the wall. Not the space on the other side of the wall, but the space of where this other dimension exists. A vastness if you will. Don't visualize what the place may look or be like too much, just get a feel for the spaciousness and continue with the swirling purple energy.

7.      As you see fit your going to gradually work your way outwards until your portal is the radius of roughly a foot to two feet wide.

Thats it.. your intention and general mood is what will allow this portal to open up into a higher frequency of dimension than our own. This means your not going to get any dark entities or anomolies that are undesirable. You might be surprised by how pristine your experiences to come will be. Just don't let your imagination get carried away with unnecessary fears and enjoy the experience's.

Regiment - 30 minutes a day for one to two weeks. Don't be surprised if it starts to become active in the first couple of days. That doesn't mean its fully opened so keep at it. You never know what you may find but its sure to be interesting. Lots of activity is the norm.

Those of you who are advanced in meditation skills may find that all you need to do is concentrate on the focus area then let your mind go.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions