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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Law of Attraction, Personal Development and Change

Many people come into the law of attraction and personal development realm thinking that they have things to change. That in order to attract, manifest, and start living the life of their dreams, the life they truly want to live, that they have to become this whole new person and fix all sorts of things about themselves. This is not only false, it is completely wrong.

The law of attraction and personal development, living the life of your dreams for that matter, has very little to nothing to do with change. Sure, there are things that need to be different, but that is not the same as change. Many people look at their lives like a car that is broken down. Like they or their lives need to be fixed in order to work better.

First of all, there is nothing wrong with you as you are. You are already perfect in terms of living the life you currently live. You are exactly what and who you need to be in order to live the life you currently live, and you need to start by realizing that you are already perfect in all aspects for that life.

Second, it is not so much about changing or fixing things as it is about letting go and accepting. Your life is not like a broken down car that needs an engine repair, a complete over haul, or new parts in order to work perfectly. What your life needs is a shift if anything.

What I would like you to understand is that things do not need to be changed, they need to be used properly. Many of us already posses all the tools we need in order to live the life we truly want to live right here and now. We do not need to change this to that, or fix this in order to have that, do or be that. We must learn to use the tools we were born with properly in order to start living the life we desire living.

Most people live their lives trying to hammer in nails with a knife, so to speak. If we would instead learn to use a knife to cut and a hammer to nail, we would see drastically different results in our lives. The same is true when it comes to your natural ability, which each and every one of us was born with.

Instead of trying to change or fix things, work toward learning how to do things more appropriately with what you already have. Learn to let go and open up and start accepting things as they naturally are in your life. This doesn’t involve any change, but instead involves pausing for a moment to look around and truly see.

Start by letting go of your current beliefs and ideas of the world, people, yourself, life, and the way things are and how they work. This doesn’t involve change, but instead involves letting go. It is your current perception and mindset that causes you to make specific decisions when in specific situations.

Let go of the need and desire to have things a certain way, and you will be amazed at how easily and quickly you actually get things to be that specific way. Open up to your natural gifts and abilities and let them guide you toward what you want. We were all born with the right and the ability to be rich, healthy, happy, joyful, successful, or whatever else you can think of. Instead of trying to make those things happen for you, simply open up and let them happen for you.

Wealth, abundance, happiness, joy, success, money, love, and anything else you can think of are all choices. They are all our birth right and it is our beliefs and opinions that make things different for us. We must learn to simply let those things we desire and want to flow through us without getting in its way as we so often do and they will be ours for the taking.

The next part is accepting things as they truly are. Most of our problems and issues come from our inability to accept things as they are, truly are, in the moment. If we would learn to be okay with things as they are and start moving in directions by opening up so that those things can be different, we would again be amazed at what we could do and how well we could do it.

It is amazing that someone who is wrong will try to argue in order to be right and someone who is right will argue to be more right. No matter how much one argues about their position or place, it does not change the reality of the situation. If one is wrong, no amount of arguing will make them right no matter how many people’s opinions they change. If one is right, they will remain right no matter how much they argue to prove their point.

Simply accept things as they are, and if you are not happy with the way things are, work toward making them be what you wish them to be. Be willing to close your lips and be okay with being right or wrong no matter how many people see things differently. Open up, let go of limiting issues and beliefs, and accept things as they truly are, and the world will open the gates of told and prosperity for you.

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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions