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Genesis Gateway Integration Crystal Light Array Therapy Bed is perfect for balancing your mind, body, soul & spirit. It focuses energies from the spiritual realm through the energetic stream of Genesis Gateway Integration directly to you.  We have taken the basic technology used by John of God to create his healing tables and customized it through information obtained directly from Ascended Master Sananda and Archangel Raziel. We have uniquely incorporated Light, Color, Crystals, Mandala Energy, Pyramid Energy, Sacred Sounds, Sacred Water, and Aromatherapy into a multidimensional experience, bringing one directly into the highest quotient of Divine Light possible.

The quartz crystals within the light array have been custom cut (the end you do not see) with a process called vogel cut, to resonate at specific vibrations mirroring those of the seven major Archangels and Ascended Masters associated with Genesis Gateway Integration and the seven 3rd dimensional chakras. 

A beautiful Mandala made from a variety of semi-precious gem stones has been embedded into the bed, allowing you to become one with the Mandala which brings one in direct contact with Source Energy. Genesis Gateway Integration Crystal Light Array Therapy Table also encompasses the energy spectrum of the Sacred Pyramid. A copper pyramid, built with very specific specification is positioned under table. Various types of crystals have been placed within the copper rods of the pyramid within the constructs of sacred geometry. This pyramid focuses the natural electromagnetic field of the Earth towards your pineal gland which in turn increases the connection with the Etheric or Spiritual world. The pyramid acts as an acceleration field. The energy source of the Genesis Gateway Integration Pyramid is similar, if not the same, as the ones Ancient Egyptians used and built the great pyramids of Giza for. 

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