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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Finding True Self
Now that you have a better understanding of the Brow Chakra it is time to revisit our on going homework. Thus far we have learned that feelings unresolved sit and ferment within the Solar Plexus Chakra. With the Heart Chakra we begin to look at life through the eyes of compassion. Our unresolved feelings now take on new context, we let go of false preconceptions as well as ego. The Throat Chakra allowed us to speak the truths of the heart and now with the added energies of the Brow Chakra we see that the only way to move forward is to allow ourselves to let go of all not for our higher good. Finding forgiveness for ourselves and others sets us free. Forgiveness does not mean condoning the action, it does mean you can understand that was all they were capable of or for that matter you were capable of at the time.
Detaching from a situation and looking at it from all perspectives helps us to see the dynamics that created the actions. For instance, if I know that a particular person was abused as a child, then turns around and abuses their own child, detachment helps me to see why they did it, it is all they know. However this does not condone the action, only explains why. Then with the energy of the Heart Chakra I can look at this person with compassion, "How sad that is all they know". Now with the energy of the Throat Chakra, truths about this can be spoken and done without malice. Energies can now be put into motion to properly help all involved. In the instance that child was myself, be able to stop the cycle of abuse within my own life and forgive the perpetrator for being the only person he or she knew how to be. The Brow Chakra has allowed me to see the only way to move forward is to let go of that which is not good for me.
By this point in your quest to find your Belief System you more than likely are finding that less and less are on the ,"I Should" list and more are making their way to the, "I want". For example, one of my students was needing to fix up their yard, it was in bad shape and all this person could see was, I should clean up the yard, I should make it look better and yet I hate yard work. This student made her self miserable shoulding all over herself. Then one day a realization came, I have always wanted a meditation garden, how fun would it be to to that, matter of fact I want to do this.
Th list at the bottom of this section is from the Solar Plexus class on Core Beliefs, take another look at it. If for any reason any of these still are part of your beliefs, then take a hard look within and ask the big question, WHY? What churning emotions within the Solar Plexus is keeping you anchored within the I Should. For example, should I put up with an abusive, nasty, demeaning family member. The answer is No. I would not put up with that behavior from a stranger, so I certainly will not put up with it from family or friends. Do I need to make a big production out of it, No. Your relationship must be based on the honesty of your belief system. I will limit contact with this person, I will however be polite at family functions and if confronted will be truthful and let them know that when the behavior changes so will the dynamics of the relationship.
To demonstrate this I will use another one of my stories. I have a family member that wanted me to show them that I loved them more then my dog and to prove this I either had to put my dog to sleep or not talk with them again. Did I belive this needed to be done to prove love, No, did I believe this was an unrealistic demand, Yes, did I feel bad that my dog lived to tell the tale, No, have I respected the request to not have contact, Yes, if they ever needed me would I be there for them, Yes, do I love them any less, No, do I feel compassion that is the only way they know how to behave, Yes.
Now back to the pie. Understanding the energy of the Brow Chakra helped me to let go of the feelings tied to it. It had nothing to do with me, the people involved were acting the only why they knew how and hanging on to it was not healthy.
 Revisit the list with honesty.
Are you still:
  • Accepting the presence of a family member you would rather not be around?
  • Accepting a relationship that is no longer (or may never have been) healthy and happy?
  • Afraid to end unhealthy relationships because you fear the drama of the breakup or you believe to end it would be cruel or selfish?
  • Accepting a job you really didn't or don't now want?
  • Living somewhere when you'd rather be living somewhere else?
  • Letting those close to you dominate you to keep the peace?
  • Caring for or supporting a relative because "It's the right thing to do"?
  • Accepting commitments and obligations that restrict your time or freedom because it seems right or because you didn't realize the consequences when you accepted it?
  • Doing anything because someone else thinks you should?
If you are doing things out of the sense of obligation, guilt, or because you have been taught you should, you are caught in the trap of family and social restrictions. You are not living as the true you. You have absorbed values not consistent with your true nature. Living according to false values creates internal conflict, leading to stress, discomfort, and unhappiness.
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