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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

Core Belief System

Most of us do indeed accept the culture, standards, and expectations handed to us from others. The only way to be truly free is to discover the unique person that is you. Most of you have no clue as to who you truly are. You have grown up and lived in the presence of pressures to behave according to the norms of others; your parents, your friends, your culture, and your partners. This has had a great influence on what you think are your values and tastes. You have absorbed who you are from others. Taking on the values of others leads to frustration and unhappiness.
Through the knowledge of the chakra we are now able to understand why we do and think as we do. We have shed the beliefs that are not innately us and are recognizing the core beliefs of who we truly are. By now you have realized that is is nearly impossible to place any belief into the "I should" list. You know see that the I shoulds are beliefs that have been forced upon us. The beliefs that are truly us easily are placed within the "I want" list. When you go through life Shoulding all over yourself, happiness and contentment will always elude you.
Now back to the saga of the chocolate pie. Initially what was taken from the incident had me defining myself as worthless, "not even worth a piece of pie". Through the Crown Achira I learned that what defines me are my actions, my spiritual connection, and how I walk the path enlightenment. Ego stepped in and tried its best to keep my vibrations at a lower resonance therefore keeping me from path of enlightenment. The only one that has power to define me, is me. I allowed a belief system that was undeveloped and not of my core beliefs to guide how I perceived things. What a powerful concept to learn.
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*The information and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent, or treat any form of illness or disease. The intent is to expand one’s personal choices. |Renewal Oils & Genesis Gateway Integration™|Copyright 2015 | All Rights Reserved| Terms & Conditions