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Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

What is a Chakra

Chakra is the Western version of the Sanskrit ‘cakra,’ which means ‘wheel’ or ‘circle.’ Chakra is based on the idea that the energy of the body  is centered through seven main points in the middle of the body that move in a circular pattern, creating the aura of the body. These seven chakras have specific functions and chakra colors that develop and promote energy for a healthy life.   Each chakra has its own specific chakra color and energy.

The first of the seven chakras is Muladhara. This is the root chakra located at the base of the spine and pelvic area. This chakra energy point is the basis of human survival, it is the foundation of primitive needs such and the foundation of the human spirit. Muladhara’s chakra color is red. The color red has long been used to show passion and desire. As the chakra color, red governs the basic human desire: to survive. The Muladhara chakra energy signifies the desire to eat
, to have warmth and shelter and to feel protection from strife. These are the strongest and most basic of human desires and balanced chakra energy here will create calmness. This is also the chakra color that is related to bone strength, blood circulation, the immune system and the lower intestines. The chakra color of red can bring passion and desire into a bland or melancholy life. Minerals that represent the base chakra color of red are red garnet, black obsidian and smoky or red quartz.

The second of the seven chakras is Svadhisthana. This chakra energy exists at the belly button or navel. This is where the human center of sexual desire and emotional connection exists. The Svadhisthana chakra color is orange. The chakra color of orange represents vitality and celebration. Orange chakra energy reflects the desire for feelings, discovery and sexual appetite. The body organs governed by this chakra color are the reproductive and urinary organs. Orange stones such as tiger (or cat’s) eye and carnelian can help one feel revitalized and strong.

The third of the seven chakras is Manipura. This chakra energy is located at the solar plexis and is colored yellow. The Manipura is the center of the human will, integrity, personal empowerment and identity. This chakra color is yellow. The chakra energy for the Manipura is related to the digestive system, upper intestines and liver. This chakra color signifies the physical energy of the sun manifested as self-will, intentions and self-direction. The stone associated with the yellow chakra color is citrine.

The fourth of the seven chakras is Anahata, which exists above the heart. This chakra color is green or pink and is significant of love, inner balance, compassion for others and emotional expression. The chakra colors of green signify personal ideals, inner nurture and forgiveness of the self and of others. The Anahata chakra is responsible for the heart, arteries, blood circulation and breasts. The chakra color green can bring calmness in times of turmoil, which helps lessen stress on the heart. Minerals associated with this chakra color are malachite, jade and quartz.

The fifth of the seven chakras is Vishuddha, which is located at the throat. Vishuddha chakra energy is related to speaking, expression and communication. This chakra color is blue. This chakra rules over the throat and glands of the throat, the mouth and the ears. The Vishuddha chakra energy is used for personal expression in speaking, such as during speeches and communication. It is the manner in which people connect through communication. The minerals involved in the throat chakra are sodalite, azurite, azanite and kyanite. The chakra color blue can help one express inner thoughts and emotions, as well as increase interpersonal communication.

The sixth of the seven chakras is Ajna, which is located on the forehead between the eyebrows. This is the third eye and chakra energy here is colored violet. It is responsible for the mind, foresight, self awareness and intuition. This is the third eye and the violet chakra energy can bring inner peace, visions and develop the imagination. The third eye chakra energy rules over the brain, central nervous system, pineal and pituitary glands. The chakra color violet can help meditation, thinking, uplift low spirits and develop spiritual awareness. The common mineral for the chakra color violet is lapis and fluorite.

The final of the seven chakras is Sahasrara, also called the crown chakra. This chakra energy is located at the crown of the head and is the point of wisdom and understanding. This chakra color is white, which signifies that it is the culmination of all the chakra colors. Weak chakra energy here may cause indifference and general malaise. The crown chakra energy develops the musculoskeletal system and skin health. The white chakra color is transcendent. It is the chakra color of high levels of spiritual enlightenment, physical strength and higher consciousness.

The chakra color white can help induce faith, inspiration, courage and spirituality. The minerals that represent this chakra color are amethyst, opal and clear quartz.

Chakra color healing can come from identifying the weaknesses of the body’s chakra energy. Quiet meditation is used to identify weak and pure chakra energies within the body. This does not have to be an extensive practice. Instead, practice quiet and short times of meditation to gain understanding of the body’s chakra colors and energy. This develops chakra energy awareness and thus allows one to explore the chakra colors that are specific to the body and spirit. Once one is familiar with the chakra colors of the body, visualize the body and the specific chakra colors that are attached to the center line. Understanding personal imbalances in chakra colors comes with time and patience. The mind, spirit and body must be patient to develop understanding of personal chakra colors. If one is really interested in chakra color therapy, contact a chakra healer or read about chakra healing online. Websites such as and are great resources to start a personal chakra energy journey.

Wearing chakra colors in their base form and various gems and minerals that match accordingly can help lift the chakra energy and general feeling of dispirit. For example, if one is frustrated about speaking at a public engagement, wear the chakra color blue to increase the physical and spiritual ability to speak. If one feels weak and tired, revitalize the spirit with the chakra color orange. Another way to gain benefits from chakra colors is painting a room or decorating it with the accompanying chakra colors. For example, when the body and mind is feeling constricted or when you are suffering from low spirits, bring the color violet into the home through flowers, wallpaper and paints. This does not have to be an entire room, or even an entire wall. Try painting just the doorframes from room to room in a soft violet.

Chakra colors have been around for a very long time. They have helped lift spirits, increase the mind and improve bodily functions. Meditating on the inner chakra energy can help identify weaknesses in chakra colors. Combating weak chakra colors takes patience and sometimes outside help, as well as placing the corresponding chakra color around the body.

What's Your Dosha?

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old approach to healthy living that emphasizes a body and mind in harmony with nature. It holds that we're all made up of a combination of elements - air, fire, water, space and earth - which form our dominant personality type, or dosha. Our dosha also gives us insight into the state of our health and our skin-care needs. Are you a Pitta, Kapha or Vata? Find out now with our
dosha quiz.


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The second of the seven chakras is Svadhisthana. This chakra energy exists at the belly button or navel. This is where the human center of sexual desire and emotional connection exists. The Svadhisthana chakra color is orange. The chakra color of orange represents vitality and celebration. Orange chakra energy reflects the desire for feelings, discovery and sexual appetite. The body  organs governed by this chakra color are the reproductive and urinary organs. Orange stones such as tiger (or cat’s) eye and carnelian can help one feel revitalized and strong.

The third of the seven chakras is Manipura. This chakra energy is located at the solar plexis and is colored yellow. The Manipura is the center of the human will, integrity, personal empowerment and identity. This chakra color is yellow. The chakra energy for the Manipura is related to the digestive system, upper intestines and liver. This chakra color signifies the physical energy of the sun manifested as self-will, intentions and self-direction. The stone associated with the yellow chakra color is citrine.

The fourth of the seven chakras is Anahata, which exists above the heart. This chakra color is green or pink and is significant of love, inner balance, compassion for others and emotional expression. The chakra colors of green signify personal ideals, inner nurture and forgiveness of the self and of others. The Anahata chakra is responsible for the heart, arteries, blood circulation and breasts. The chakra color green can bring calmness in times of turmoil, which helps lessen stress on the heart. Minerals associated with this chakra color are malachite, jade and quartz.



The fifth of the seven chakras is Vishuddha, which is located at the throat. Vishuddha chakra energy is related to speaking, expression and communication. This chakra color is blue. This chakra rules over the throat and glands of the throat, the mouth and the ears. The Vishuddha chakra energy is used for personal expression in speaking, such as during speeches and communication. It is the manner in which people connect through communication. The minerals involved in the throat chakra are sodalite, azurite, azanite and kyanite. The chakra color blue can help one express inner thoughts and emotions, as well as increase interpersonal communication.

The sixth of the seven chakras is Ajna, which is located on the forehead between the eyebrows. This is the third eye and chakra energy here is colored violet. It is responsible for the mind, foresight, self awareness and intuition. This is the third eye and the violet chakra energy can bring inner peace, visions and develop the imagination. The third eye chakra energy rules over the brain
, central nervous system, pineal and pituitary glands. The chakra color violet can help meditation, thinking, uplift low spirits and develop spiritual awareness. The common mineral for the chakra color violet is lapis and fluorite.

The final of the seven chakras is Sahasrara, also called the crown chakra. This chakra energy is located at the crown of the head and is the point of wisdom and understanding. This chakra color is white, which signifies that it is the culmination of all the chakra colors. Weak chakra energy here may cause indifference and general malaise. The crown chakra energy develops the musculoskeletal system and skin health
. The white chakra color is transcendent. It is the chakra color of high levels of spiritual enlightenment, physical strength and higher consciousness.



The chakra color white can help induce faith, inspiration, courage and spirituality. The minerals that represent this chakra color are amethyst, opal and clear quartz.

Chakra color healing can come from identifying the weaknesses of the body's 
chakra energy. Quiet meditation is used to identify weak and pure chakra energies within the body. This does not have to be an extensive practice. Instead, practice quiet and short times of meditation to gain understanding of the body’s chakra colors and energy. This develops chakra energy awareness and thus allows one to explore the chakra colors that are specific to the body and spirit. Once one is familiar with the chakra colors of the body, visualize the body and the specific chakra colors that are attached to the center line. Understanding personal imbalances in chakra colors comes with time and patience. The mind, spirit and body must be patient to develop understanding of personal chakra colors. If one is really interested in chakra color therapy, contact a chakra healer or read about chakra healing online. Websites such as and are great resources to start a personal chakra energy journey.



Wearing chakra colors in their base form and various gems and minerals that match accordingly can help lift the chakra energy and general feeling of dispirit. For example, if one is frustrated about speaking at a public engagement, wear the chakra color blue to increase the physical and spiritual ability to speak. If one feels weak and tired, revitalize  the spirit with the chakra color orange. Another way to gain benefits from chakra colors is painting a room or decorating it with the accompanying chakra colors. For example, when the body  and mind is feeling constricted or when you are suffering from low spirits, bring the color violet into the home through flowers, wallpaper and paints. This does not have to be an entire room, or even an entire wall. Try painting  just the doorframes from room to room in a soft violet.

Chakra colors have been around for a very long time. They have helped lift spirits, increase the mind and improve bodily functions. Meditating on the inner chakra energy can help identify weaknesses in chakra colors. Combating weak chakra colors takes patience and sometimes outside help, as well as placing the corresponding chakra color around the body.


Ways to Energize Your Chakras

Everyday we stimulate our chakra centers in one way or another, for example, through the different thoughts we have or physically through our senses. Daily we energize our centers, consciously or unconsciously, through various methods. Following is a list of common ways we charge our chakra centers:

Thought is an energy form. Science has proven a positive thought allows our energy to flow freely and unrestricted. Whereas, negative thoughts decrease energy within our body. Every thought (whether mental or emotional) is connected to a chakra. For example, a passionate thought is a red energy stimulant, but an angry thought decreases one's positive red energy flow. This means that continual angry thoughts will lower your root chakra's energy.

The Sun
This is our most important energy source. Through light all the seven color energies flow from the sun’s rays to the earth. People, animals, plants, minerals, water and our chakras receive energy from the sun’s light. (If you are not able to enjoy the sun for a few hours daily, add a quality full spectrum light bulb to a light source in your work area or in a lamp at home.)

When the sun’s rays bless all plant life, it gives the plant life/energy. Once the plant absorbs energy, the color energy that remains is the energy of that fruit, vegetable or flower. Without this energy our body could not assimilate the nutritional value of the food. Balance your chakras daily by eating foods that contain each of the seven color energies (that’s why the doctor always said to eat a plate of different colored foods... for the color value!).

Meditation & Breathing (Yoga). Since thought is an energy form you can stimulate your chakra centers through meditation, visualization or breathing energy into your various chakra centers. By adding the color intention adds additional power from a chakra’s vibration.

Gemstones and minerals are also energy forms. For example, crystals contain a similar crystalline structure as the human body. Crystals amplify energy and can be programmed (e.g. computer chips and watches). Wearing gemstone jewelry or placing gemstones and minerals in your environment is a simple way to absorb the stone or mineral’s healing vibrations.

Color Bathing
(One of my favorites!) Water is a conductor of energy and color is an energy. While lying in the colored water your body absorbs the vibrational frequency from the color. Take the time to give back to your body and soul! While bathing, balance that chakra by thinking about what you would like to achieve from that specific energy and maybe add the correlating aromatherapy oil. Do not use chemical food coloring to dye your water. I recommend Colour Bath™ by Colour Energy Corporation, as it is totally organic and therefore safe to use.

Essential oils are the pure essence of the plant or flower. Every oil has a vibration that correlates to a color. Oils contain the healing properties of herbs, flowers or plants. Use only therapeutic quality oils (inexpensive oils may contain toxins). Also never apply oils directly on your skin (dilute with a carrier oil or in a bath).

Music & Dance
Music effects us in a positive or negative way. Every musical note corresponds to a color and chakra center. Certain sounds can stimulate an emotional, mental, physical or spiritual response. E.g. Listening or dancing to primal music, such as the beating of drums, can energize your physical body and stimulate your root chakra.

Toning & Sounds
We can vocally make sounds to vibrate at the same frequency as various organs in our body. Regular toning can help keep our body’s organs functioning properly. Noise pollution can be very disturbing to our environment. Surround yourself with sounds, which make you happy and productive!

Color Tonations
By shining of light through various color filters directly onto the body, the vibration of the color will be absorbed through your skin effecting the designated area.

Solarized Water
Charge water by filling a colored glass with water or by placing a colored filter in front of a glass of water and let the sun’s rays kiss the water with color energy. Make sure the glass is not leaded and of a clean color hue.

Is the use of color through the eyes. Via our eyes color stimulates our pituitary gland, which in turn releases hormones connected to the correlating organ of the same frequency. Therapeutic eye glasses that are manufactured with various colored filters can be simply worn whenever you need a boost of a certain color or chakra energy. Make sure the color eyeglasses are 100% UVA & UVB coated if wearing outdoors and again the exact color tint of the lens is very, very important. Note: Unless the color glass manufacturer or distributor is aware of color therapy, chances are their colored lenses are not made for healing purposes.

Use colors consciously in your home or work environment to give you more positive and productive energy. Paint a room or add different colored pillows, artwork, carpets, etc.

What we wear will influence our mood, mind and energy level. Light penetrates through our clothing amplifying the color energy we are wearing. The more vibrant the clothing the better the energy transfer.

Art & Color
Art and color can be used as an outlet to either express or stimulate. Surround yourself with the colors, which are suitable for what you need to accomplish in that area. Use calming colors in your bedroom and mentally stimulating colors in your workspace.

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