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Chakras Balancing

Balancing and unifying our third dimensional chakra is a very important step in our spiritual growth for these chakras are the foundation all the higher chakras and dimensions rest upon. If our third dimensional chakras are not working together, balanced and unified then we remain anchored within our egos and third dimensional way of thinking, the focus being on lack and duality. Balancing our chakras assists in raising our personal vibration preparing us for entering the energetic field of the higher dimensions and chakras. 


Third Dimensional Chakra System

1st Chakra - ROOT/BASE - The ROOT fork is the same frequency as an Earth Day which is 24 hours. The energy is dynamic, stimulating, vitalizing and tonifying. It is the frequency that influences the physical body

2nd Chakra - SACRAL - The SACRAL fork is the same frequency as the Synodic Moon, which is the time of the full moon. This tone stimulates sexual energy and supports erotic communication. Also good for woman's cycles and for disturbances of the glandular and lymphathic systems.

3rd Chakra - SOLAR PLEXUS - The SOLAR PLEXUS fork is the same frequency as our solar systems central star, the Sun. The Sun is the trasmitter and receiver of energies between Earth and the Cosmos. It is the zero point or the point of stillness between Yin and Yang, and all cycles. This tone advances the magical and the transcendental.

4th Chakra - HEART (Cosmic Middle OM) - The HEART fork is tuned to the Middle OM vibration and resonates to the Earth Yearor the time it takes the Earth to rotate around the sun, which is one year or 365 days. This tone promotes deep relaxation and sedation. It is the frequency that influences the soul

5th Chakra - THROAT - The THROAT fork is the same frequency as the planet Mercury. This tone supports the speech center and all forms of communication.

6th Chakra - 3RD EYE - The 3RD EYE fork is the same frequency as the planet Venus. This tone promotes a great flow of love energy and inner harmony.

7th Chakra - CROWN - The CROWN fork is the same frequency as the Platonic Year, which is 25,920 years. It is the time the axis of the Earth takes to complete a full rotation. The tone supports cheerfulnessclarity of spirit, supports cosmic unity and is antidepressive.  F is the tone of the principle of Joyous Spirit. It is the gateway to spiritual heaven and the connecting link to the Tao in its purest form

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