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Genesis Gateway Integration

Renewal Oils

Quote From Dr. Oz

“I think the next big frontier is unlocking the doors to energy medicine. It dramatically broadens our vista of opportunities to heal. The challenge that we have is that energy is not as easily quantified as the surgeon’s scalpel.”
— Dr. Mehmet Oz, O Magazine, Dec 2010

The Sixteenth Chakra: Earth Star is approximately 18 inches below our feet & when activated grounds our Spirit-Self fully into the physical then into the Infinite Moment of the Present, where we are the most powerful - "Spirit having a human experience". We cannot be anything other than Spirit, although humans tend to ignore this Truth, & there is nothing to look for except within the self - to remember we are a piece of the Divine. 
Color: Forest Green
Note A#

These 16 chakras, along with other major & minor chakras, make up the most important interface between our spirit & physical bodies. The chakras directly interface with our nervous system, hence the importance of clearing both systems--physical & energy bodies. When we observe our patterns (attitudes, values & beliefs) we see clues as to what chakras are out of balance.

Physical pain associated with chakra imbalances is very real. We carry our past predominately in our backs, which represents our past--literally behind us! People often experience a physical sensation related to a 'broken' heart. They may experience pain around their mid spinal region between the shoulder blades, and upon visualizing their emotional heart, 'see' either an image of something protecting their heart or 'see' it as broken. When a person has money issues and feels unsupported in some area of their life, they may experience low back pain.

The chakras are in essence computers, gathering & storing information that then gets transferred to their interfaces, the physical & spirit bodies, through the nervous system & subtle bodies. Having your chakras closed is like trying to operate your computer with it switched off. Therefore it's not a protection, but rather the opposite keeping you unprotected & open to negative or unwanted energies.

When your chakras are open & operating in harmony with one another, you are communicating freely with your Spirit-self. Most importantly when your charkas are open, your heart chakra is open, & you are exuding Love, in & around you, & this is your greatest protection.

When the Earth Star is closed, or deactivated, all the other chakras are affected. Some will be partially open but moving sluggishly, some closed. Conversely I have found that when the Earth Star is then opened, all chakras are affected in a positive way also.

In order to go through how to open & maintain your chakras, we first need to establish how they spin - in which direction. There are 2 main beliefs about how the chakra system spins - both are valid & work, if that's your belief. Typically, how you were first taught is the one that works for you. The Council of 12 taught me this way: Each chakra spins the opposite direction to the one next to it, creating a DNA-like spiral that locks them together, starting with the Earth Star spinning counter clockwise. Another easy way to remember it is that all the odd numbers spin clockwise, while the even numbers spin counter clockwise.

How you check this is with a pendulum, which is also how you clear & open them. You can hold a pendulum over any chakra & ask to be shown how it's spinning. If a chakra is closed, the pendulum will do nothing. If it's only partially open the pendulum will spin very slowly. When a chakra is fully open the pendulum will spin smoothly & reasonably fast, in large circle. Once you've established if your Earth Star is open or closed, & you've checked your solar plexus & heart chakras, you can start realigning all your chakras.

It's best to be sitting in a chair for this exercise, so you have easy access to all your chakras. Starting at the Earth Star, which is approx. 20 cm below your feet point your pendulum at the chakra. Lean forward & rest you elbow on the knee. This will give you the right position, at the level of your ankles & forward of them. Now, make the pendulum spin counter clockwise. Do this for about 30 seconds, until the pendulum spins easily on its own.

Continue up to your ankle chakra--clockwise, then knees - counter clockwise, first - counter clockwise, & so on, holding the pendulum over the area of each chakra until you get to the crown chakra on top of your head - clockwise.

I know you're wondering at this point, how you're going to clear the higher charkas. Since intention is everything, you're going to imagine bring each one of them down in front of you--out from your body at approximately the level of your heart chakra. Continuing on with the 8th chakra--counterclockwise, & so on to the 12th chakra. Make each one spin until it can spin naturally on its own without your assistance. Sit quietly for a few minutes at the end, with your eyes closed & notice how you feel. Notice if you feel different to how you did before you started this exercise. Do you feel calmer, more at peace?

Another exercise that you can use to open each chakra is to visualize each one spinning as above & visualizing the appropriate color for each. Another way is to hold a double terminated clear quartz crystal or selenite wand over each chakra while you're using your pendulum. Alternatively you can hold a Herkimer or Tibetan Diamond at the points, between your thumb & index fingers. This will help to clear each chakra of any unwanted energies more thoroughly. Ideally, Chakra balancing should be practiced daily.


The Earth Star Chakra in a physical being is hidden and located approximately 18 inches below the soles of the feet. The Earth Star Chakra locks the individual’s energies into a harmonious relationship with the planet and anchors the body into the time and space coordinates of the planet. The Earth Star Chakra connects us to the Earth’s Core as well as the Earth’s Electromagnetic Fields. The Earth Star Chakra forms prior to birth in the geographic location and familial circumstances required by the Soul to accomplish the lessons of mastery. It contains the memory of the Soul’s journey and of this life’s innumerable paths. It contains the memory of the One Path that is the Soul’s Highest Intent for this lifetime. The Old Age Archetype of this Chakra represented the concept that physical incarnation is a fall from grace, a repetitive and vicious karmic cycle of birth and rebirth full of suffering and loss. Because of original sin all life forms are separated from the Divine and life on Earth is “hell” restricted by the five senses and limited awareness. We are alone in the Universe and alone within ourselves. The New Light and the New Time Archetype of this Chakra represents the concept that this life is the completion of the current Planetary Cycle of karma, its limitations, and its suffering. During this lifetime the physical incarnation will begin to remember mastery, experience expanded awareness, and prepare with all life forms in the Universe for an evolutionary shift closer toward the Divine Source. Recognition of the varied other Consciousness within the Universe at large and in the various other dimensions of time and space and our connection to them is highlighted. Earth incarnation is not experienced as restrictive but as the time for expansion and transformation that will result in a heaven on Earth, a new cycle of existence, or the Golden Age of the human species. The Earth Star Chakra color vibration is dark silver or black.

The earth star chakra meanings relate to the very foundation of your being, within everyday life. It also relates to energy and is your anchor into physicality... and is very important for everyone, but especially spiritual people.

This chakras meaning is all about the idea of 'grounding', especially in a metaphysical way. This chakra is where you connect to Mother Gaia to resource and reground your body. As you reconnect to her energy, you do two things. You draw from the earth the vibration that enables you to become grounded... and discharge into the earth your excess energy.

This is particularly the buildup of energy in your bodies after intense spiritual experiences. It is important that you regularly make the connection to the earth through your earth star chakra... to ground yourself.

Main principles of the Earth Star Chakra: Grounding and Survival

The Earth Star is the first of the Transpersonal Chakras: Earth Star, Soul Star, and Stellar Gateway. There are a number of different names given to these chakras which are situated below and above the physical body.

The Earth Star chakra as an extension of the properties of the Root Chakra, only multiplied ten-fold! This is an extraordinary chakra. Being connected to the core of the earth through this chakra is the most relaxing experience, particularly for those who are unfamiliar with feeling grounded!

The Earth Star is the principal grounding chakra - the chakra through which we maintain our connection with the earth, our connection with Mother Nature. Without this grounding force we are left floating around, spaced out, feeling like we're not living in the present, in the now. Without grounding we are like a live electricity cable zapping about, dangling in mid-air! We are affected by every little thing that comes our way, we are knocked off balance, easily upset, we hold on to negative energy, unable to find a release.

So grounding brings wonderful calm - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually! We can learn to release all of our tensions, upset and negativity into the ground. Once we have formed this connection with the earth through the root chakra we can then also take in the great earth energy, that brings peace, contentedness, security, satisfaction and a new practical perspective on life. We are no longer caught up in the destructive emotions of fear (for our safety, our health, our wealth, our loved ones), anger, jealousy, etc., but we are at ease, we can enjoy life and the time we have on earth.

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